Betmens uzvarējis cīņā savu pretinieku Džonatanu Kreinu, turpina kārtības uzturēšanu Gotemā ar leitenantu Gordonu.

Under the direction of a ruthless instructor, a talented young drummer begins to pursue perfection at any cost, even his humanity.

Heroin addict Mark Renton stumbles through bad ideas and sobriety attempts with his unreliable friends -- Sick Boy, Begbie, Spud and Tommy. He also has an underage girlfriend, Diane, along for the ride. After cleaning up and moving from Edinburgh to London, Mark finds he can't escape the life he left behind when Begbie shows up at his front door on the lam, and a scheming Sick Boy follows.

Stāsts par seržantu Kinliju, kurš savā pēdējā norīkojumā Afganistānā nonāk komandā ar vietējo tulku Ahmedu. Kad viņu vienību patruļas laikā aplenc, Kinlijs un Ahmeds ir vienīgie izdzīvojušie, un Ahmeds riskē ar dzīvību, nogādājot ievainoto Kinliju drošībā. Atgriežoties uz ASV zemes, Kinlijs uzzina, ka Ahmedam un viņa ģimenei nav piešķirta atļauja doties uz Ameriku. Kinlijs nolemj atdot parādu, atgriežoties kara zonā un atrodot Ahmedu un viņa ģimeni, pirms to izdara vietējie militāristi.

Pieņemtais puisis Rikijs sācis jaunu dzīvi Jaunzēlandes laukos. Viņš veikli pierod pie jaunās ģimenes - mīlošās tantes Bellas un kašķīgā onkuļa Heka, kā arī viņu suņa Tupaka. Kad notiek kāda traģēdija, kuras rezultātā Rikijam var nākties meklēt jaunas mājas, viņš ar Heku metas bēgt. Sākas nacionāla līmeņa meklēšana, un jaunizveidotie likumpārkāpēji ir izvēles priekšā - tikt galā ar atšķirīgajām personībām vai padoties.

A wealthy New York investment banking executive hides his alternate psychopathic ego from his co-workers and friends as he escalates deeper into his illogical, gratuitous fantasies.

Mike Sullivan works as a hit man for crime boss John Rooney. Sullivan views Rooney as a father figure, however after his son is witness to a killing, Mike Sullivan finds himself on the run in attempt to save the life of his son and at the same time looking for revenge on those who wronged him.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

Leģendārais algotais slepkava Džons Viks jau bija licis punktu savai nodarbei, taču ir spiests atgriezties, uzzinot par bijušā kolēģa plāniem sagrābt kontroli pār slepenu starptautisku slepkavu ģildi. Asins zvērests liek viņam doties palīgā biedram, un Džons ceļo uz Romu, kur stājas pretī pasaules zvērīgākajiem slepkavām.

Filmas darbība notiek uz patiesu vēsturisku notikumu fona un stāsta par Bruklinas advokātu Džeimsu Donovanu, kurš attopas aukstā kara epicentrā, kad CIP viņu nosūta veikt praktiski neiespējamu uzdevumu – vienoties par PSRS notvertā izlūklidmašīnas U2 amerikāņu pilota atbrīvošanu.

Daudzpusīgā Hovarda Hjūsa biogrāfija, kurš mantojis naudu no sava tēva uzņēmuma, lai pārceltos uz Holivudu, kur ieguva lielu laimi. Viņš bija viens no ievērojamākajiem amerikāņu kino producentiem pagājušā gadsimta trīsdesmitajos un četrdesmitajos gados, aizsācis tādu karjeru kā Žans Harlovs un kļūstot par RKO Radio Pictures īpašnieku. Bet Hjūss bija ne tikai ražotājs, bet arī slavens rūpnieks un biznesmenis, kuram bija arī liela nozīme aviācijas pasaulē.

In 1955 in Italy, race car driver Jed Cavalcanti suffers a mishap during the Molte Miglia rally and finds himself in a small town with a few familial surprises.

Two Los Angeles homicide detectives are dispatched to a northern town where the sun doesn't set to investigate the methodical murder of a local teen.

A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic future. Cloud Atlas explores how the actions and consequences of individual lives impact one another throughout the past, the present and the future. Action, mystery and romance weave through the story as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero and a single act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the distant future. Based on the award winning novel by David Mitchell. Directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis.

A young wannabe musician discovers he has bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank.

Three young people on a road trip from Colorado to New Jersey talk to a trucker on their CB radio, then must escape when he turns out to be a psychotic killer.

Seksapīlā blondīne Lūsija kļūst par bīstamāko un nāvējošāko sievieti uz pasaules, apveltītu ar nepārspējamu intelektu un pārcilvēciskām fiziskām spējām. No potenciāla upura, viņa ir pārvērtusies par mednieci un dodas pa pēdām tiem, kuri viņu gribēja nogalināt.

After waking up in a hospital with amnesia, professor Robert Langdon and a doctor must race against time to foil a deadly global plot.

Michael Lynch is a notorious criminal with two wives and a flair for showmanship. He's also a huge embarrassment to the local police, who are determined to bring him down once and for all.

When his wife is abducted by a group of blood-thirsty Vampires, John Croix is left to die in a forgotten region of the desert. It is here where an unspeakable evil exists. Now, by no choice of his own, Croix will come face-to-face with the most terrifying creatures of the night. Still a man, but possessing all the strength and power of a werewolf when the moon is out, Croix becomes a reluctant hero for mankind when he learns that his wife may still be alive. Croix sets out on a mission to rescue his wife - venturing deeper and deeper into the Vampire's lair- in his quest to save her before she is lost to the world of the undead forever.