From its distinctive neighborhoods to its architectural homes, Los Angeles has been the backdrop to countless movies. In this dazzling work, Andersen takes viewers on a whirlwind tour through the metropolis' real and cinematic history, investigating the myriad stories and legends that have come to define it, and meticulously, judiciously revealing the real city that lives beneath.
This year, over 5 million American kids will be bullied at school, online, on the bus, at home, through their cell phones and on the streets of their towns, making it the most common form of violence young people in this country experience. The Bully Project is the first feature documentary film to show how we've all been affected by bullying, whether we've been victims, perpetrators or stood silent witness. The world we inhabit as adults begins on the playground. The Bully Project opens on the first day of school. For the more than 5 million kids who'll be bullied this year in the United States, it's a day filled with more anxiety and foreboding than excitement. As the sun rises and school busses across the country overflow with backpacks, brass instruments and the rambunctious sounds of raging hormones, this is a ride into the unknown.
A young man returns to Kashmir after his father's disappearance to confront his uncle - the man he suspects to have a role in his father's fate.
Koloniálna India, rok 1913. Srinavasa Ramanujan je dvadsaťpäťročný úradník expedície a matematik-samouk, ktorý pohorel na vysokej škole kvôli takmer posadnutosti samoštúdiom matematiky. Ramanujan, ktorý je napriek odmietaniu a výsmechu rovesníkov odhodlaný nasledovať svoju vášeň, napíše list G. H. Hardymu, poprednému britskému profesorovi matematiky z cambridgeskej Trinity College. Hardy rozpozná originalitu a genialitu Ramanujanovho prirodzeného talentu a napriek skepse všetkých kolegov ho pozve do Cambridge, aby mohol preskúmať jeho teórie. Ramanujan opustí svoju rodinu, komunitu i milovanú mladú nevestu Janaki a cestuje na druhý koniec sveta, do Anglicka. Tu sa u svojho sofistikovaného a výstredného mentora stretáva s pochopením a nadviaže s ním hlboký vzťah. Pod Hardyho vedením sa Ramanujanova práca vyvinie takým spôsobom, aký navždy zmení matematiku aj vedecký výklad sveta.
As the Large Hadron Collider is about to be launched for the first time, physicists are on the cusp of the greatest scientific discovery of all time - or perhaps their greatest failure.
A documentary about a man who impersonates a wise Indian Guru and builds a following in Arizona. At the height of his popularity, the Guru Kumaré must reveal his true identity to his disciples and unveil his greatest teaching of all.
Recorded live at Hammersmith Apollo, Russell questions the values of heroes and leaders. ‘Messiah Complex’ is a disorder where sufferers think they might be the messiah. Did Jesus have it? What about Che Guevara, Gandhi, Malcolm X and Hitler? All these men have shaped our lives and influenced the way we think. Their images are used to represent ideas that often do not relate to them at all. Would Gandhi be into Apple? Would Che Guevara endorse Madonna? Would Jesus be into Christianity? He concludes it’s all a load of rubbish and encourages the audience to stop voting, ignore advertising, look to the transcendent within themselves and others...and kick over some bins on their way home. Plus there’s sex. Obviously.
A post-apocalyptic thriller set in near-future Brazil, where a select few are allowed to join a privileged society after undergoing an intense and competitive process.
Data—arguably the world’s most valuable asset—is being weaponized to wage cultural and political wars. The dark world of data exploitation is uncovered through the unpredictable, personal journeys of players on different sides of the explosive Cambridge Analytica/Facebook data story.
Teenagers living in small-town Oregon take a boat trip for a birthday celebration. When they get an idea to play a mean trick on the town bully, it suddenly goes too far. Soon they're forced to deal with the unexpected consequences of their actions.
Gabrielle a José uzatvorili na konci 2. svetovej vojny manželstvo z rozumu. Nedarí sa im však splodiť dieťa, a tak Gabrielle odchádza na liečenie do švajčiarskych kúpeľov. Tam stretáva očarujúceho vojnového veterána, v ktorom objaví svoju spriaznenú dušu.
Tento príbeh, ktorý sa odohráva v paralelnom svete, kde bolo Japonsko v roku 1974 rozdelené na dva štáty pod vplyvom USA a Sovietskeho zväzu, je príbehom o snoch, priateľskej láske a osamelosti odlúčenia. Dvaja priatelia, Hiroki a Takuya, si na severe južného Japonska tajne postavia vlastné lietadlo, aby mohli preletieť cez hranice na ostrov Hokkaido, kde stojí záhadná nebeská veža, a odhaliť jej tajomstvo. Keď sa k nim pridá ich spolužiačka Sayuri, sľúbia si, že sa na vežu dostanú za každú cenu. Po čase však Sayuri bez rozlúčky zmizne a cesty oboch priateľov sa rozídu, pričom trvá 3 dlhé roky, kým sa ich spoločný osud opäť začne napĺňať. Vojna medzi dvoma časťami Japonska je na spadnutie, výskum paralelných vesmírov a zmeny reality spôsobené obrovskou vežou ohrozujú celý svet a sny, ktoré sa Sayuri zdajú počas spánku, zohrávajú dôležitejšiu úlohu, než ktokoľvek očakával.
This gripping, atmospheric documentary recounts the infamous trial, conviction and eventual acquittal of Seattle native Amanda Knox for the 2007 murder of a British exchange student in Italy.
Frank Drebin je najvychýrenejší tajný aget, aký kedy žil a bez ktorého sa Losangelská polícia nezaobíde. Vyrába síce jeden trapas za druhým, ale má pôvabnú ženu Jane a guráž vysporiadať sa s každým gangstrom. Tentokrát ho z pohodlia dôchodku vytiahne gangster Rocco, expert na bombové útoky, ktorý sa chystá na útek z väzenia a stojí aj za pripravovanou najväčšou teroristickou akciou za posledné roky. Frank teda nezaváha ani minútu a pre svoju vlasť sa nechá hoci aj zavrieť do väzenia. Tam sa má totiž votrieť do Roccovej priazne a zistiť jeho plány. Napriek drastickým pomerom vo väznici a všemožným prekážkam sa mu podarí zistiť, kde má bomba explodovať, ale nepodarí sa mu varovať svojich kolegov, a tak sa Frank musí ujať zneškodnenia bomby uprostred udeľovania cien Oscara celkom sám.
A psychological, heart-wrenching love story that provides a unique and inside look at Charles Darwin. Torn between faith and science, he struggles to finish his legendary book "On the Origin of the Species," which goes on to become the foundation for evolutionary biology.
For Pablo Escobar family is everything. When young surfer Nick falls for Escobar's niece, Maria, he finds his life on the line when he's pulled into the dangerous world of the family business.
The bitter fight for supremacy between the three most popular girls at North Gateway High takes an unexpected turn when their classmate, Tanner, is outed and becomes the school’s first openly gay student. The trio races to bag the big trend in fashion accessories, the Gay Best Friend, while Tanner must decide whether his skyrocketing popularity is more important than the friendships he is leaving behind.
As a young scientist searches for a way to save a dying Earth, she finds a connection with a man who's racing to catch the last shuttle off the planet.
In a dystopian future, where corporate brands have created a disillusioned population, one man's effort to unlock the truth behind the conspiracy leads to an epic battle with hidden forces that control the world.