Mati obupano išče morilca, ki je njenemu sinu podtaknil grozljiv umor dekleta.

A family loaded with quirky, colorful characters piles into an old van and road trips to California for little Olive to compete in a beauty pageant.

A woman’s lover and her ex-boyfriend take justice into their own hands after she becomes the victim of a rapist. Because some acts can’t be undone. Because man is an animal. Because the desire for vengeance is a natural impulse. Because most crimes remain unpunished.

A group of male friends become obsessed with five mysterious sisters who are sheltered by their strict, religious parents.

Zgodbo je ustvaril razvpiti režiser Quentin Tarantino, ki je s filmom dodobra šokiral svetovno javnost. Množična morilca Mallory in Mickey Knox v pičlih treh tednih ubijeta več kot petdeset nedolžnih ljudi. Pravita, da si tako izkazujeta ljubezen in naklonjenost. Ko ju končno dohiti roka pravice, se okoli njiju zgrne pravi medijski cirkus. Prav mediji iz njiju ustvarijo najbolj priljubljen par v Ameriki, saj dobita celo svoj klub oboževalcev.

An unsettling feeling overwhelms a small Hungarian town when two orthodox Jews arrive with a mysterious trunk. As residents begin to speculate on the purpose of the visit of these two strangers, order starts to crumble in town with some pursuing devious plans and others finding remorse in their hearts.

Several ordinary high school students go through their daily routine as two others prepare for something more malevolent.

The widow Barny lives in Nazi-occupied France, looking after her half-Jewish daughter in a small village. When the Germans arrive, she decides to baptize her and chooses priest Léon Morin to do so. After spending some time with him, the relationship with her confessor turns into a confrontation with both God and her own repressed desire. 

An actress’s perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted as she finds herself falling for her co-star in a remake of an unfinished Polish production that was supposedly cursed.

Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, until the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup's mind.

Undiagnosed, untreated and generally untethered schizophrenic Julien lives with his pregnant younger sister Pearl, anorexic would-be wrestler brother Chris, sympathetic grandmother, and severely depressed German father.

Uporniška najstnica Bliss (Page) je naveličana dolgočasnega življenja v zaspanem teksaškem mestecu in trapastih lepotnih tekmovanj, na katere jo sili njena mama. V iskanju vznemirjenja se s prijateljico odtihotapi v veliko večji Austin, kjer odkrije adrenalinski svet divjih kotalkarskih dvobojev. Po uspešni avdiciji večerne obleke in lepotne krone zamenja za kolenčnike, čelado in kotalke. Tako začne živeti dvojno življenje: podnevi streže v domačem lokalu, ponoči pa se na osmih kolescih neustrašno spopada s surovimi tekmicami, ob tem pa se tudi prvič zaljubi. Toda vsaka skrivnost prej ali slej pride na dan ...

Solomon and Tummler are two teenagers killing time in Xenia, Ohio, a small town that has never recovered from the tornado that ravaged the community in the 1970s.

Werner Herzog se s sodobno tehnologijo druži tako poredko, da nima niti mobilnega telefona, kaj šele Facebookovega profila, pa vendar se z enakim navdušenjem kot prej skrajnih pokrajin zemeljske oble tokrat loti sveta sodobne povezanosti – od otroških korakov svetovnega spleta do možnih scenarijev, ki se nam obetajo v prihodnosti. Pred kamero povabi številna vodilna imena tehnološke revolucije, od vizionarskega podjetnika Elona Muska do zloglasnega hekerja Kevina Mitnicka. Na svoji poti pa naleti tudi na žrtve medmrežnih pasti in odkrije nenavadno skupnost tehnopuščavnikov – ti so zavetje pred elektromagnetnim valovanjem našli v senci ogromnega teleskopa, ki lovi radijske valove iz globin vesolja.

When Danny O'Shea's daughter is cut from the Peewee football team just for being a girl, he decides to form his own team, composed of other ragtag players who were also cut. Can his team really learn enough to beat the elite team, coached by his brother, a former pro player?

A young woman struggles to overcome the dehumanization of poverty.

Follow a small group of elderly “Peeping Toms” through the shadows and margins of an unfamiliar world. Crudely documented by the participants themselves, we follow the debased and shocking actions of a group of true sociopaths the likes of which have never been seen before. Inhabiting a world of broken dreams and beyond the limits of morality, they crash against a torn and frayed America.

It takes him suddenly at 40 years: Frédéric wants a baby, Claire never wanted one and they agreed on that. He commits the unforgivable and makes a child behind her back. Claire turns into a whale and Frédéric becomes a doting father.

When half a million dollars disappears from a doctor office's safe, the cops assigned to the burglary case, Joe and Pete, decide to find the money and keep it for themselves.

A girl arrives from London to visit her estranged relatives in a remote castle for the reading of her father's will. After a while she discovers that they are all in fact dead and her decision to live with them turns into a nightmare. Unable to leave she's drawn into a macabre underworld through visions of nude satanic rituals and her own impending sacrifice.