Desmitgadīgais Augusts Pulmens, kas piedzima ar nopietnu sejas defektu un slimības dēļ līdz šim ir mācījies mājās, pirmoreiz dosies uz skolu, lai uzsāktu mācības vietējās skolas 5. klasē. Augija vienaudžiem nebūs viegli pieņemt citādo un aiz neparastās ārienes ieraudzīt to stipro, drosmīgo un labsirdīgo zēnu, ko pazīst viņa mīlošā ģimene. Lai gan Augijs pūlēsies būt tāds pats kā citi skolēni, viņš tikai vēlreiz apliecinās, ka ir īpašs, un ne jau neparastā izskata dēļ.

Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Mia ir topošā aktrise, kas piestrādā kafejnīcā, pasniedzot latte kafijas filmu zvaigznēm. Viņas mīļotais ir Sebastians, džeza mūziķis, kas mēģina savilkt galus, uzstājoties ar koncertiem šaubīgos un noplukušos bāros. Panākumiem pieaugot, jaunais mīlnieku pāris saskaras ar lēmumiem, kas sāk graut viņu mīlestību. Sapņi, pie kuriem viņi strādājuši tik smagi, nu viņus var izšķirt!

In 1938, an art collector appeals to eminent archaeologist Dr. Indiana Jones to embark on a search for the Holy Grail. Indy learns that a medieval historian has vanished while searching for it, and the missing man is his own father, Dr. Henry Jones Sr.. He sets out to rescue his father by following clues in the old man's notebook, which his father had mailed to him before he went missing. Indy arrives in Venice, where he enlists the help of a beautiful academic, Dr. Elsa Schneider, along with Marcus Brody and Sallah. Together they must stop the Nazis from recovering the power of eternal life and taking over the world!

A small suburban town receives a visit from a castaway unfinished science experiment named Edward.

Kriss un viņa draudzene Roza dodas uz ziemeļiem apciemot viņas vecākus nedēļas nogalē. Sākumā Kriss notur ģimenes pārlieko viesmīlību kā nervozu mēģinājumu pieņemt meitas drauga izcelsmi, bet brīvdienu gaitā caur dažādiem nepatīkamiem atklājumiem viņam parādās patiesība, kādu nekad nebūtu varējis iedomāties.

A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

Līdz ar Grehemu ģimenes vecmāmiņas Ellenas nāvi, kādreiz viņas tik mierīgajā namā, kurā nu dzīvo meita ar ģimeni, sāk notikt neizskaidrojamas lietas. Šķetinot noslēpumainos notikumus, Ellenas meita atklāj arvien biedējošākus un šausminošākus faktus par savu dzimtu. Enija saprot, ka šausmu pirmssākumi meklējami senā pagātnē, bet vai viņai izdosies atrast lāsta noslēpumu, kas tiek nodots no paaudzes paaudzē.

When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.

A young man and his three younger siblings are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live.

Divi brāļi nesekmīgi mēģina aplaupīt banku, policija ir viņiem uz pēdām. Konijam izdodas aizbēgt, bet Nikam nelaimējas. Konijs dara visu, lai brāli izpestītu no cietuma. Viņam jāmetas briesmu, vardarbības un izmisuma virpulī, lai glābtu brāli un sevi.

Madame Jouve, the narrator, tells the tragedy of Bernard and Mathilde. Bernard was living happily with his wife Arlette and his son Thomas. One day, a couple, Philippe and Mathilde Bauchard, moves into the next house. This is the accidental reunion of Bernard and Mathilde, who had a passionate love affair years ago. The relationship revives... A somber study of human feelings.

Three teenagers are confined to an isolated country estate that could very well be on another planet. The trio spend their days listening to endless homemade tapes that teach them a whole new vocabulary. Any word that comes from beyond their family abode is instantly assigned a new meaning. Hence 'the sea' refers to a large armchair and 'zombies' are little yellow flowers. Having invented a brother whom they claim to have ostracized for his disobedience, the uber-controlling parents terrorize their offspring into submission.

The Katakuri family has just opened their guest house in the mountains. Unfortunately their first guest commits suicide and in order to avoid trouble they decide to bury him in the backyard. Things get way more complicated when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend and the grave behind the house starts to fill up more and more.

After a team of surgeons botches his beloved wife's operation, the distraught Dr. Phibes unleashes a score of Old-Testament atrocities on his enemies.

Three British teenage girls go on a rites-of-passage holiday—drinking, clubbing and hooking up, in what should be the best summer of their lives.

The boyfriend of an abducted woman never gives up the search as the abductor looks on.

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.

A new couple and their families reckon with modern love amid culture clashes, societal expectations and generational differences.