Priča o ljubavi, boli, prihvaćanju i da, sjajnoj glazbi. Slavljenje Freddijeva talenta i legendarnog rock benda, koji je svojom glazbom i osjećajem za avanturu i specifičnim nastupima prekršio sva pravila tadašnje scene.

Film koji je otvorio festival u Cannesu 2012. godine i kojeg je publika i kritika vinula u nebesa! Novi film genijalnog Wesa Andersona, redatelja hitova Royal Tenenbaums i Rushomore! Dvoje će se mlađahnih" ljubavnika" uputiti u nepoznato i izazvati pravi kaos u svom lokalnom mjestašcu. Cijela će se zajednica dignuti na noge i krenuti u potragu za odbjeglim tinejdžerima. Gdje i kada će ih pronaći? Suludo romantično, neobjašnjivo zabavno i beskrajno duhovito o odrastanju i pripadnosti lokalnoj zajednici.

Američki iseljenik Mickey Pearson (Matthew McConaughey) je u Londonu izgradio visoko profitabilno carstvo marihuane. Kad se pročuje vijest da se zauvijek želi maknuti iz tog posla, pokreće se niz zavjera, urota , podmićivanja i ucjenjivanja u pokušaju da se zauzme njegova pozicija. Ostatak zvjezdane glumačke ekipe čine Charlie Hunnam, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong, Eddie Marsan, Colin Farrell i Hugh Grant

Mob assassin Jeffrey is no ordinary hired gun; the best in his business, he views his chosen profession as a calling rather than simply a job. So, when beautiful nightclub chanteuse Jennie is blinded in the crossfire of his most recent hit, Jeffrey chooses to retire after one last job to pay for his unintended victim's sight-restoring operation. But when Jeffrey is double-crossed, he reluctantly joins forces with a rogue policeman to make things right.

U ekspediciji u neistražene dijelove američke divljine, legen­darnog istraživača Hugha Glassa brutalno je napao me­dvjed, a pripadnici njegovog tima, predvođeni Johnom Fitzgeraldom su ga tako teško povrijeđenog ostavili da umre u divljini. Vođen jakom vo­ljom kao jedinim oružjem, okružen surovom zimom i neprijateljskim plemeni­ma, Glass se bori za život, dok želja za osvetom nad dojučerašnjim prijateljima ne jenjava.

Legendarni plaćeni ubojica John Wick bježi zbog dva razloga. Love ga jer mu je za glavu raspisana tjeralica od 14 milijuna dolara te zato što je prekršio osnovno pravilo hotela Continental, a to je Ne ubij u hotelu. Ne samo to, već je žrtva bila član društva koje je naručilo Wickovu smrt, pa su stoga sve ubojice svijeta Wicku za petama.

Three juvenile delinquents arrive at a correctional center and are put under the care of an experienced guard.

The story of Iraq's only heavy metal band and their fight to play music.

Četveročlana obitelj Griswold tipična je američka obitelj koju je uhvatilo predbožićno ludilo: treba pozvati brojnu rodbinu na blagdanski ručak, nabaviti jelku, kupiti darove. Iako sve to djeluje romantično, ipak se iza toga krije mnogo komplikacija: kupnja i nabava potrepština svodi se na jurnjavu, nema jamstva da nešto neće poći po krivu, a ni članovi rodbine se baš ne slažu. Tako ispada da je jelka koju su odabrali previsoka za dnevni boravak, žarulje kojima je otac okitio kuću neće se upaliti i svako malo netko nešto uprska. Izvor:

Naoružan samo jednom riječju - Tenet - i boreći se za opstanak cijelog svijeta, glavni junak putuje kroz mračni svijet međunarodne špijunaže u misiji koja će se odvijati u nečemu izvan stvarnog vremena.

Augusto and Michaela Odone are dealt a cruel blow by fate when their five-year-old son Lorenzo is diagnosed with a rare and incurable disease. But the Odones' persistence and faith leads to an unorthodox cure which saves their boy and re-writes medical history.

Živjeti u Barbielandu znači biti savršeno biće na savršenom mjestu. Osim ako nemaš potpunu egzistencijalnu krizu. Ili si Ken. Vodeće uloge imaju nominirani za Oscara Margot Robbie kao Barbie i Ryan Gosling kao Ken. Impresivnu zvjezdanu glumačku postave čine legendarna glumica i oskarovka Helen Mirren, glumice America Ferrara i Kate McKinnon, Michael Cera, Will Ferrell i Emma Mackey. U filmu se, naime, pojavljuje i glazbena zvijezda Dua Lipa koja je u ulozi Mermaid Barbie, dok je Issa Rae President Barbie te mnoge druge slavne osobe iz svijeta showbiza.

When a violin prodigy Xiaochun and his father head to Beijing seeking fame and fortune, they soon discover a fierce world of cutthroat ambition. But when Xiaochun is "adopted" by a famous music tutor, success finally seems within reach - until a shocking discovery begins to unravel his entire world, and the boy must make the most difficult choice of his life. Can he achieve the fame his father had always hoped for without losing the extraordinary passion that sets him apart?

Ekscentrični multimilijunaš Jacob potpiše ugovor s tajanstvenom organizacijom koja svojim klijentima iznenadno prekida živote. Dok ondje bira lijes u kojem će ga sahraniti, upoznaje mladu ženu koja je potpisala isti ugovor. Situacija se zakomplicira kad se njih dvoje zaljube i požele ipak živjeti duže nego što su prethodno planirali.

Year 1977, a September morning in Ankara... Yilmaz tries to rush his pregnant wife Neriman to the hospital and he crushes into Omer's car. This accident causes Omer's pregnant wife Inci, who was in the back seat, to have a pre-term labor. The babies are born on the same day. They see each other for the first time... This accident is the threshold of the coincidences that bring Ozgur and Deniz together.

The Japanese forces occupy Shanghai and slowly start spreading terror in the city. Chen Zhen, who was presumed dead, returns to fight against the Japanese and put an end to their tyrannical rule.

When a congressional aide is killed, a Washington, D.C. journalist starts investigating the case involving the Representative, his old college friend.

Hawaii, Oslo is the story of a handful of people who cross each other's path without necessarily knowing each other, during the hottest day of the year, in Oslo. We follow Frode and Milla. They are having their first child, who they are told will not live long. We follow Bobbie-Pop, a faded singer who tries to commit suicide. We follow Leon, an institutionalized kleptomaniac who is loking for Åsa, to whom he has a ten year old deal to get married. We meet Leon's brother, Trygve, who fetches Leon at the institution to celebrate his birthday, but who himself has plans to use his leave from prison to run away. And most of all we meet the angel Vidar, Leon's best buddy at the institution, who sees things no one else can see, and who may be able to save everyone - except himself?

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

The time is the late '80s, a crucial period in the history of South Africa. President P.W. Botha is hanging on to power by a thread as the African National Congress (ANC) takes up arms against apartheid and the country tumbles toward insurrection. A British mining concern is convinced that their interests would be better served in a stable South Africa and they quietly dispatch Michael Young, their head of public affairs, to open an unofficial dialogue between the bitter rivals. Assembling a reluctant yet brilliant team to pave the way to reconciliation by confronting obstacles that initially seem insurmountable, Young places his trust in ANC leader Thabo Mbeki and Afrikaner philosophy professor Willie Esterhuyse. It is their empathy that will ultimately serve as the catalyst for change by proving more powerful than the terrorist bombs that threaten to disrupt the peaceful dialogue.