Očarljiva Grace se na begu pred skupino gangsterjev zateče v Dogville, samotno naselje sredi Skalnega gorovja. Na pobudo mladega Toma , samozvanega predstavnika malega mesta, ji prebivalci Dogvilla ponudijo zatočišče, Grace pa se zaveže, da bo v zameno delala zanje. A ko se prične policijska preiskava, mala skupnost zahteva ugodnejši dogovor v zameno za tvegano skrivanje nesrečne Grace, ki se sooči s krutim dejstvom, da je dobrota tega mesteca zelo relativna. Toda Grace v sebi nosi skrivnost in to zelo nevarno. Prebivalcem Dogvilla bo morda še celo žal, da so si drznili pokazati zobe. Film je prvi iz nove trilogije Larsa von Trierja na temo Združenih držav Amerike. V primerjavi s prejšnjo serijo, posneto po "zapovedih" gibanja Dogma 95, je Dogville korak naprej v smislu eksperimentiranja, saj se celotno dogajanje odvija na črnem odru s kulisami in na tleh označenimi elementi.

Resnična zgodba o kapitanu Richardu Phillipsu in njegovi posadki na ladji 'MV Maersk Alabama', ki so jo leta 2009 ugrabili somalijski pirati, ko je prevažala tovor okoli Afriškega roga. Zgodba se osredotoča na odnos med kapitanom in njegovim ugrabiteljem Museom. Ker so na nitki življenja posadke, mora kapitan ukrepati, preden bo prepozno.

Thousands of birds flock into a seaside town and terrorize the residents in a series of deadly attacks.

One morning, Lily and Ben wake up side by side in bodies that are not theirs. And Magalie, a little girl in the body of a tall, bearded, awaits them in the guest room. This is the beginning of an incredible adventure, sometimes initiatory, where the bodies and identities will be reversed at the option of a simple hug.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting leads the actor down a path nobody could have predicted; creating the worst movie ever made.

Noni Jean is a hot new rising star. But not all is what it seems, and the pressure causes Noni to nearly fall apart - until she meets Kaz Nicol, a promising young cop and aspiring politician who's been assigned to her detail. Can Kaz's love give Noni the courage to find her own voice and break free to become the artist she was meant to be?

A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.

Straight out of Jersey comes Patricia Dombrowski, a.k.a. Killa P, a.k.a. Patti Cake$, an aspiring rapper fighting through a world of strip malls and strip clubs on an unlikely quest for glory.

Joe, bivši kaznjenec iz majhnega mesta na ameriškem jugu, se skuša izogniti težavam in živeti preprosto življenje. Podnevi dela kot vodja ekipe ‘zastrupljevalcev dreves’ za veliko gozdarsko podjetje, noči pa preživlja v gostilni ali lokalnem bordelu. Nekega dne mu pot prekriža petnajstletni Gary, ki je s svojim nasilnim, alkoholu vdanim očetom maloprej prispel v mesto in obupano išče delo. Joe fantu ponudi priložnost, ki je sam nikoli ni imel, in med njima se splete neobičajno zavezništvo. S to avtentično zgodbo o iskanju odrešitve, umeščeno v mračno in brutalno ozračje ameriškega juga, se Nicolas Cage uspešno vrača k svojim neodvisnim koreninam.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

Pet zelo različnih parov se sooča z enako težavo - kako prebroditi težave in življenjske spremembe v času nosečnosti in pričakovanju prvega otroka? Kljub številnim prebranim knjigam in nenehnim nasvetom prijateljev, zmedeni novopečeni očki in mamice odkrijejo, da v praksi nič ni tako, kot so si želeli in predstavljali. Skušajo si pomagati s skupinskimi terapijami in sestanki, vendar ustvarijo le še večjo čustveno zmešnjavo.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

A man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any explanation.

Marco is married to a gorgeous woman, has a child and a great job. Everything seems perfect, at least until his wife of 25 years announces that she has another man and wants a separation. Marco is forced to leave home.

Georges Duroy travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.

Confident senior Jo begins the new school year by breaking her own cardinal rule: don't get involved in girl drama. but when she sees timid Abby preyed upon by Queen Bee Mandi and her minions, she takes sides in a viciously funny girl-world-war that turns North Shore High School upside down.

In the near future, breathable air is nonexistent. Virtually all of humanity has disappeared, and those chosen to reestablish society reside in a controlled state of suspended animation. Two engineers tasked with guarding the last hope for mankind struggle to preserve their own sanity and lives while administering to the vital task at hand.