Light, color, and correlated sound. A program for the human nervous system.

To defend their kingdom against a sudden invasion, a mighty general returns to the battlefield alongside a war orphan, now grown up, who dreams of glory.

Veterán z druhé světové války uteče z domova důchodců v Severním Irsku a vydá se na náročnou, ale inspirativní cestu do Francie na oslavy 75. výročí vylodění v Den D. Najde odvahu postavit se duchům své minulosti.

Pyeong-ho Park (Jeong-jae Lee) a Jeong-do Kim (Woo-seong Jeong) jsou nejlepšími agenty Národní zpravodajské služby (NIS) Jižní Koreje. Jsou elitou jejich organizace, ale zároveň soupeři ve svém povolání. Oba pronásledují severokorejského špionážního ředitele vyslaného do Jižní Koreje, když brzy odhalí skrytou pravdu.

To big brother Dai, nothing is more satisfying than dining with his two younger half-siblings. But when his old flame shows up as his brother's girlfriend, kitchen nightmare strikes and it's up to his part-time girlfriend to simmer down the situation.

Od chvíle, kdy úspěšný anglický podnikatel Andrew Blake ztratil milovanou manželku, už ho na světě nic netěší. Aby si oživil krásné vzpomínky, vydává se do Francie navštívit panství Beauvillier, kde se kdysi seznámili. Když ale na panství přijede, zjistí, že je všechno jinak! Nejenže jsou hostinské pokoje dlouhá léta zavřené, ale celé panství je na pokraji krachu. Andrew přemluví svéráznou kuchařku Odile, aby ho na panství ubytovala. Ta má ale podmínku, Andrew musí přijmout práci komorníka, kterého majitelka panství, madame Beauvillierová, urputně ale zatím marně shání. O jejich tajné dohodě se ale nikdo nesmí dozvědět.

A compilation film featuring the eleventh episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc and the first episode of the Hashira Training Arc.

D. stalks Sandra but she doesn't know it. She does think that D. is a documentary filmmaker having her be in film about conquering fear. Little does she know that D. is not who he claims to be, and far worse.

The Imjin War reaches its seventh year in December of 1598. Admiral Yi Sun-shin learns that the Wa invaders in Joseon are preparing for a swift withdrawal following the deathbed orders of their leader Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Determined to destroy the enemy once and for all, Admiral Yi leads an allied fleet of Joseon and Ming ships to mount a blockade and annihilate the Wa army. However, once Ming commander Chen Lin is bribed into lifting the blockade, Wa lord Shimazu Yoshihiro and his Satsuma army sail to the Wa army’s rescue at Noryang Strait.

Double-crossed after a bank heist, a team of professional thieves attempts an even more challenging mission: returning the money they stole.

Alana discover the truth about her origin: she’s not an ordinary human being. She may be the gift for humanity and become its protector as Sri Asih. Or a destruction, if she can’t control her anger.

Stará čarodějnice předá své zlověstné dědictví vnučce, čímž vyvolá ty nejstrašnější kletby.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Chirurg brání nemocnici před útočícími nepřátelskými silami v bitvě o Saipan během druhé světové války.

Toni, a grumpy in his fifties, avoids children at all costs. His life changes when he suddenly has to take care of his sister's five adopted children, each from a different country. Toni will have to deal with new parenthood and cultural differences.

Dan, a budding street artist, supports himself with smash-and-grab heists. But his father's return from jail reignites his demons and pushes him to flee.

Policejní nováček dobrovolně nastoupí na poslední směnu na nově zrušené policejní stanici, aby se pokusila odhalit záhadnou souvislost mezi smrtí svého otce a krutým kultem.

When Jason Dyson refuses to make his prized fighter throw an MMA match, a notorious gangster collects his debt by killing the fighter and kidnapping Jason's daughter. Now he must train a prisoner to endure five consecutive underground fights to save her.