Aattakalasam is a 1983 Indian Malayalam film, directed by J. Sasikumar and produced by Joy Thomas. The film stars Prem Nazir, Mohanlal, Lakshmi and Sukumari in lead roles. The film had musical score by Raveendran.

"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.

"Summer Package" features the members of BTS partaking in photoshoots and fun games as well as relaxing during their annual vacation.

A lovingly crafted homage to adventure B-movies of the 1930s from debut director Henry Rowlands, with a screenplay by author Patrick Davies Jones

Matei lives with his grandfather in Romania. His parents have gone to work in Italy. After arguing with his grandfather, he leaves. A poignant, beautifully shot film on the illusions and disillusionments of childhood.

  这一天,汤姆正躺在壁炉前面睡觉。杰瑞偷偷从洞里出来,打算趁这个死对头睡觉的时候找点儿吃的。可是,汤姆根本没有睡熟,他悄悄睁开眼,盯着杰瑞的一举一动,时刻准备冲上前去。杰瑞果然中计,结果遭到狡猾的老猫的追捕。可是在混乱中,汤姆不慎把一架钢琴从楼梯上拉下来,他被狠狠地撞在墙上,随即失去了知觉。就在这时,一道喜乐庄严的光芒出现在空中,与此同时还出现了一部金黄色的电梯。汤姆的灵魂懵懵懂懂乘电梯来到天国车站。这里聚集了许多因各种事故死去的猫儿,他们都得到允许乘上前往天国的列车。   而经常欺负杰瑞的汤姆,则必须在1小时内得到杰瑞的谅解,否则将落入恐怖的地狱……

Wes Rawlins is considered one of the best bounty hunters in the West. His life changes when he finds out that his mother is dead and the man responsible is still at large. Wes believes that his long lost father Ray Eastman is responsible and sets out to find him seeking revenge...

Relive the magic of Thongchai "Bird" McIntyre's captivating performance at Bangkok Youth Center in 1988

UFC 100 was a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on July 11, 2009, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The main event was a rematch between UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar and Interim UFC Heavyweight Champion Frank Mir.

尚恩迪龙是一位退休的前MMA格斗手,但运气不好。 不但与妻子离了婚,几乎没有照顾他们的7岁小孩的能力,在财力吃紧及种种生活上的困顿,尚恩不得已与组织在线战斗的地下打斗集团联繫。 来自世界各地的参与者可以通过一个加密的密码连接到该网站观看现场战斗并下注。 这份工作能带来的钱庞大到难以拒绝,尚恩将自己能从谷底翻身的希望全都寄与此,期望这个机会能改善他的一落千丈的自尊心以及乱七八糟的生活。 他不知道的是….地下打斗集团的风俗— 只有获胜者才能存活。

In May of 1946, Alcatraz inmate Bernie Coy initiates a carefully thought out plan to escape the island prison. His plan, carried out with five accomplices, falls apart when they can't obtain a key to unlock a door leading to the yard.

The film tells the story of an old husband Hüsrev and Melek, who was first a servant and then his wife. With this marriage Hüsrev’s subconscious hidden passions are revealed.

Rex and his men aim to kill the homeless people living in a local deserted school hoping it'll slow an ultra-deadly strand of COVID. Now, outnumbered 100 to 1, Hap must save his little sister.

A boy orphaned at birth grows up making his flower garden, trancing a flower fairy of that garden as his illusioned mother. Like a fresh flower, he scents the world inside him apart from the realities of society. But when his flower is plucked eventually by the force of his fate, he discovers friendship, love, passion and finally hatred that drowns him, tearing his petals, under the water.

When a teenage garage band loses their lead singer, they must overcome their prejudices or risk missing out on the biggest gig of their lives.