Pirmo reizi uz lielajiem ekrāniem filma par ikonisko Gotemas ļaundari - Džokeru. Arturs Fleks ir vīrs, kurš cenšas atrast savu vietu pilsētas sašķeltajā sabiedrībā. Dienā strādājot par klaunu gadījuma darbos, bet vakaros cenšoties kļūt par atzītu stand-up komiķi, viņš nonāk pie atziņas, ka izjokots tiek viņš pats. Ierauts vienladzības un nežēlības cilkliskajā esamībā, Arturs pieņem vienu sliktu lēmumu, kas uzsāk ķēdes reakciju viņa transformācijā par Džokeru.

Francis, a young man, recalls in his memory the horrible experiences he and his fiancée Jane recently went through. Francis and his friend Alan visit The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, an exhibit where the mysterious doctor shows the somnambulist Cesare, and awakens him for some moments from his death-like sleep.

Kad mistiski kosmosa kuģi atlido uz zemes, daudzu valstu valdības izveido elitāras komandas, kuru uzdevums ir noskaidrot atnācēju vizītes mērķi. ASV ekspertu grupu vada valodniece un komunikācijas speciāliste Luisa Benksa. Notikumi attīstās strauji, cilvēce nu ir uz globāla kara robežas. Luisai nāksies darīt visu, ko vien spēj, lai novērstu katastrofu un atbildētu uz galveno jautājumu: kāpēc viņi ir šeit?

An ex-mercenary turned smuggler. A Mende fisherman. Amid the explosive civil war overtaking 1999 Sierra Leone, these men join for two desperate missions: recovering a rare pink diamond of immense value and rescuing the fisherman's son, conscripted as a child soldier into the brutal rebel forces ripping a swath of torture and bloodshed countrywide.

Kad Atriebēji tika iejaukti pasaules mēroga incidentā ar graujošām sekām, valdība nolemj izdot likumu par supervaroņu reģistrāciju un kontroli. Saskatot tajā cilvēktiesību pārkāpumus, Stīvs Rodžerss un viņa domubiedri iestājas pret jauno kārtību. Taču, esot vienisprātis ar jauno likumu, Tonijs Stārks nostājas citādi domājošo vadībā. Atriebēji piedzīvo šķelšanos un jauna Pilsoņu Kara sākumu starp naidīgajām pusēm, kamēr šīs situācijas izmantošanai plānus jau kaļ kāds noslēpumains ļaundaris.

A woman searches for her adult son, who was taken away from her decades ago when she was forced to live in a convent.

Speedy loses his job as a soda jerk, then spends the day with his girl at Coney Island. He then becomes a cab driver and delivers Babe Ruth to Yankee Stadium, where he stays to see the game. When the railroad tries to run the last horse-drawn trolley (operated by his girl's grandfather) out of business, Speedy organizes the neighborhood old-timers to thwart their scheme.

In an underground world where tunnels extend everywhere, even though they live in dark and confined spaces, people wear protective clothes and lead quiet and enjoyable lives. Patema, a princess in her underground village, loves to explore the tunnels. Her favorite place is a "danger zone" that her village prohibits people from entering. Even though she's scolded, Patema's curiosity can't be held back. No one ever explained what the supposed danger was. On her usual trip to the "danger zone," Patema faces unexpected events. When hidden secrets come to light, the story begins to unfold.

A documentary about the legendary series of nationally televised debates in 1968 between two great public intellectuals, the liberal Gore Vidal and the conservative William F. Buckley Jr. Intended as commentary on the issues of their day, these vitriolic and explosive encounters came to define the modern era of public discourse in the media, marking the big bang moment of our contemporary media landscape when spectacle trumped content and argument replaced substance. Best of Enemies delves into the entangled biographies of these two great thinkers, and luxuriates in the language and the theater of their debates, begging the question, "What has television done to the way we discuss politics in our democracy today?"

Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type.

Bruņojies ar vienu vārdu – Tenet –, filmas galvenais varonis dodas cīņā, lai novērstu Trešo pasaules karu. Viņa misija ved cauri krēslainajiem starptautiskās spiegošanas koridoriem, un atklājas, ka tā pārkāpj esošā laika rāmjus. Tā nav ceļošana laikā. Tā ir inversija.

Otrā pasaules kara veterāns Fredijs Kvells, kurš kara laikā dienējis ASV Jūras spēkos un cīnījies pret Japānu, atgriežas miera laika dzīvē. Posttraumatiskā stresa sindroms un alkoholisms viņam traucē iekļauties sabiedrībā un ir dīvainas un nereti agresīvas uzvedības cēlonis. Bēgdams no kārtējām nepatikšanām, Fredijs nejauši iepazīstas ar Lenkāsteru Dodu jeb Pavēlnieku, kurš vada paša dibinātu psiholoģisku un filozofisku kustību "Sākotne". Fredijs kļūst par dedzīgu sekotāju un pavada Pavēlnieku sludinātāja gaitās. Tomēr kādā brīdī viņu ceļi šķiras.

Nežēlīgi smieklīga režisora Rūbena Estlunda satīra, kas apbalvota ar Kannu kinofestivāla Zelta palmas zaru. Tas, kam te paredzēts noritēt instagramīgi, izvēršas ellišķīgi. Superbagātie, kuru vidū ir daiļa modele un viņas satriecošais mīļotais, dodas glamūrīgā kruīzā. Kad luksusa jahta nogrimst un tie, kam laimējas izglābties, nonāk uz neapdzīvotas salas, sociālā hierarhija viņu kompānijā sagriežas kājām gaisā. Zelta roleksi un silikons vairs nelīdzēs ne nieka!

Nākotnes pasaulē katrs sabiedrības loceklis pieder kādai no piecām grupām, atbilstoši savas personības īpašībām. Taču sešpadsmitgadīgā Beatrise ir „citāda" - viņas personība neatbilst nevienai no piecām kategorijām. Meitenes dzīvība ir briesmās, jo „citādie" tiek uzskatīti par draudu pastāvošajai sistēmai, un viņus nolemts iznīcināt.

Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev travels to America to make a documentary. As he zigzags across the nation, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. His backwards behavior generates strong reactions around him exposing prejudices and hypocrisies in American culture.

Back in the 1980s, the road to the Olympics was long and hard for an amateur wrestler. But then along came John du Pont, an eccentric heir to the family fortune with a passion for wrestling. His 800-acre Foxcatcher Farm outside Philadelphia became the hub of the sport, with state-of-the-art training facilities, free accommodations, generous stipends and the support of America’s best freestyle wrestlers, brothers Mark and Dave Schultz. It all seemed too good to be true – and tragically it was, with a savage ending. Featuring fresh testimonials and never-before-seen footage, “The Prince of Pennsylvania” is the story of a paradise lost to the madness of its creator, a man who had the means to buy anything except for the one thing he truly wanted.

Bohēmisku ballīti aktiera Džeimsa Franko mājās pārtrauc neizprotamas un graujošas dabas parādības. Vairums viesu namu pamet, bet paliek daži viņa draugi, tai skaitā arī Sets Rogens un Džona Hils. Pārtikas un dzeramā nav daudz, iziet uz ielas ir pārāk bīstami, taču "zālītes" un citu narkotisko vielu viņiem ir pārpārēm. Aktieri vada dienas gan izklaidējoties, gan apsverot nākotnes filmu scenārijus un strīdoties, bet pienāk brīdis, kad nopietna iemesla dēļ puiši ir spiesti bēgt no mājas. Lai meklētu glābiņu un atklātu atbildi uz jautājumu - kas ir tas, kas viņus apdraud?

Barry is a talented mechanic and family man whose life is torn apart on the eve of a zombie apocalypse. His sister, Brooke, is kidnapped by a sinister team of gas-mask wearing soldiers & experimented on by a psychotic doctor. While Brooke plans her escape Barry goes out on the road to find her & teams up with Benny, a fellow survivor - together they must arm themselves and prepare to battle their way through hordes of flesh-eating monsters in a harsh Australian bushland.

Widowed mother Mildred must suddenly redefine herself and find an outlet for her nurturing side when her adult daughter moves out of the family home. Though Mildred thinks she's found her purpose when her neighbor, overworked single mother Monica, asks her to look after her little boy, she has great difficulty learning to strike a healthy balance between giving selflessly to others and remembering to take care of herself.

A visionary romance based on a contemporary reading of Dante.