Praėjo aštuoneri metai nuo tada, kai Betmenas dingo tamsoje, iš didvyrio virtęs bėgliu. Dabar Tamsos riteris turi kautis su nauju nesustabdomu milžinišką fizinę ir intelektinę jėgą turinčiu priešu. Užsimaskavęs anarchistas planuoja triuškinančius užpuolimus, siekdamas ištraukti Betmeną iš priedangos. Pasiryžęs neapleisti žmonių, kuriuos jau kartą gindamas rizikavo gyvybe, Tamsos riteris pasirodo iš savanoriškos tremties, pasiryžęs vėl kautis. Du „Oskarus“ laimėjusi kino meistro Christopherio Nolano juosta pelnė neįtikėtiną žiūrovų palankumą.

Šiame pasakiškame filme Haris Poteris jau bus visiems pažįstamas Hogvartso antrametis ir susidurs su dar keistesniais padarais bei patirs dar nuostabesnių nuotykių… Sužinosite, kokios liūdnos buvo Hario atostogos pas nedorėlius Durslius, kaip jo neleido grįžti į mokyklą, kaip senutėliu skraidančiu automobiliu jį stebuklingai į Hogvartsą nuskraidino draugai. Na, o ten, žinoma, naujos mįslės. Kažkas atidarė Paslapčių kambarį, apipintą šiurpiomis legendomis, ir iš ten ištrūkęs monstras keletą mokinių sustingdė į akmenis. Mokyklai gresia uždarymas, iš jos pašalinamas Dumbldoras, suimamas Hagridas… Tačiau Hariui su Roniu pavyksta atrasti Paslapčių kambarį ir atskleisti jo paslaptis bei nugalėti baisių įvykių kaltininką ir laimėti Grifų Gūžtai net 400 taškų!

Not paying attention to his job, a young demon allows the evil cleansing machine to overflow and explode, turning the young demon into the infamous monster Janemba. Goku and Vegeta make solo attempts to defeat the monster, but realize their only option is fusion.

In 2019, Nepalese mountain climber Nirmal “Nims” Purja set out to do the unthinkable by climbing the world’s fourteen highest summits in less than seven months. (The previous record was eight years). He called the effort “Project Possible 14/7” and saw it as a way to inspire others to strive for greater heights in any pursuit. The film follows his team as they seek to defy naysayers and push the limits of human endurance.

A thrilling journey through legends, belief and folklore, this film goes behind the scenes with the British Library as they search to tell that story through objects in their collection, in an ambitious new exhibition: Harry Potter: A History Of Magic. J.K. Rowling, who is lending unseen manuscripts, drawings and drafts from her private archives (which will sit alongside treasures from the British Library, as well as original drafts and drawings from Jim Kay) talks about some of the personal items she has lent to the exhibition and gives new insight into her writing, looking at some of the objects from the exhibition that have fired her imagination.

Capturing Avatar is a feature length behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Avatar. It uses footage from the film's development, as well as stock footage from as far back as the production of Titanic in 1995. Also included are numerous interviews with cast, artists, and other crew members. The documentary was released as a bonus feature on the extended collector's edition of Avatar.

Set during the Vietnam war, Firebase follows American soldier Hines through an ever-deepening web of science fiction madness.

Five old men and a kid are travelling in a train's cabin without purpose. They travel because it's free and they don't have another place to stay. From their conversations we learn the tragedies of their lives. Also the hidden interlockings of their faith will out slowly.

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

Filme pasakojama apie pasirodžiusi filmą „Dūris“, kuriame pasakojama apie prieš metus vykusias žudynes. Filmo premjeros metu įvykdomos dvi žmogžudystės. Tikrųjų prieš metus vykusių žudynių liudininkė Sidnė Preskot suvokia, kad žudikas vėl grįžo. Žmogžudysčių įvyksta vis daugiau. Tyrėjai perpranta žudiko žudymo principą, bet jau per vėlu – Sidnė turės išgyvent pati.

Owen, a young man is dissatisfied with his life. He heads into the forest to escape and learns a lot during his time there.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

A horror short with no dialogue (Advised to watch with headphones)

Star is a young graffiti writer, the best in his city, Paris. His reputation attracts him as much into art galleries than in the police precincts. Accused of vandalism, he faces jail. Despite the threat, he decides to go to Rome with his crew in search of the meaning of his art.

Kartą vyro garaže atsiduria gremėzdiška metalo krūva, kuri, pasirodo, esanti ne kas kita, o transformeris. Juolab, nors ir gerokai aplamdytas, tačiau pats Optimas Praimas. Deja, toks Keido radinys nenudžiugina šalies vyriausybės, džiūgaujančios, jog autorobotai ir diseptikonai paliko Žemę, bei paskelbusios juos esant už įstatymo ribų. Jau netrukus Keido garažą okupuoja mokslininkai, verslininkai ir valdžios organų atstovai, siekiantys bet kokia kaina sunaikinti jų planus griaunantį bei praeityje didingu buvusį metalo gabalą. Tačiau ar jiems neteks persigalvoti, kuomet Žemę netikėtai užpuls ne itin draugiškai nusiteikę į robotus panašūs sutvėrimai? Sakoma, jog planeta saugi, kol joje yra nors vietas transformeris, tačiau ar Optimas Praimas stos ginti jį sunaikinti siekusių žmonių ir ar jis – ta pati žmoniją gelbėjusi legenda?..

Po to, kai visą pasaulį sukrėtęs įvykis sugadina visas elektronikos priemones ir atima žmonių gebėjimą miegoti, buvusi karė ieško sprendimo su savo dukra.

40 years after the first haunting at Eel Marsh House, a group of children evacuated from WWII London arrive, awakening the house's darkest inhabitant.

A lonely tow-truck driver gets caught in a deadly struggle between a pair of bank robbers with a beautiful hostage, local cops, and a monster that has come down from the Arizona mountains to eat human flesh.