Throughout the 1980s, Miami, Florida, was at the center of a racial and cultural shift taking place throughout the country. Overwhelmed by riots and tensions, Miami was a city in flux, and the University of Miami football team served as a microcosm for this evolution. The image of the predominantly white university was forever changed when coach Howard Schnellenberger scoured some of the toughest ghettos in Florida to recruit mostly black players for his team. With a newly branded swagger, inspired and fueled by the quickly growing local Miami hip hop culture, these Hurricanes took on larger-than-life personalities and won four national titles between 1983 and 1991. Filmmaker Billy Corben, a Miami native and University of Miami alum, will tell the story of how these “Bad Boys” of football changed the attitude of the game they played, and how this serene campus was transformed into “The U.”

An independent group of researchers called the Godzilla Prediction Network (GPN) actively track Godzilla as he makes landfall in Nemuro. Matters are further complicated when a giant meteor is discovered in the Ibaragi Prefecture. The mysterious rock begins to levitate as it's true intentions for the world and Godzilla are revealed.

When a flyover in the city becomes the hotbed of accidents, a young reporter decides to investigate the issue. Her quest for an answer would lead her into a web of intrigue, murder and mystery.

Honkongo ir Kinijos policija, kartu su Interpolu, ruošia stambią operaciją, kurios metu turi būti likviduota tarptautinė narkotikų prekeivių gauja. Operacijos tikslas - ištraukti iš kinų kalėjimo vieną iš narkotikų prekeivių vadų ir per jį prisikasti prie organizuotos piramidės viršūnės. Kas gi galės įgyvendinti tokį akiplėšišką ir rizikingą planą, jei ne Super Policininkas, Kevinas Čengas. Jam į pagalbą paskiriama kinų Interpolo direktorė nuostabioji kapitonė Eng.

Liuisas dar mokykloje pamilo Veną, tad nenuostabu, kad, vos tik jai prasitarus trokštančiai vasaros atostogų grįžti namo, jis nusiperka automobilį ir skuba jos parsivežti. Pakeliui Liuisas iš kalėjimo ištraukia savo brolį Fulerį. Tikras nenuorama įsiprašo keliauti drauge. Broliai netrukus susigalvoja pramogą – radijo ryšiu bendrauja su sunkvežimių vairuotojais.

Šiaurės Afrikoje gludi neįkainuojama brangenybė – „Nilo perlas“. Apie šią brangenybę yra sukurta nemažai legendų, tačiau tik retas žino kas tai yra. Avantiuristų trijulė yra pasiruošusi kovoti dėl šios brangenybės. Pasirodo, kad ir godumas gali atgaivinti seniai pamirštus jausmus...

Narkomanas policijos detektyvas Entonis Stou per susišaudymą sunkiai sužeidžiamas ir jį ištinka koma. Iš komos Entonis pakyla visai kitas, daug geresnis, žmogus. Bet pirma jam reikia surasti pagrobtą žmoną ir atkeršyti savo skriaudikams.

A 707 aircraft jetliner, en route from Athens to Rome and then to New York City, is hijacked by Lebanese terrorists, who demand that the pilot take them to Beirut. What the terrorists don't realize is that an elite team of commandos have been called in to eliminate all terrorists on the jetliner.

Pulkininkas Džeimsas Bredokas dalyvavo Vietnamo kare, vėliau kentėjo nelaisvėje, iš kurios sunkiai ištrūko. Po daugelio metų jis grįžta į kovos vietas, kad išgelbėtų amerikiečių karo belaisvius, tarp kurių gali būti ir jo draugų...

Rookie cop Sam Staziak has a unique gift: he is a Scanner, which gives him the power to read the thoughts of others, and also to inflict great bodily harm. When a mad scientist begins using mind control to murder police officers, Sam realizes that only he and his unique gift can put an end to the mayhem.

Jenny is sent to a women's reform school. It is run by evil warden Sutter and her henchwoman Edna. Jenny will stop at nothing to escape but she also has to deal with Charlie the bully.

A re-imagining of the old mystical folklore that follows a woman and a tight-knit Jewish community that is besieged by foreign invaders. She conjures a dangerous creature to protect them but it may be more evil than she ever imagined.

Kate and Martin escape from personal tragedy to an Island Retreat. Cut off from the outside world, their attempts to recover are shattered when a man is washed ashore, with news of airborne killer disease that is sweeping through Europe.

A young reporter's investigation into a string of grisly suicides takes a dangerous detour when she follows the clues to a cursed stretch of road.

When Doug's father, an Air Force Pilot, is shot down by MiGs belonging to a radical Middle Eastern state, no one seems able to get him out. Doug finds Chappy, an Air Force Colonel who is intrigued by the idea of sending in two fighters piloted by himself and Doug to rescue Doug's father after bombing the MiG base.

After Nihilistic rapper Gandu steals from his mother's lover, he embarks on a drug-fueled rampage with a rickshaw puller.

This all-female horror anthology features four dark tales from four fiercely talented women.

John McKenna is a spiritual being who is able to transform into bear, wolf or eagle. He lives in the forests of Tanglewood and has dedicated his life to protect them. One day a gang of evil lumberjacks led by Travis Thorne arrive Tanglewood to chop the forest down. McKenna cannot let this happen, and together with his new friends - Lords of the Tanglewood, a band of children who love to play in the forest - he battles against Thorne and his evil gang.

Identicals is a highly unconventional romantic thriller: an obsessive love story stripped down and re-arranged into the looping logic of a nightmare.

A secret agent and his rude baboon foil a madman (William Hicks) out to wake up Hitler and rule the world.