A free and intimate portrait behind the scenes of Valeria Bruni Tedeschi's creation. In front of the camera, she transmits to today’s young actors the memory of the 1980s.

Supersonic charts the meteoric rise of Oasis from the council estates of Manchester to some of the biggest concerts of all time in just three short years. This palpable, raw and moving film shines a light on one of the most genre and generation-defining British bands that has ever existed and features candid new interviews with Noel and Liam Gallagher, their mother, and members of the band and road crew.

Tai filmas apie brolį ir seserį, kurie išvyksta aplankyti senelio kapo Teksase. Kartu su jais keliauja ir trys jų draugai. Ten jie tampa vienos šeimos, užsiimančios kanibalizmu, aukomis. Jie privalo ištverti odinveidžio ir jo šeimos kankinimus.

Working-class British housewife Myra Savage reinvents herself as a medium, holding seances in the sitting room of her home with the hidden assistance of her under-employed, asthmatic husband, Billy. In an attempt to enhance her credibility as a psychic, Myra hatches an elaborate, ill-conceived plot to kidnap a wealthy couple's young daughter so that she can then help the police "find" the missing girl.

A man caught up in the glamor of being a Hollywood celebrity has no idea that the production he's in is a fake.

Kelionės iš Teksaso į Meksiką metu grupė jaunuolių renkasi kruviną autostopininką, kuris tvirtina, kad ji yra vienintelė išgyvenusi žudynę, įvykusią naktį priešais netoliese esantį namą. Tobe Hooperio (1974) to paties pavadinimo klasikos perdarymas.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

RJ the raccoon produces a nature video, which turns out to be an excuse for him and the porcupine children to play pranks on Hammy the squirrel.

1969-ieji. Prieš išvykdami į karo mėsmalę, abu broliai su savo merginoms Krise ir Beile nusprendžia paskutinį kartą pasilinksminti ir leidžiasi į kelionę po Teksasą. Nelaimingo atsitikimo metu Krisė rimtai sužeidžiama. Įvykio vietoje netikėtai pasirodo pamišęs šerifas Hoitas. Krisei pavyksta pasislėpti pakelės krūmuose ir ji pamato, kaip šaltakraujiškai ir nieko nepaaiškinęs Hoitas suvaro jaunuolius į savo automobilį ir išsiveža. Krisė tampa šiurpiausių įvykių, vykstančių Hevitų dvare, liudininke ir suvokia, kad ji yra vienintelė jos mylimiausių žmonių, patekusių į klaikiausius spąstus, viltis...

Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his father are the first vampires in town, but he soon meets other special kids.

A series of skits involving customers and store personnel from several departments of the big department store.

Rod leads a radio show dedicated to horror. Until suddenly the announcer begins to receive strange calls from a child who desperately asks for help. At first thinks that it is a bad joke until he discovers that this is not the case. These calls hide a dark secret…

Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first night shift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless, the forgotten, the bitter-and-twisted who all think that, really, they deserve to be somewhere else. They all think they're there by accident and that, with a little luck, life is going to get better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is about to arrive - and All Hell Will Break Loose!

A psychotic redneck who owns a dilapidated hotel in the backwater swamps of Louisiana kills various people who upset him or his business, and he feeds their bodies to a large crocodile that he keeps as a pet in the swamp beside his hotel.

Two college students driving coast to coast are lured off the main highway and onto a deserted Texas road. Here they are stalked by the menacing Leatherface and his demented family...a bizarre cannibalistic clan with blood on their hands and a feast on their minds. The students’ only chance for escape is a survivalist with enough firepower to blast Leatherface and the rest of the grisly predators to hell. A depraved shocker of intense terror from the gruesome beginning to the bloody finish.

Melanie Beck is the only surviving victim of a killer-rapist who wears a Freddy Krueger-esque mask and claw. Despite having seen the killer's face, Beck has blocked it from her memory. Becoming suicidal, she tries to kill herself on the beach but is saved by Axel, another rapist sleazeball who keeps her locked in his hotel room. All this builds to a mind blowing conclusion.

When a helpful family invites two lost couples in for a good ol' down-home massacre, the prom night teens find themselves all dressed up... with no place to escape.

An American doctor encounters members of a voodoo cult when she is summoned to Jamaica to treat a wealthy man's brother.

A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several brutal kidnappings in his home town.

Bruce is a repairman tormented by a crippling sense of responsibility for his disabled wife Samantha, an ex-policewoman. Bruce’s increasing hypersensitivity to the injustice suffered by his wife steers him down a dark path of vigilantism. His disintegrating mental health, paranoia and overwhelming sense of doom causes Bruce to channel his rage towards a young woman.