The Cove paljastaa japanilaisen pikkukaupungin liepeille piilotetun delfiiniteurastamon keskiaikaiset menetelmät. Sukeltajien pohjaan kätkemät digikamerat ja mikrofonit sekä stuntmiesten viidakkoon piilottamat infrapunakamerat tallentavat kiistatonta todistusaineistoa. DNA-testit ynnä muu vääjäämätön laboratoriofakta muuraa kaiken tukevalle pohjalle.

Vaikuttava dokumenttielokuva kertoo Orlandon SeaWorldin Tilikum-miekkavalaasta, joka on aiheuttanut usean ihmisen kuoleman.

The ancient Chinese game of Go has long been considered a grand challenge for artificial intelligence. Yet in 2016, Google's DeepMind team announced that they would be taking on Lee Sedol, the world's most elite Go champion. AlphaGo chronicles the team as it prepares to test the limits of its rapidly-evolving AI technology. The film pits man against machine, and reveals as much about the workings of the human mind as it does the future of AI.

Though it places his own life in danger, a look-alike commoner secretly takes the place of a poisoned king to save his country from falling into chaos.

A seagull is caught by the black tide of a sinking petrol ship. She manages to fly inland and falls down in a garden by a cat. Moribund, she asks the cat to fulfill three promises: that when she lays her egg he must not eat it; that he must take care of it until it hatches; that he would teach the newborn how to fly.

As a pair of towers in Tokyo are being prepared for their grand opening, there is a series of murders of people connected to the towers. Conan suspects that the mysterious Syndicate may also be involved.

A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father.

Shin-ae moves to her recently late husband’s hometown. Despite her efforts to settle in this unfamiliar and too-normal place, she finds that she can’t fit in. After a sudden tragedy, Shin-ae turns to Christianity to relieve her pain, but when even this is not permitted, she wages a war against God.

A documentary about the closure of General Motors' plant at Flint, Michigan, which resulted in the loss of 30,000 jobs. Details the attempts of filmmaker Michael Moore to get an interview with GM CEO Roger Smith.

Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bébé(s), is a 2009 French documentary film by Thomas Balmès that follows four infants from birth to when they are one year old. The babies featured in the film are two from rural areas: Ponijao from Opuwo, Namibia, and Bayar from Bayanchandmani, Mongolia, as well as two from urban areas: Mari from Tokyo, Japan, and Hattie from San Francisco, USA.

A vibrant, hopelessly romantic physiotherapist meets a handsome young Rajput prince who is the complete opposite of her – and is engaged to someone else.

1960-luvun alku, Vatikaanin toisen kirkolliskokouksen aika. Tennesseen maaseudulla ei-uskonnollisessa kodissa kasvanut nuori nainen Cathleen haluaa ryhtyä nunnaksi. Elämä luostarissa ei ole kuitenkaan sitä mitä hän oli kuvitellut, ja hän päätyy pian kamppailemaan uskonkysymysten kanssa.

In a fantasy world of opposing kingdoms, a 15-year old girl must find the fabled MirrorMask in order to save the kingdom and get home.

Automaattiaseella varustautunut tekijä riehuu koulussa nuorison keskellä, kunnes löytää suositun Diana McFeen piilostaan ystävättärensä kanssa. 15 vuotta myöhemmin Diana elää hiljaista perhe-elämää ja yrittää kaikin keinoin torjua menneisyytensä. Kun kouluammunnan vuosipäivä lähestyy alkavat traumaattiset muistot purkautua. Samalla myös pelottavia ja selittämättömiä asioita alkaa tapahtua hänen ympärillään. Onko se vain kuvitelmaa, vai onko olemassa jokin yhteys tapahtumaan 15 vuotta sitten, kun Diana joutui tekemään käsittämättömän valinnan.Viimeinen Uhri on arvoituksellinen trilleridraama, jonka päärooleissa nähdään Uma Thurman sekä Evan Rachel Wood. Toisinaan menneisyyden synkät salaisuudet eivät suostu unohtumaan.

Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. They give birth to a "separation": two separate apartments, communicating only through the room of their children.

Isa, Alice, Léa and Nina, linked by their Sephardic families as much as by their friendship, share their lives between love affairs, a beauty institute under fiscal control, children to raise, an undocumented Moroccan nanny to marry, repeated diets, family and religious holidays to honor, but before being beautiful, their biggest challenge is to be themselves.

The Invisible Woman – Kielletty rakkaus on tarina maailmankuulun klassikkokirjailija Charles Dickensin sekä Nelly Ternanin salaisesta rakkaussuhteesta joka kesti 13 vuotta aina kirjailijan kuolemaan asti. Intohimoisen suhteen myötä Nellystä muodostuu Dickensin muusa, mutta rakkauden on pysyttävä salassa. Nelly joutuu hyväksymään elämän ”näkymättömänä”.

In the distant future, Earth is occupied by ancient gods and genetically altered humans. When a god is sentenced to death he seeks a new human host and a woman to bear his child.

A wealthy Los Angeles teen and her superficial friends wants to break out of suburbia and experience Southern California's "gangsta" lifestyle. But problems arise when the preppies get in over their heads and provoke the wrath of a violent Latino gang. Suddenly, their role-playing seems a little too real.

Hugh Grantin ja Mandy Mooren tähdittämä komedia suositun laulukilpailun voittoa tavoittelevasta pikkukaupungin tytöstä ja tämän kilpakumppanista, musikaaleja rakastavasta terroristista, joka on värvätty surmaamaan USA:n vähä-älyinen presidentti.