Fundamentals (2013) Extras
It contains a copy of Cem Yılmaz's show CMYLMZ, staged between 2001-2007, recorded in Istanbul in March 2007.
The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope.
After the owner's bankruptcy, the crew is stranded on a freighter for months. Dealing with the stress of isolation, seafarers gradually surrender to madness and terror.
When Altan swipes prescription drugs from his brother Nuri's pharmacy, they soon find themselves on a dangerous but funny road trip to get rid of the stuff and escape the mafiosi Altan tried to double-cross. Along the way, the brother who are compete opposites finally bond.
A small task force of the Turkish army have to defend a relay station in the middle of nowhere against a possible terrorist raid.
In early 1970s, Adem is a boy living in an Aegean village with his family. He just finished the primary school and he wants to work while he's on summer holiday. He gets permission from his family to work for a soda pop seller named Ciber Kemal. But the Ramadan has just came and Adem wants to do his fast while he's working. But he starts seeing hallucinations because of the hot summer day. It seems it's going to be the longest day of Adem.
Cindy a Jim sú manželia, ktorí chcú čo najrýchlejšie založiť rodinu, ale o vlastnom dieťati si môžu nechať len zdať. Keď sa pri ich dverách počas jednej búrlivej noci objaví Timothy, zistí, rovnako ako celé mestečko Stanleyville, že najväčšie dary v živote prichádzajú z tých najneočakávanejších strán
Aziz and Lemi must recover a diamond gifted by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to the U.S. President which has been stolen by bandits in the American wild west.
Kovboj Frank T. Hopkins bol kedysi žijúcou legendou, ale dni jeho slávy sú už dávno spočítané - so svojím verným koňom Hidalgom sa stal vyvrheľom vo vlastnej krajine. Keď ho však ako prvého Američana v histórii pozvú na vyčerpávajúce preteky na 3 000 míľ naprieč neľútostnou krajinou Arabskej púšte, má šancu opäť dokázať, čo v ňom naozaj je. Preteky, počas ktorých sa pokúsi o nemožné, sa však stanú nielen otázkou hrdosti a cti, ale aj boja o prežitie.
Failed magician Iskender decides to do a tour to save his career, but has to bring his grumpy and senile father along. The tour is quite unexpectedly interrupted when a bride actually disappears from the stage.
Austrálsky farmár Joshua Connor má zvláštny talent pre hľadanie vody pod zemou vo vyprahnutej krajine. Svoj inštinkt bude musieť využiť v životnom dobrodružstve, aby sa v cudzej nepriateľskej krajine dostal na miesto najstrašnejšej bitky prvej svetovej vojny a našiel svojich troch synov. Cesta ho z austrálskeho kontinentu vedie do Konštantínopolu (dnešného Istanbulu), na rozhraní Európy a Ázie, doprostred chaosu zmršťujúceho sa impéria Osmanskej ríše. Connor sa musí zorientovať v neznámom prostredí plnom exotiky. S nečakanou pomocou potom začína súkromné vojnové ťaženie, nemenej veľkolepé než to, ktoré tu nedávno skončilo.
Pirated DVD seller Zafer who is formerly an extra in movies, swore to give up illegal works when his wife wanted to get divorce. To win his family back, he and his old-fashioned crew decided to make a movie called "Summit - The End Of Evil" which is a fantastic science fiction movie and couldn't be shot since 1977. A funny, entertaining and emotional journey awaits him who waded into this adventure with his unqualified crew.
An aspiring actor discovers that his spacious new apartment comes complete with eight friendly ghosts.
V spoločnej akcii amerických a ruských bezpečnostných síl, na čele s majorkou Kozlovovou a so zástupcom FBI Prestonom, je zabitý brat mafiánskeho bosa Tereka Murada. Ten sa rozhodne pomstiť a objedná si za sedemdesiat miliónov dolárov profesionálneho zabijaka Šakala. Zločinec, ktorý pracuje sám a v úplnom utajení, sa pustí do príprav atentátu.
A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp when they spot the girl's best friend on the side of the road. When they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.
Unavený z nákladov a zhonu mestského života vezme Recep Nurullaha do domu na vidieku, ktorý zdedil po svojej babičke. Na vedľajšom pozemku si zaparkuje príves Busra, právnička z Istanbulu. Najprv spolu nevychádzajú, no čoskoro ich čaká veľké dobrodružstvo za záchranou dediny pred nebezpečenstvom.
Burdened by troubles and caught between cultures, Riza takes a job as a mall Santa and finds that real life may not be so different from make believe.
Recep İvedik is at home watching television, when postman brings him a surprise invitation for the annual dried beans festival of Konya province. Very excited with the news, Recep convinces his best friend Nurullah to join him but due to a miscommunication with the travel agency, they get plane tickets for Kenya, Africa, instead of Konya, Turkey. After arriving at Kenya and getting on a safari tour, our hapless companions find themselves lost in endless savannah and at the middle of two rival local tribes. Many adventures await Recep in this unfamiliar and exotic land, who will try anything and everything to return home, mostly to hilarious results.