Working at the limits of what can easily be expressed, filmmaker Peter Mettler takes on the elusive subject of time, and once again turns his camera to filming the unfilmable. From the particle accelerator in Switzerland, where scientists seek to probe regions of time we cannot see, to lava flows in Hawaii which have overwhelmed all but one home on the south side of Big Island; from the disintegration of inner-city Detroit, to a Hindu funeral rite near the place of Buddha's enlightenment, Mettler explores our perception of time. He dares to dream the movie of the future while also immersing us in the wonder of the everyday. THE END OF TIME, at once personal, rigorous and visionary, Peter Mettler has crafted a film as compelling and magnificent as its subject.
A pathologist experiments with a deaf-mute woman who is unable to scream to prove that humans die of fright due to an organism he names The Tingler that lives within each person on the spinal cord and is suppressed only when people scream when scared.
George Lutz, his wife Kathy, and their three children have just moved into a beautiful, and improbably cheap, Victorian mansion nestled in the sleepy coastal town of Amityville, Long Island. However, their dream home is concealing a horrific past and soon each member of the Lutz family is plagued with increasingly strange and violent visions and impulses.
A man falls in love with a dude after a corneal transplantation.
Wifes and children of the Mormon Orville Beecham become victims of a massacre in his own house. The police believes the crime had a religious motive. Orville doesn't give any comment on the case, is taken into protective custody. Journalist Smith persuades him to help him in the investigation - and finds out about economic motives for the murder.
A salt storehouse near the sea may be haunted. A penniless ex-con dies a gristly death in a house he can ill afford. The detectives assigned the case are Min, newly reinstated after a suspension, and Lee, a new transfer from forensics. Min has nightmares: a sexual assault that haunts her. She and Lee work well together, but soon two more deaths occur - each mysteriously poisoned, both friends of the ex-con. A fourth friend, a newly married doctor, is a suspect. But what has all this to do with the salt storehouse, a death ten years ago, and a missing girl? Can Min and Lee get to the bottom of it, or is the supernatural beyond a cop's reach?
After an unexpected death in the family, a mother and son struggle to find spiritual healing at a beachfront summer home.
Byť dobrý chlapec a usporiadaný, nepriebojný občan sa nevypláca. Takto jasné je posolstvo novej snímky legendárneho režisérskeho hororového esa George A. Romera. Jeho hlavným hrdinom je typický zástupca strednej spoločenskej vrstvy, ktorý s tvárou stoika prekonáva nepríjemné pravdy akými je každodenné ponižovanie jeho velikášského šéfa, niekoľkonásobná nevera manželky a nakoniec aj finančné podvody jeho najlepšieho priateľa. Až raz osud a scenáristi tohto filmu povedia dosť. Strata tváre, s ňou aj osobnosti, má za dôsledok zrod v pravý opak tohto človiečika - krvilačnej ľudskej beštie, túžiacej po pomste. Potečie krv. Ale to je predsa jasné.
Skupinka turistov prichádza za zábavou na istý grécky ostrov. Po príchode zisťujú zvláštnu vec, ostrov, aj keby nemal byť, je úplne prázdny. Na ich nešťastie, zas nie až tak úplne...
In this made-for-cable television horror thriller, a travel writer visits a historic hotel to write a story about it and inadvertently finds herself on the 13th floor where she witnesses a Satanic rite and tangles with an axe-wielding killer. She escapes, but no one believes her story because the hotel has no 13th floor.
Sam Craft nemá za sebou práve najlepší deň. Začala pracovať v pizzerii ako donášačka pizzy. Kolegovia jej nechali len objednávky, pri ktorých bolo isté, že žiadne sprepitné nebude, a tak sa rozhodla vziať veľkú donášku do štvrte boháčov, mysliac si, že práve tí by jej nejaké drobné mohli hodiť. Keď jej však aj tu zabuchnú dvere pred nosom, zúfalá Sam sa rozhodne votrieť sa do domu a o sprepitné si zažiadať. Nebol to však najchytrejší ťah, v dome je práve satanistický sabat , ktorý rieši jednu pre nich nesmierne dôležitú vec – do rána potrebujú obetovať svojmu pánovi - Belzebubovi pannu. A tú až doteraz nemali. Vyzerá to tak, že skutočné problémy u Sam ešte len teraz začínajú...
When a new family moves to an old house in Amityville, they are tormented and tortured by an evil spirit living in the home while trapped by the malicious townspeople who want to keep them there.
When Alena arrives at her new elite boarding school, Filippa and the other girls start to harass her. But Alena’s best friend Josefin won’t let her take anymore beating. If she won’t strike back, Josefin will do it for her. Hard.
While treating a policewoman for smoking, hypnotherapist Michael Strother has a telepathic vision of a young girl floating beneath the surface of a stream. The escaped victim of a ritualistic serial killer, the girl has become mute, and Michael is called upon by Scotland Yard to unlock the secrets she holds in order to catch a man who believes he has discovered the key to immortality.
Príbeh šialeného masakru, ktorý sa stal v sedemdesiatych rokoch, a desivých hlasov, ktoré k nemu viedli ... Začínať si s vyvolávaním duchov, keď bývate na indiánskom pohrebisku, nie je ten najlepší nápad. Zvlášť keď bývate v Amityville. Rodine DeFeových sa náhle dejú hrozivé nešťastia a začnú mať podivné vidiny ...
Doktorka Sonny Blakeová, psychiatrička a moderátorka rozhlasovej talk show Talk Line, sa rok po otcovej smrti vracia na Rosewood Lane v Stillwateri a nasťahuje sa do jeho domu. Sonny prešla tvrdou výchovou svojho otca a sama chodila na terapiu k doktorke Cloeyovej. Sonnyho priateľ, okresný prokurátor Barrett Tanner, jej pomáha pri sťahovaní. Po príchode sa Sonny od susedov dozvie, že miestny doručovateľ novín je nebezpečný blázon. Sonny zistí, že sa vlámal do domu a možno zabil jej otca, ale detektívi Briggs a Sabatino jej neveria a všetko pripisujú bujnej fantázii. Keď Barretta napadnú a zmizne, Sonny a jej priateľka Paula Crenshawová zavolajú políciu, ale nič a nikoho nenájdu. Je Sonny blázon, alebo je novinár stelesnené zlo?
To debunk the Amityville house's infamous reputation and take advantage of a rock-bottom asking price, skeptical journalist John Baxter buys the place and settles in to write his first novel.
Joel Gilbert's directing style is on full display here with a look at how Donald Trump dominated the 2016 race, using The Art of the Insult to brand political opponents and bash the media all the way to the White House.
Staré babky rozprávajú, že ak práve prechádzame okolo cintorína, mali by sme zadržať dych. Ináč hrozí, že vdýchneme nejakého ducha, ktorý tam čaká na svoju príležitosť, odmietnutý nebesiami i peklom. Skupinka tínedžrov prechádzajúca okolo jedného cintorína sa čoskoro presvedčí, že to nie sú len babské reči. Jeden z nich tento starý zvyk nedodržal a jeho telo sa stalo príbytkom pred rokmi popraveného sériového vraha...
In the quiet waters of the Mississippi, body parts are being discovered. No one knows what is behind it all, until a huge man eating bull shark turns up. This bull shark is different, as it can breath in fresh water, making a deadly encounter between anyone who comes before it. John Sanders must now try and reach the surface, with his ex-wife and whilst being held hostage.