Prvič v Spider-Manovi filmski zgodovini je identiteta prijaznega junaka iz soseske razkrita in odgovornosti, ki jih ima kot superjunak, so nenadoma v konfliktu z njegovim vsakdanjim življenjem zato so vsi, ki so mu pri srcu, v nevarnosti. Ko zaprosi Doktorja Strangea naj mu pomaga obnoviti skrivnost, urok pretrga njun svet in osvobodi najmočnejše zlikovce, kar se jih je kdaj spopadlo z vsemi Spider-Mani v kateremkoli vesolju. Peter bo zdaj moral premagati največji izziv doslej, ki ne bo samo za vedno spremenil njegove prihodnosti, temveč tudi prihodnost multi-vesolja.

Film je umeščen deset let po dogodkih iz prvega dela in se začne z zgodbo o družini Sully. Odkar se je odločil trajno prenesti človeško zavest v telo Avatarja in postati novi vodja naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully s svojo družino živi na Pandori. Z Neytiri sta ustvarila družino in dobila otroke. Kolonizacijske sile se vrnejo na Pandoro, da bi oživile prvotno iskanje, zaradi česar Jake in Neytiri pobegneta iz svojega doma in raziskujeta doslej še neznane dele Pandore, da bi srečala ljudstvo Metkayine, klan domorodcev, ki živijo obdani z morjem.

Shaggy and Scooby-Doo quit their Saturday morning TV series in pursuit of Hollywood stardom.

The gang's vacation to Paris takes a wrong turn when Scooby and Shaggy miss their flight and end up on a skydiving expedition in the Himalayas. To make matters worse, upon arrival they must outrun the Abominable Snowmonster.

Scooby-Doo and Shaggy travel to Arabia to become the Caliph's Royal Food Tasters. But they bite off more than they can chew and are forced to run for their lives! It's a wild magic carpet ride as Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and their genie (Yogi Bear) and a jolly sailor named Sinbad (Magilla Gorilla) take you on an adventure of mistaken identities, exotic locations and fun-filled action and surprises!

Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are on their way to a Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, where they've been hired as gym teachers. Once there, however, they find that not only is it actually an all-girl school of famous monsters' daughters but there's a villainess out to enslave the girls.

After the death of Shaggy's Uncle Beaureguard, he, Scooby and Scrappy arrive at the late uncle's Southern plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, they find it is haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. With this spook on their tails while they solve riddles in search of the inheritance, they seek help from the Boo Brothers, a trio of ghost-exterminators to help catch this nasty ghoul.

Živeti v Barbie deželi pomeni biti popolno bitje na popolnem mestu. Razen, če imaš popolno krizo eksistence. Ali pa si Ken. Ona je vse. On je samo Ken. Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird, Čas deklištva) je film posnela po scenariju, ki ga je napisala z Noahom Baumbachom (Frances Ha, Marriage Story).

Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and all his Disney pals star in an original movie about the importance of opening your heart to the true spirit of Christmas. Stubborn old Donald tries in vain to resist the joys of the season, and Mickey and Pluto learn a great lesson about the power of friendship.

Wile E. Coyote hopes to stop and catch the Road Runner using a huge, boulder-throwing catapult. But no matter where Wile E. positions himself, the catapult drops the boulder on him.

The action continues from [REC], with the medical officer and a SWAT team outfitted with video cameras are sent into the sealed off apartment to control the situation.

Zdravnica Gabbie in njen 9-letni sin Travis, ki želita začeti novo življenje, se preselita v neobičajno in cenovno ugodno vilo v New Orleansu. Kmalu odkrijeta, da mesto in njun novi dom skrivata veliko več, kot sta pričakovala. Obupno začneta iskati pomoč, zato najameta pisano druščino tako imenovanih duhovnih strokovnjakov, da jima pomagajo rešiti dom pred nadnaravnimi skvoterji.

Zdi se, da je Peter Parker vendarle našel pravo ravnotežje med predanostjo veliki ljubezni M.J. in nalogami superjunaka. Toda na obzorju se že zbirajo nevihtni oblaki, saj zavoljo oboževanja javnosti in zelo vsiljive občudovalke Gwen Spider-Man postaja vse bolj prevzeten. Ko v igro vstopi še negativec Sandman, ki je kriv za smrt Petrovega strica, se Spider-Man prične spreminjati v temnega maščevalca, ki sicer premore neslutene moči, a za ceno izgube stika z ljudmi, ki Spider-Manu največ pomenijo.

Milo and Kida reunite with their friends to investigate strange occurances around the world that seem to have links to the secrets of Atlantis.

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.

When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. With several suspects on her list, Molly unexpectedly discovers that not everyone is who they appear to be, including herself.

Despondent over the closing of his karate school, Cobra Kai teacher John Kreese joins a ruthless businessman and martial artist to get revenge on Daniel and Mr. Miyagi.

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

A young woman learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her deceased grandmother. After embarking on a road trip with friends to uncover her roots, she finds she is the sole owner of a lavish, isolated Victorian mansion. But her newfound wealth comes at a price as she stumbles upon a horror that awaits her in the mansion’s dank cellars.

Julie preganja preteklost, zato trpi zaradi nočnih mor, halucinacij, slabih ocen in vedno slabšega odnosa s fantom Rayem. Nekega dne jo sostanovalka Karla povabi na počitnice na Bahame, skupaj z njima pa odpotujeta tudi Karlin fant Tyrell in sošolec Will. Tam se začnejo dogajati nenavadne reči. Čeprav se je zdelo, da je Julie vsaj za kratek čas ubežala preteklosti, se mora zdaj ponovno soočiti z njo.