Ronnie Jackson is a lowly baby photographer who secretly fantasizes about being a private detective. When a lovely baroness actually mistakes him for one and asks him to help locate her missing husband, Baron Montay, Ronnie finds himself agreeing. Several days later he is on death row whiling away the hours until his execution by recounting to a group of reporters the bizarre tale of how he ended up there.

In this extraordinary short animation, Evelyn Lambart and Norman McLaren painted colours, shapes, and transformations directly onto their filmstrip. The result is a vivid interpretation, in fluid lines and colour, of jazz music played by the Oscar Peterson Trio.

Мори, пастир, който кара мотор, украсен с череп на крава и Анта, която е студентка, се срещат в Дакар, столицата на Сенегал. Отхвърлени и разочаровани от Сенегал и от Африка, те се стремят да отидат в Париж и разработват различни мошенически схеми, за да изкарат пари... Мартин Скорсезе казва в едно интервю, че както е Акира Куросава за Япония и Сатяджит Рей за Индия, така е Джабрил Диоп Мамбети за Африка.

Eliza D'Amico thinks her marriage to Louis is going great until she finds a mysterious love note to her husband. Concerned, she goes to her mother for advice. Eliza, her parents, her sister Jo, and Jo's boyfriend all pile into a station wagon to go to the city to confront Louis with the letter. On the way, the five explore their relations with each other and meet many interesting people.

Сюжетът на драмата разказва за млад ихтиолог, който продължава да учи в университета с надеждата да не бъде привикан на военна служба. Въпреки опитите му обаче, той получава призовка от армията и има на разположение само няколко дни преди да се насочи към военната база в която ще се обучава в продължение на две години. В дните преди да замине, младия мъж се опитва да поправи грешките в личния си живот и да спечели отново доверието на хората от обкръжението си.

Freshly hired as a labor nurse in a chemical factory, Nour discovers that small arrangements exist between management and her father, Slimane, the staff representative, and the company's pivot. Lies about polluting discharges, hidden illnesses of employees, hidden accidents ... Nour, little by little, no longer accepts the compromises of his father to preserve the image of the company. She decides to launch the alert.

In the Olden Tymes, Count Regula is drawn and quartered for killing twelve virgins in his dungeon torture chamber. Thirty-five years later, he comes back to seek revenge on the daughter of his intended thirteenth victim and the son of his prosecutor in order to attain immortal life.

Eugene, an aspiring writer from Brooklyn, is drafted into the US Army during the final months of World War II. For his basic training, the Army sends him to Camp Shelby in Mississippi, where toil, bad food, and antisemitic jibes await. Eugene takes refuge in his sense of humor and in his diary, but they won't protect him in a battle of wills with an unstable drill sergeant.

The story of Julia, a disabled woman in a wheelchair and voice synthesizer, who's trapped psychologically by a cruel, manipulative caregiver. After the arrival of a mysterious man, Julia begins to question the day-to-day dramas and frustrations she's tolerated for years. An achingly genuine and profoundly moving drama about a woman born with cerebral palsy.

A newly appointed cemetery chairman believes that, merely by inserting a black plot-marking pin into a wall-sized map of the cemetery, he can cause the deaths of that plot's owner.

Annie's got a secret past she's eager to hide from her husband and her family. An iconclastic bounty hunter blackmails her to keep that past a secret. As the stakes increase, though, so do the ruthless and brutal actions of all those involved. Soon, deaths of some major players in the game change the stakes from dollars and cents to life and death.

A widow deceives her late husband's mother and brothers into thinking he's still alive when she attends the yearly memorial to his drowned sister, hoping to secure his inheritance, but her cunning is no match for the demented, axe-wielding thing roaming the grounds of the family's Irish estate.

Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings.

A crazed killer stalks college students who gave up their vacation to clean a deserted dormitory.

A man visits a school to enroll his son, but then he pulls out a gun and robs the school from their money. The movie follows the man and is shot with an unsteady handycam.

Марк Дакаскос, Тереза Рандъ и Рутгер Хауер грабват оръжията си в екшън приключението "Ловът на орела". Генерал Франк Луис повежда рисковано нападение, за да залови терористи, укрили се сред Филипински бунтовници. Но хеликоптерът на капитан Ейми Дженингс и екипът й са свалени над вражеска територия, и мисията е застрашена. За да я спаси, Луис трябва да изпрати най-добрия си човек, лейтенант Мат Даниълс. Изправен пред невъобразими препятствия, Даниълс навлиза дълбоко в територията на неприятеля, за да спаси Дженингс, която е попаднала на секретна лаборатория за антракс. Ще съумее ли Даниълс да измъкне Дженингс и да предотврати биологичната заплаха, преди да е станало късно? Когато "Ловът на орела"свършва, започва истинската битка!

Willy and Tony have a brilliant idea for getting out of it financially: stealing a dog from the brigade des stups. But everything does not go as planned and the two accomplices will have to rely on the most corrupt of the cops.

When teenage Molly Hartley moves to a new town, she's haunted by terrifying visions that may have to do with dark secrets from her past. Something evil lurks just beneath the lush surfaces of her private-school world, and it holds the rights to her very soul. On the eve of her 18th birthday, Molly is about to discover the truth of just who or what she is destined to become.

After several years in an insane asylum, Evelyn, the keeper of the Mountaintop Motel, is released and resumes doing business. She kills her young charge out of anger, but convinces the police it was an accident - and pushed into insanity, she then proceeds to target her guests, first by releasing vermin into their rooms, but then by using her trusty sickle.