ტონი ლიპი, რომელიც 1962 წელს მოღვაწეობს, პიანისტი დონ შირლიზე ტურნეს, რომელიც ღრმა სამხრეთით ტრიალებს, როდესაც აფრიკელი ამერიკელები იძულებულნი იყვნენ, ალტერნატიული საცხოვრებლებისა და მომსახურების მოძიება, რაც მეზონ-დიქსონის ხაზის გასწვრივ სეგრეგაციის კანონების გამო იყო. გზამკვლევი სახელწოდებით მწვანე წიგნი

An assassin is shot by her ruthless employer, Bill, and other members of their assassination circle – but she lives to plot her vengeance.

რენტონი ოცნებებით ცხოვრობს და მისი ოცნება ჰეროინია. ფილმში ნაჩვენებია, როგორ იტანჯებიან რენტონი და მისი შეუჩერებელი მეგობრები აგონიისა და ექსტაზის მდგომარეობით. სასმელი, ჩხუბი, სექსი და შოტლანდიის ყველაზე საზიზღარი ტუალეტი ირვინ უელშის რომანის ეკრანიზაცია.

დაფუძნებულია ნამდვილ ისტორიაზე. 1992 წელს ემორის უნივერსიტეტის დამთავრების შემდეგ, საუკეთესო სტუდენტი და ათლეტი კრისტოფერ მაკქენდლესი უარს ამბობს საკუთარ ქონებაზე. საკუთარ დანაზოგს 24 000 დოლარის ოდენობით მთლიანად ქველმოქვედებაში ხარჯავს და თავად უდაბურ ადგილას საცხოვრებლად, ავტოსტოპით ალიასკაზე მიემგზავრება. გზად, კრისტოფერი უამრავ პერსონაჟს შეხვდება, რომლებიც მის ცხოვრებას შეცვლიან.

Amid a tense political climate, the opposition leader of an unnamed Cold War-era country is killed in what looks like an accident. When a prosecutor finds evidence of a government cover-up, witnesses start to get targeted... A thinly veiled account of the 1963 assassination of Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis and its aftermath, Z captures the outrage about the US-backed military junta that ruled Greece at the time of its release.

A young Spanish woman who has newly moved to Berlin finds her flirtation with a local guy turn potentially deadly as their night out with his friends reveals a dangerous secret.

Two gangsters seek revenge on the state jail worker who during their stay at a youth prison sexually abused them. A sensational court hearing takes place to charge him for the crimes.

Based on the experiences of Agu, a child fighting in the civil war of an unnamed, fictional West African country. Follows Agu's journey as he's forced to join a group of soldiers. While he fears his commander and many of the men around him, his fledgling childhood has been brutally shattered by the war raging through his country, and he is at first torn between conflicting revulsion and fascination.

The film tells a story of a divorced couple trying to raise their young son. The story follows the boy for twelve years, from first grade at age 6 through 12th grade at age 17-18, and examines his relationship with his parents as he grows.

When dishwasher Ingo, whose girl-friend has just left him, returns a borrowed bar stool to the Folkwang Acting School in Essen, he stumbles into the audition for next year's new students. He lets Johannes, the broke and unsuccessful applicant, stay with him. Ingo decides to go to Munich with Johannes, where he wants to try his luck once again. Hitchhiking, they get rides with very different drivers on the autobahn. They meet up with the smooth-talking Ali in the wayside dinner "Raststätte Spessart". Arriving in Munich, the trio tries to find cheap sleeping accommodation. They enter Ingo into the audition at Munich acting school. Moreover, Johannes falls in love with street artist Herta from Berlin. Written by emkarpf

A deep dive into the hidden industry of digital cleaning, which rids the Internet of unwanted violence, porn and political content.

Fredrik isn’t the bravest of men, but now he is faced with a great responsibility and an enormous task - to get the entire Norwegian gold reserve away from the Nazis during the invasion of Norway.

Max imagines running away from his mom and sailing to a far-off land where large talking beasts—Ira, Carol, Douglas, the Bull, Judith and Alexander—crown him as their king, play rumpus, build forts and discover secret hideaways.

სამბა ემიგრანტად ჩამოვიდა საფრანგეთში 10 წლის წინ სენეგალიდან. მას მერე ბევრი სამუშაო გამოიცვლა, ის ნებისმიერ სამსახურზე თანახმაა. მას არ შეუძლია მოეწყოს კარგ სამსახურში. ის მთელი ძალებით ცდილობს მოიპოვოს დოკუმენტები სამუშაოდ.

Benjamin, a 16-year-old with lousy grades, switches to a boarding school in order to eventually reach grammar school. Adjusting to his new environment is difficult as he has to struggle with being a teen... specially when he falls in love to the school's dream girl, Malen.

Michael Jennings is a genius who's hired – and paid handsomely – by high-tech firms to work on highly sensitive projects, after which his short-term memory is erased so he's incapable of breaching security. But at the end of a three-year job, he's told he isn't getting a paycheck and instead receives a mysterious envelope. In it are clues he must piece together to find out why he wasn't paid – and why he's now in hot water.

დრიუ ბეილორს ყველა უბედურება ერთად დაემართა - სამსახურიდან დაითხოვეს, შეყვარებულმა მიატოვა, მამა მოუკვდა.

Construction company owner John Matthews learns that his estranged son, Jason, has been arrested for drug trafficking. Facing an unjust prison sentence for a first time offender courtesy of mandatory minimum sentence laws, Jason has nothing to offer for leniency in good conscience. Desperately, John convinces the DEA and the opportunistic DA Joanne Keeghan to let him go undercover to help make arrests big enough to free his son in return. With the unwitting help of an ex-con employee, John enters the narcotics underworld where every move could be his last in an operation that will demand all his resources, wits and courage to survive.

Pia and Jan have just fallen in love and arranged to meet Pia's friends for a game night. Jan meets Pia's friends for the first time and is under pressure to make the perfect first impression. When Pia's ex-boyfriend shows up and even Jan's buddy's tips can't save anything, everything is at stake: the relationship, the friendship, and the definition of truth.

One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity's escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind's new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai. When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai's craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.