الأستاذ باربنفوي وخمسة من زملائه في أكاديمية الفلك يسافرون إلى القمر على متن صاروخ يدعمه مدفع عملاق. عند وصولهم إلى سطح القمر، يواجه المستكشفون الجريئون العديد من المخاطر المخفية في كهوف هذا الكوكب الغامض.

عندما يتم العثور على جثة الكاتب الروائي هارلان ثرومبي، يتولى المحقق بلانك على عاتقه مهمة التحقيق في الجريمة، ليجد نفسه متورطًا في العديد من الأحداث في سبيل البحث عن الحقيقة.

يدور العمل حول امرأة تُدعى بيلا باكستر، ورحلتها من الموت إلى العودة للحياة مجددًا على يد العالم الغامض دكتور جودوين باكستر.

مع سقوط العالم، يتم اختطاف فيوريوسا الصغيرة وتقع في أيدي حشد كبير من راكبي الدراجات النارية بقيادة أمير الحرب ديمنتوس. ويجب على فيوريوسا أن تنجو من العديد من المصاعب وأن تجد طريقها إلى المنزل.

في المستقبل القريب ، تسيطر التكنولوجيا على جميع جوانب الحياة تقريبًا. لكن عندما أصبح جراي ، وهو تقني معروف ، قد انقلب عالمه رأسا على عقب ، فإن أمله الوحيد في الانتقام هو زرع شريحة كمبيوتر تجريبية تسمى Stem.

A man and a woman meet by accident on a Sunday evening at their childrens' boarding school. Slowly, they reveal themselves to each other, finding that each is a widow.

The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered.

Michael Moore's view on how the Bush administration allegedly used the tragic events on 9/11 to push forward its agenda for unjust wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A young man swims across the rivers and lakes of Britain to a soundtrack of assorted nationalistic music. As he passes people on the banksides including children, lovers and a tramp their thoughts and conversations are also heard. Ultimately, after walking through a wood at night, the boy returns to the water and appears to sink below the surface.

At the royal court, a prince is presenting the princess whom he is pledged to marry when a witch suddenly appears. Though driven off, the witch soon returns, summons some of her servants, and carries off the princess. A rescue party is quickly organized, but the unfortunate captive has been taken to a strange, forbidding realm, from where it will be impossible to rescue her without some special help.

في إطار من الغامرات والكوميديا، تحاول عائلة بلشر إنقاذ المطعم الشهير الخاص بهم من خطر الإغلاق، حينما يظهر هبوط أرضي أمامهم، بينما يتولى الأطفال مسؤولية حل لغز قد يساعدهم في الحفاظ على المطعم العائلي.

في إطار من الرعب، تُعاني ماديسون من سلسلة من الأحلام والرؤى الغريبة والمرعبة عن جرائم قتل في أماكن تفرقة، ويزداد عذابها حينما تكتشف حدوث كل ما تراه من جرائم بالعالم الحقيقي.

A traveler at an inn is harassed by a mischievous devil in his room.

The story of the encounter between a boy and a girl. He confesses that he fell in love with her at first sight, but she does not believe him. However, as they walk through the night in Madrid, they share their desires, secrets, and maybe a few little lies. But soon the film brings us back to the harsh reality of power struggles, psychological games and conflicts between the sexes. Stockholm thus offers an incredible reading of the relations between young people today.

Grave robbers open the grave of the wolf man and awaken him. He doesn't like the idea of being immortal and killing people when the moon is full so tries to find Dr. Frankenstein, in the hopes that the doctor can cure him. Dr. Frankenstein has died; however, his monster is found.

Georges Méliès makes a woman disappear, then reappear.

Drug use in the city of Rome is at an all-time high. Children score from dealers in front of their schools, mules waltz straight through airport security, and Interpol's main man, Mike Hamilton, is at his wits' end. Fed up to the back teeth with the local police force's incompetence, his only hope is to rely on one of his own men, Fabio, an officer so deep undercover that no-one but Hamilton knows who he really is. Even as Fabio gains the trust of cartel leader Gianni, however, the dealers are edging ever closer to the truth, and when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted as Fabio finds himself alone in a desperate fight to survive.

After the death of the paranoid emperor Tiberius, Caligula, his heir, seizes power and plunges the empire into a bloody spiral of madness and depravity.

Mary Jane tries to light the oven. When she's unsuccessful, she plays around, getting black boot polish on her face. She mugs before a mirror. Then, it's back to work. When the stove still won't light, she pours in paraffin, winks at the camera, and lights a match. Kaboom! Is there any rest for the foolish, even in the grave?

تظهر ظواهر غريبة على فتاة مُراهقة تُدعى لورا فيجاس؛ فيلجأ والديها لطلب المساعدة من قس من الفاتيكان لعلاجها من المس، وبمرور الوقت تنهار حياة العائلة تمامًا.