Held in an L.A. interrogation room, Verbal Kint attempts to convince the feds that a mythic crime lord, Keyser Soze, not only exists, but was also responsible for drawing him and his four partners into a multi-million dollar heist that ended with an explosion in San Pedro harbor – leaving few survivors. Verbal lures his interrogators with an incredible story of the crime lord's almost supernatural prowess.

During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small town. The owner is bullied into keeping the prisoners until the next New Year, at which time they will be collected. The village leaders convene to interrogate the prisoners. The townspeople then struggle to accommodate the prisoners. One is a bellicose Japanese nationalist, the other a nervous translator. Will the townspeople manage to keep the prisoners until the New Year?

A card shark and his unwillingly-enlisted friends need to make a lot of cash quick after losing a sketchy poker match. To do this they decide to pull a heist on a small-time gang who happen to be operating out of the flat next door.

Fugui and Jiazhen endure tumultuous events in China as their personal fortunes move from wealthy landownership to peasantry. Addicted to gambling, Fugui loses everything. In the years that follow he is pressed into both the nationalist and communist armies, while Jiazhen is forced into menial work.

Uma Tūrmane ir slepkava, kurai viņas kāzu dienā uzbrūk viņas priekšnieka bandas Bils (Deivids Karradīns) locekļi. Viņai izdodas izdzīvot uzbrukumā, kaut arī viņa joprojām atrodas komā. Pēc pieciem gadiem viņa pamostas ar metāla gabalu uz galvas un sirdī lielu atriebības vēlmi.

A captured French Resistance fighter during World War II engineers a daunting escape from prison.

When circumstances force an outlaw to impersonate a county governor and clean up a corrupt town, the Robin Hood figure finds himself in a showdown with the local godfather.

Ārzemēs dzīvojošs amerikānis cenšas pārdot savu marihuānas impēriju, un te valda viss, kas vien var būt saistīts ar narkobiznesu: šantāža, kukuļdošana, izspiešana un dažnedažādas viltīgas shēmas.

A polyptych of interconnected stories in different time-zones, shifting between a Yunnan village, a campus, and the Gobi Desert.

Veids Vilsons - specvienības kaujinieks, kurš pakļauts slepenam eksperimentam iegūst ne tikai neticamu spēku, veiklību un paātrinātu pašizdziedināšanos, bet arī nestabilu psihi. Apbruņojies ar jauniegūtajām spējām un pavisam melnu humora izjūtu, viņš tagad ir zināms kā Dedpūls un viņa mērķis ir cilvēks, kurš nesenā pagātnē ir izpostījis viņa dzīvi.

Joe Buck is a wide-eyed hustler from Texas hoping to score big with wealthy New York City women; he finds a companion in Enrico "Ratso" Rizzo, an ailing swindler with a bum leg and a quixotic fantasy of escaping to Florida.

Chen Zhen, a Chinese engineering student in Kyoto, who braves the insults and abuse of his Japanse fellow students for his local love Mitsuko Yamada, daughter of the director, returns in 1937 to his native Shangai, under Japanse protectorate -in fact military occupation- after reading about the death of his kung-fu master Hou Ting-An in a fight against the Japanese champion Ryuichi Akutagawa.

In Luis Buñuel’s deliciously satiric masterpiece, an upper-class sextet sits down to dinner but never eats, their attempts continually thwarted by a vaudevillian mixture of events both actual and imagined.

Three thieves try to steal a valuable jade that is tightly guarded by a security chief. But the security guards are not the only obstacle these thieves are facing. An extremely unlucky internationally known master thief is also trying to get a hand on this piece of precious jade. What would be the final destination of this piece of crazy stone?

Set in the People's Republic of China during the 1990s, the film centers on a 13-year-old substitute teacher, Wei Minzhi, in the Chinese countryside. Called in to substitute for a village teacher for one month, Wei is told not to lose any students.

Kad piepildās sens pareģojums un karaļvalstī iestājas mūžīga ziema, dzīvespriecīgā un bezbailīgā Anna ir apņēmības pilna atrast savu māsu Elzu, Sniega Karalieni. Elza mīt tālu ziemeļos, ledus pilī un Annai viņa jāatrod, lai apturētu ledaino lāstu. Palīgos Annai nāk drošsirdīgais Kristofs kopā ar savu uzticamo ziemeļbriedi Svenu. Ceļā viņus gaida ne vien elpu aizraujoši piedzīvojumi, bet arī grūti pārvarami šķēršļi, tikšanās ar troļļiem un citām būtnēm, tostarp apburošu sniegavīriņu, vārdā Olafs.

Pasauli iznīcinājis Lielais karš, sagraujot ikvienu pilsētu savā ceļā, izņemot to, zem kuras trīssimt gadu laikā ir izaugusi vēl viena, kur iedzīvotāji cīnās par labklājības druskām no virszemes. Apakšējās pilsētas izgāztuvē tādējādi nonāk arī kādas kiborgmeitenes atliekas, un doktoram Ido šķiet, ka viņa ir pārsteidzoši līdzīga briesmīgajiem kaujas eņģeļiem, kas reiz piedalījās Lielajā karā.

After being estranged for 15 years, flamboyant actress Becky del Paramo re-enters her daughter Rebeca's life when she comes to perform a concert. Rebeca, she finds, is now married to one of Becky's ex-lovers, Manuel. The mother and daughter begin making up for lost time, when suddenly, a murder occurs...

In the late Ming Dynasty, three sworn brothers who serve as the imperial secret police are dispatched to hunt down Wei Zhongxian, a eunuch politician who had been forced to resign from his influential post and exiled from Beijing. The brothers return successfully from their quest, only to find that their task was but the beginning of a strange conspiracy.

Oh-Gwang is vicious real estate broker. One day, he gets into an accident while driving on a mountain path. Two days later, he wakes up. Oh-Gwang finds himself at the home of Mr. Jang, which is located deep in the mountain. Oh-Gwang was saved by Mr. Jang’s family. The family consists of Mr. Jang, his wife Yeon-Hee, son Hyun-Seok and daughter So-Hee. They are very nice to Oh-Gwang, but something about the family is suspicious. The family might be hiding something from Oh-Gwang.