Група незадовољних младих Шкота окрећу се хероину у покушају да избегну баналну свакодневицу. Тад почињу да пате од последица и откривају да нема једноставних решења за исконску самоћу и животну бол.

Плаћене убице и некадашњи сарадници главне јунакиње Црне Мамбе (Ума Турман), насилно упадају у малу капелицу у којој се одржава проба венчања. Њен надређени и остављени љубавник Бил (Дејвид Карадин) жели да се освети јер се Мамба удаје за другога. Смртоносни Одред с Билом на челу остављају трудну младу у крви, сигурни да су је усмртили. Нису ни свесни шта им се спрема за четири године када се из коме пробуди Црна Мамба, звана Невеста, жељна освете.

After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity, and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness.

A young Spanish woman who has newly moved to Berlin finds her flirtation with a local guy turn potentially deadly as their night out with his friends reveals a dangerous secret.

Based on the experiences of Agu, a child fighting in the civil war of an unnamed, fictional West African country. Follows Agu's journey as he's forced to join a group of soldiers. While he fears his commander and many of the men around him, his fledgling childhood has been brutally shattered by the war raging through his country, and he is at first torn between conflicting revulsion and fascination.

The film tells a story of a divorced couple trying to raise their young son. The story follows the boy for twelve years, from first grade at age 6 through 12th grade at age 17-18, and examines his relationship with his parents as he grows.

A deep dive into the hidden industry of digital cleaning, which rids the Internet of unwanted violence, porn and political content.

After a workplace shooting in New Orleans, a trial against the gun manufacturer pits lawyer Wendell Rohr against shady jury consultant Rankin Fitch, who uses illegal means to stack the jury with people sympathetic to the defense. But when juror Nicholas Easter and his girlfriend Marlee reveal their ability to sway the jury into delivering any verdict they want, a high-stakes cat-and-mouse game begins.

Zachary is 20 years old. Dark and independent, he collects amorous conquests and school failure. Sarah is 18 years old. First class, fragile, she fills her emotional gaps with perfect control of his life. Nothing should close and yet, the year of the tank, for six months, they will live a love against which nothing can be, the true, the big one that marks a life forever.

Max imagines running away from his mom and sailing to a far-off land where large talking beasts—Ira, Carol, Douglas, the Bull, Judith and Alexander—crown him as their king, play rumpus, build forts and discover secret hideaways.

Scotland Yard must discover why people are being murdered by a monstrous dog at Blackwood Castle.

Benjamin, a 16-year-old with lousy grades, switches to a boarding school in order to eventually reach grammar school. Adjusting to his new environment is difficult as he has to struggle with being a teen... specially when he falls in love to the school's dream girl, Malen.

Samba migrated to France 10 years ago from Senegal, and has since been plugging away at various lowly jobs. Alice is a senior executive who has recently undergone a burnout. Both struggle to get out of their dead-end lives. Samba's willing to do whatever it takes to get working papers, while Alice tries to get her life back on track until fate draws them together.

Инжењер Џенингс (Афлек) буди се једног дана и открива да су последње две године његовог живота и рада избрисане из његовог памћења и да је пристао на то у замену за огромну суму новца. Међутим, кад оде по исплату, Џенингс сазна да је пре него што му је избрисано памћење заменио новац за малу торбу пуну безвредних трагова и тричарија. Кад полиција дође да га тражи, Џенингс покушава да реконструише последње две године живота како би доказао своју невиност. Користећи чудне трагове које је претходно оставио себи, он креће у потрагу...

Construction company owner John Matthews learns that his estranged son, Jason, has been arrested for drug trafficking. Facing an unjust prison sentence for a first time offender courtesy of mandatory minimum sentence laws, Jason has nothing to offer for leniency in good conscience. Desperately, John convinces the DEA and the opportunistic DA Joanne Keeghan to let him go undercover to help make arrests big enough to free his son in return. With the unwitting help of an ex-con employee, John enters the narcotics underworld where every move could be his last in an operation that will demand all his resources, wits and courage to survive.

Tony's father Sam, abducted by aliens three years earlier, returns to earth and seeks out his wife and son, but Rachel has since been living with Joe and the reunion is awkward. Joe doesn't trust Sam, and Rachel can't quite decide what her feelings are for her two men. Sam is not the same as when he left, and he begins affecting Tony in frightening ways.

Pia and Jan have just fallen in love and arranged to meet Pia's friends for a game night. Jan meets Pia's friends for the first time and is under pressure to make the perfect first impression. When Pia's ex-boyfriend shows up and even Jan's buddy's tips can't save anything, everything is at stake: the relationship, the friendship, and the definition of truth.

Французи су без премца најбољи љубавници на свету – истина или мит? Ово мишљење међу нежнијим полом нема научно упориште, али већина ће се с њим сложити. Која је то чаробна формула привлачности Француза – да ли је то њихов шарм и лежерност у комбинацији са ставом и оним неодољивим француским фактором, који им је усађен од рођења, зачињено с фаталним и страственим наступом који једноставно обара с ногу?

Хиљаду година након катаклизме која је нагнала људски род да напусти Земљу, планета Нова Приме је постала његов нови дом. Генерал Цаифер Рејџ враћа се са дуге мисије са својим 13-тогодишњим сином Китаиом. Олуја метеорита оштећује њихов свемирски брод и приморава их на принудно слетање на Земљу која више није идеална за опстанак људи. Док му је отац у агонији у кокпиту брода, Китаи ће морати сам да се запути у непозната пространства негостољубиве планете у потрази за изгубљеним одашиљачем помоћу којег би могли позвати помоћ.