This concert was filmed at Madison Square Garden in New York in 2005 at the culmination of his farewell tour prior to his retirement. It’s a spectacular show with multi-level staging, amazing lighting and guest appearances from D12, Obie Trice and Stat Quo. Originally filmed for US TV station Showtime the show is now available on Blu-ray for the first time and gives us Eminem at his charismatic best.

David Attenborough nám približuje evolučnú teóriu veľkého anglického vedca, ktorá zásadným spôsobom zmenila pohľad na svet a na miesto, ktoré v ňom zaberá človek. Sir David Attenborough, popularizátor vedy známy a obľúbený na celom svete, je určite tou pravou osobou, ktorá televíznym divákom môže presvedčivým spôsobom priblížiť teóriu Charlesa Darwina. Jeho jedinečné myšlienky zásadne zmenili spôsob, akým sa väčšina ľudstva pozerá na svet. Vďaka nim sme pochopili, prečo existuje toľko rôznych druhov a ako sa rozšírili po celej Zemi. Vďaka nim môžeme predvídať dôsledky zasahovania do prirodzených spoločenstiev prírody a vďaka im sme tiež pochopili, že ľudia nestoja bokom prírodného sveta. Ako ostatné živé tvory sme aj my jeho súčasťou a náš život sa odohráva podľa jeho pravidiel a zákonitostí.

Forced to leave Syria because of the war, Dounia and her grandparents go in search of a new safe haven. As she traverses the world in search of asylum, Dounia draws strength from the wisdom of the ancient world, brought to light by her grandmother's magic nigella seeds.

Film režisérov Yanna Arthus-Bertranda, Michaela Pitiota a týmu podmorských kameramanov zo všetkých kútov sveta vznikol v spolupráci so spoločnosťou OMEGA a s vedeckou podporou Tara Expeditions. Snímka odhaľuje tajomstvá niektorých z najväčších záhad prírody a zdôrazňuje dôležitosť harmonického súžitia ľudstva a oceánov. Planéta oceán slúži ako pripomienka existencie puta medzi človekom a prírodou, rovnako ako povinnosti ľudstva chrániť a rešpektovať našu planétu. Yann Arthus-Bertrand, veľvyslanec dobrej vôle pre program životného prostredia pri OSN, predstavil film hlavám svetových veľmocí na konferencii v Riu v júni 2012.

Archival material from the original NASA film footage – much of it seen for the first time – plus interviews with the surviving astronauts, including Jim Lovell, Dave Scott, John Young, Gene Cernan, Mike Collins, Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Edgar Mitchell, Charlie Duke and Harrison Schmitt.

An examination of the life of acclaimed 'horse whisperer' Buck Brannaman, who recovered from years of child abuse to become a well-known expert in the interactions between horses and people.

A murder-à-trois in every conceivable way.

While out to avoid spending time with her narcissistic and promiscuous mother, sixteen-year-old Jo has a brief affair that leaves her pregnant and abandoned. When her mother remarries, Jo's only support becomes her friend Geoffrey, a homosexual.

Príbeh malého tučniaka, chystajúceho sa na svoju prvú cestu k moru, nás privádza do ľadového kráľovstva vzdialenej Antarktídy. Tak, ako každý tučniak i náš hrdina počúva tajomné volanie, ktoré ho láka na ďalekú púť do neznáma. V zásadných chvíľach dospievania sú mu oporou matka a múdry otec, ktorý vďaka svojim skúsenostiam a autorite dodáva odvahu i ďalším členom skupiny a pomáha im čeliť ťažkostiam a nástrahám.

At 89 years old, Stan Lee's name appears on more than one BILLION comics in 75 countries in 25 languages. Arguably the most recognized name in comics, Stan Lee has co-created over 500 legendary pop culture characters including Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Iron Man, Thor and The Hulk. Stan continues to create new material and entertain fans of all ages with fantastic stories and characters in all areas of entertainment. With Great Power: the Stan Lee Story, explores the vivid life and imagination of Stan Lee, from the early days of his Depression-era upbringing through the Marvel Age of Comics and beyond! The film uncovers original transcripts, illustrations, photographs and stories of Lee's fascinating journey from his early years at Timely Comics and World War Two, the comic book industry's censorship battle of the 1950's led by Dr. Fredric Wertham, the dawn of Marvel Comics and the legendary characters Stan co-created, to his current company POW! Entertainment.

Film rozpráva o dvoch bratoch - Jakubovi a Ezauovi, o láske, závisti, túžbe po bohatstve a nádeji. Je rozprávaním o obyčajnom mužovi, ktorý sa rozhodne vziať dianie do svojich rúk. Jakub dvakrát oklame svojho brata. Dostane sa mu toho, čo chcel, ale za obrovskú cenu ...

Ikonický snowboardista Travis Rice sa vydáva na cestu okolo severného Pacifiku a ponára sa do hydrologického cyklu. So skupinou najinovatívnejších snowboardistov cestuje zo svojej domovskej základne vo Wyomingu cez Tichý oceán do Japonska, na sever do Ruska a na Aljašku, pričom objavuje viac než len nové terény. Dobrodružný film natočený najmodernejšou technológiou zachytáva strhujúcu drámu a napínavú akciu. Pripravte sa na podmanivý filmový zážitok od tvorcov The Art of Flight.

This documentary takes the viewer on a deeply personal journey into the everyday lives of families struggling to fight Goliath. From a family business owner in the Midwest to a preacher in California, from workers in Florida to a poet in Mexico, dozens of film crews on three continents bring the intensely personal stories of an assault on families and American values.

Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. They give birth to a "separation": two separate apartments, communicating only through the room of their children.

In 1857, at the height of his fame and fortune, novelist and social critic Charles Dickens meets and falls in love with teenage stage actress Nelly Ternan. As she becomes the focus of his heart and mind, as well as his muse, painful secrecy is the price both must pay.

Four inseparable teenagers in a small town in Brittany (France). As lifelong fans of the West Coast, they think are real gangstas. Together as a "gang", they are invincible, respected, fearless and nothing can reach them, certainly not the teasing and contempt of their fellow classmates. So when Fle-O, the leader of this merry gang, learns that he has to leave his town and his friends at the end of the year, his whole world falls apart leaving him vulnerable when the most popular kid in school decides to make fun of them in front of everyone. Humiliated, our protagonists decide to take their revenge through one last expedition together that will lead them further than they would have imagined. Through incongruous situations and successive meetings, they will grow and learn.

See the earliest creatures of the Triassic Period to the monsters of the Cretaceous in a ‘life-sized’ IMAX ® presentation. Join renowned paleontologists as they discover new fossils and uncover evidence that dinosaur descendants are still among us. Realistic and scientifically-accurate computer generated animation brings dinosaurs back to life…in a big way!

Year 2038: The mineral resources of the earth are drained, in space there are fights for the last deposits on other planets and satellites. This is the situation when one of the bigger mining corporations has lost all but one mineral moons and many of their fully automatic mining robots are disappearing on their flight home. Since nobody else wants the job, they send prisoners to defend the mining station. Among them undercover agent Stone, who shall clear the whereabouts of the expensive robots. In an atmosphere of corruption, fear and hatred he gets between the fronts of rivaling groups.

A coming of age story about two great friends during the school years whose friendship is truly tested when one of the boys start to develop different feelings for the other. At first, it seems Philippe and Claude are just experimenting new sensations, everything is pure curiosity to them. But total reciprocity isn't the name of the game and Philippe is clearly infatuated with his friend.

The final part of Mikhalkov's trilogy about Divisional Commander Kotov finds him returning home during World War II having been betrayed, narrowly escaped execution for treason and nearly reduced to dust in a prison camp. Only to discover that everything has changed and he will have to fight again for his name, for his honor, and for his love.