Giulia De Martino is a pilot. At seventeen she participates in the GT Championship, under the guidance of her father Mario. But one day everything changes and Giulia has to face alone both the track and her own life.

Filmo kūrėjas Maiklas Moore'as tyrinėja Amerikos polinkį į smurtą ginklais.

When his son dies while hiking the famed Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in the Pyrenees, Tom flies to France to claim the remains. Looking for insights into his estranged child’s life, he decides to complete the 500-mile mountain trek to Spain. Tom soon joins up with other travelers and realizes they’re all searching for something.

Joe Toy, on the verge of adolescence, finds himself increasingly frustrated by his single father, Frank's attempts to manage his life. Declaring his freedom once and for all, he escapes to a clearing in the woods with his best friend, Patrick, and a strange kid named Biaggio. He announces that they are going to build a house there, free from responsibility and parents. Once their makeshift abode is finished, the three young men find themselves masters of their own destiny, alone in the woods.

Based on a true story, a group of boys from Monterrey, Mexico who become the first non-U.S. team to win the Little League World Series.

Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.

The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five gorgeous Spanish flamenco dancers.

Frenko žmona žuvo automobilio avarijoje. Po šio tragiško įvykio jis gali bendrauti su… mirusiaisiais. Tačiau tokie netikėti gabumai jį įklampina į rimtą bėdą.- Frenką įtaria žmogžudyste. Netikėtai atsiranda žmonių, norinčių ir galinčių padėti jam nusikratyti ne tik kaltinimų, bet ir jį persekiojančių vaiduoklių…

Lex Luthor enacts his plan to rid the world of Superman, once and for all. Succeeding with solar radiation poisoning, the Man of Steel is slowly dying. With what little times remains, the Last Son of Krypton must confront the revealing of his secret identity to Lois Lane and face Luthor in a final battle.

Like millions of kids around the world, Santiago harbors the dream of being a professional footballer... However, living in the Barrios section of Los Angeles, he thinks it is only that--a dream. Until one day an extraordinary turn of events has him trying out for Premiership club Newcastle United.

Carlitos is a heartfelt story about one young boy's fight for his right to play soccer, while keeping his very essence intact.

Filmmaker Martin Scorsese interviews his mother and father about their life in New York and family history back in Sicily.

Amerikoje apsilankęs vienos Europos šalies diktatorius vieną gražuolę palaiko mokytoja ir iškart pasiūlo jai tapti jo vaikų aukle. Mergina sutinka ir atvyksta į Europą. Čia belieka tik viena – Rytų Europos šalyje skleisti tikras arba beveik tikras vakarietiškas tradicijas ir gyvenimo būdą...

Oronzo Canà is called to coach Longobarda, the football team of a small town of Northern Italy, newly promoted to the First Division. His only task is not to be relegated, but Longobarda's owner plots against him, finding the team's current ranking far too expensive, and his top Brazilian striker is affected by a deep saudade.

The Football Factory is more than just a study of the English obsession with football violence, it's about men looking for armies to join, wars to fight and places to belong. A forgotten culture of Anglo Saxon males fed up with being told they're not good enough and using their fists as a drug they describe as being more potent than sex and drugs put together.

Apiplėšiama Anglijos karalienė. Jos garbei, sostui ir šalies saugumui iškyla pavojus. Per šią sumaištį žemo rango britų diplomatas supainiojamas su geriausiu šalies slaptuoju agentu. Ir štai jis, entuziastingas, bet visiškai nieko neišmanantis Džeimso Bondo antrininkas, jau vadovauja pavojingai slaptajai operacijai. Greiti automobiliai, moderniausios technologijos, ginklai ir pati slapčiausia informacija – visa tai dabar Džonio rankose. Netrukus jis dar įsimyli, o šitaip pasaulį gelbėti kur kas linksmiau. Džonis – kietas superagentas, kuriam būdingas nepriekaištingas stilius ir neįtikėtinas išsiblaškymas pačiose rimčiausiose situacijose.

Sakoma, jog namai saugo prisiminimus. Tačiau vienas vyras pasiryžtų net žudyti, kad tik galėtų pamiršti namus... Šeima (vaidina Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz) apsigyvena svajonių name. Tačiau jie nežino, jog čia įvyko keletas kraupių žmogžudysčių, o žmogžudys tyko naujų aukų... Vilas Etentonas – daug pasiekęs leidėjas iš Niujorko. Tačiau, pavargęs nuo didmiesčio tempo, jis nusprendžia kartu su žmona Libe ir dviem dukrelėm persikraustyti į žavų miestelį Naujojoje Anglijoje. Bet įsikūrusi naujame name, kuris iš pirmo žvilgsnio atrodo tobulas, šeima sužino, jog čia įvyko kelios žiaurios žmogžudystės. Šiame name buvo nužudyta motina su vaikais.

The owner of a dilapidated B&B has an idea: in order to dodge bankruptcy, he has to turn his business into a place of worship—a tax-free activity, where he'll host pilgrims in exchange for a generous donation. He joins forces with an unscrupulous accountant and a failed novelist to come up with his new religion.

After saving each other from jumping off a bridge, Henry Bell and Karen Knightly plot to avenge the people who drove them to suicide. Henry will ruin the life of the woman who married Karen's boyfriend, while Karen will work as a secretary for the man who took Henry's job. Whether revenge will be sweet – or bittersweet – is anyone's guess.

Komikas Edis Merfis ir garsioji dainininkė Džanet Džekson vaidina antroje komedijoje apie profesorių, atradusį nepaprastą liekninantį vaistą. Šįkart profesorius Šermanas Klampas rengiasi vesti. Visa jo storoji šeimyna neapsakomai džiaugiasi, tačiau netikėtai grįžta Badis – profesoriaus antrasis ir plonasis “Aš”. Jis visokiais būdais stengiasi grįžti ir užvaldyti Šermano gyvenimą. Profesorius pasistengia jį pergudrauti ir savo išrastus vaistus paslepia tėvų namuose. Badis sužino, kur jie paslėpti, tačiau tam, kad juos gautų, jis turi pergudrauti visą Klampų šeimynėlę…