"Jennifer Lopez: All I Have" was the first concert residency by American entertainer Jennifer Lopez. Performed at Zappos Theater (formerly The AXIS Theater) located in the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, the residency began on January 20, 2016 and concluded on September 29, 2018. The show has received critical acclaim for its production and Lopez's showmanship. The residency grossed $101.9 million after 120 shows, making it the sixth highest-grossing Las Vegas residency of all time, and the top residency by a Latin artist.

A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Lu, a conformist woman in her forties, learns that her 15-year partner has been having extramarital affairs. Starting from scratch, she gets involved in an unexpected relationship with a young womanizer.

Kauhukaupungissa aaveista tulee totta! Kun Clawdeen™ saa tilaisuuden päästä legendaarisen muotisuunnittelijan Madam Ghostierin oppiin, hän pakkaa matkalaukkunsa ja lentää heti parhaiden monsteriystäviensä kanssa kauniiseen Scarisiin, Ranskaan. Clawdeenin kilpaillessa kahta taitavaa vastustajaa, Skelitaa™ ja Jinafia™ vastaan hänen kaverinsa Frankie™ ja Rochelle™ paljastavat syvälle mukulakivikatujen alle kätkeytyvän hirveän salaisuuden. Lähde Monster High’n™ monstereiden seurassa elämäsi seikkailuun Scarisiin – kaupunkiin, jossa aaveista todella tulee totta!

Tutustuttaakseen Frankien pelottavaan perimäänsä tyylikkään tuliset monsteriystävykset matkustavat ajassa taaksepäin Monster High:n ihka ensimmäiseen päivään. Siellä he tapaavat Sparkyn, kallottavan teinin, jolla on pakkomielle elämän luomiseen. Kun Sparky seuraa kaveruksia aikaportin läpi moderniin Monster High:hin, seurauksena on kahdeksikon yhteensulautuminen ja muuttuminen neljäksi karmivaksi hybridimonsteriksi. Heidän on todellakin tehtävä töitä yhdessä voidakseen kontrolloida kehojaan ja pysäyttää Sparkyn kokeen, joka on tuhota täydellisen epätäydellisen Monster High:n.

José Pedro de Freitas, better known as Zé Arigó, was a simple man who lived with his wife Arlete in Congonhas, Minas Gerais. During the 1950s, a time when Spiritism was not as well known and respected in the country, Arigó became a symbol of hope through his surgeries and spiritual cures. Based on a true story, Arigó, with the help of the spirit of Dr. Fritz, performed numerous spiritual surgeries on people from Brazil and the world.

A large number of drugs enter Kazakhstan from Afghanistan. To stop this, a special group must be created. The Ministry decides to send intelligence officer Oraz and two of his friends there, who participated in the war in Afghanistan and know the country well. The three veterans are joined by a young scout who despises the "old men". They will have to solve the drug problem, despite the conflict between two generations.

For decades, HSBC, one of the world's largest banks, laundered hundreds of millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels. Senator Elizabeth Warren, dogged journalists and prosecutors try to hold the bankers to account.

What happens when a machine makes life-or-death decisions? This documentary explores the dangers of artificial intelligence in military application.

Lähde seuraamaan elokuvan "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" tuotantoa jaksossa Assembled, missä näyttelijät ja kuvausryhmä tarttuvat valtavaan haasteeseen ja muistelevat T-Challaa osiossa, joka on entisen kuninkaan arvoinen. Henkilökohtainen kulissien takana -osio ja haastattelut kertovat, miten Shuri ottaa vastaan Wakandan sankarin roolin ja kohtaa Namorin, uuden vihollisen meren syvyyksistä.

This is the story of a broken family, of egotistic and manipulative parents, a two-headed monster that devours every hope of freedom on the part of the children. Desirè is the only one who can save her brother Claudio and will go on fighting against everything and everyone in the name of the only love she knows, in pursuit of a bit of happiness.

Four insomniac med school students are lured into a neuroscience experiment that spirals out of control and must find a way out before it’s too late.

Two young girls, a hot, stifling summer, the desire to run away from a small provincial town. Luisa is full of life, uninhibited, unconventional. Renata is dark, angry and in need of love. The lives of two young women is a tale of blackmail, of a love betrayed, of violence: Luisa uses her Albanian boyfriend, Bilal; Renata uses Luisa’s body to orchestrate her revenge. Both want to leave the small community where they have grown up among village festivals and independence gatherings, helpless families and new generations of migrants targeted by those who feel increasingly threatened. Luisa, Renata and Bilal will risk loosing themselves, loosing a precious part of themselves, of those they love, ultimately loosing their own lives.

Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for another lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood.

England, 1897. Abraham Van Helsing receives a letter from his former student Dr John Seward requesting his urgent assistance in the northern town of Whitby, where his fiancée Lucy is showing all the signs of vampirism. Van Helsing follows the bloody trail to the coffin of Count Dracula himself. Van Helsing is a fresh take on the legend of Dracula through the eyes of his greatest enemy.

Kolme vuotta sen jälkeen, kun Sam on nähnyt morsiamensa murhan, hän yhtäkkiä havahtuu pariisilaisessa elokuvateatterissa siihen, että näkee edessään kuolleen rakastettunsa. Hän aloittaa vimmaisen etsinnän löytääkseen naisen.

Kolmen nuoren tähtitieteilijän seikkailut ja heidän taistelunsa selviytyäkseen tappavasta Marsin hyökkäyksestä. (Owla)

After small town waitress Joey is sexually assaulted after a date with her old friend Mike, she befriends mysterious stranger Regina. Regina introducers her to The Cherry Bombers, an all femme gang including Beatrice, Lily, Sal, Jett, Angie, and Fala. All suffering from past traumas, together they fight a misogynistic society by targeting violent frat boys, a corrupt police force of human traffickers led by Sheriff Morel, and the dangerous alt-right group MFM (Men’s First Movement) headed by Mark Vanderhill. As Joey is drawn further into their chaotic world, Sal’s old flame, Logan County Sheriff Vernon, investigates MFM, leading to a thrilling showdown.

Sirish belongs to a well to do family which is headed by Prakash Raj. Things in his family get disturbed when Srirish’s brother loves and marries a middle class girl against his father’s will. In this crunch situation, Sirish falls in love with a yet another middle class girl called Anu(Lavanya) and reveals about this to his father. An upset Prakash Raj, gives him a piece of his advice and asks him to back off from the relationship. An adamant Sirish, challenges his father that he will win his love by not using his family name. In this process, he woos Anu and right when the time things start getting positive, Anu’s father arranges her marriage with some one else.Rest of the story is as to how Sirish manages to convince both Anu’s parents and his and finally comes out victorious.

The story of East London’s exciting drag scene with touching personal stories at its’ heart. Individuals questioning their friendships, family and personal ambitions whilst dressing up to shock the world.