Each member of a family in Taipei asks hard questions about life's meaning as they live through everyday quandaries. NJ is morose: his brother owes him money, his mother is in a coma, his wife suffers a spiritual crisis when she finds her life a blank and his business partners make bad decisions.

When Madea gets sick, her family comes to her aid. What they don't realize is that they're the ones who need her help. As always, Madea's cockeyed outlook on life saves the day and guarantees side-splitting laughs along the way.

Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the court awards custody of his daughters to his shady ex-wife, Monty desperately tries to win them back with the help of Julia, a beautiful, Ivy League-educated attorney. Monty and Julia couldn't be less alike, but a flame is ignited... touching off a firestorm of love and conflict.

When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.

A single mother living in inner city Chicago, Brenda has been struggling for years to make ends meet and keep her three kids off the street. When she's laid off with no warning, she starts losing hope for the first time - until a letter arrives announcing the death of a father she's never met. Desperate for any kind of help, Brenda takes her family to Georgia for the funeral, but nothing could have prepared her for the Browns, her father's fun-loving, crass Southern clan. In a small-town world full of long afternoons and country fairs, Brenda struggles to get to know the family she never knew existed... and finds a brand new romance that just might change her life.

The seven old friends decide to come together for dinner. Everyone is seated at the table, chatting, eating laughing accompaniment. During the meal, it is decided to play a game. The game is pretty simple; everyone will put their phones on the desk, every incoming message and notification will be read aloud. Their relationship begins to deteriorate. The group who thinks they are very close friends for so long are in fact alien to each other.

The fireworks begin when Madea’s family gathers for her granddaughter’s wedding. As usual, Madea rules the roost, as she and her neighbor, the wacky Mr. Brown, deliver nonstop laughs. Live, love, rejoice...it’s Madea’s Family Reunion!

Charles, an attorney, and Helen, his devoted wife, seem to have everything – money, a beautiful mansion – the American Dream. However, as Helen prepares to celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary, her life takes an unexpected twist when she comes home to find her clothes packed up in a U-Haul van parked in the driveway. Charles is divorcing her and kicks her out. Helen moves in with her grandmother Madea, an old woman who doesn't take any lip from anyone. Madea helps Helen through these tough times by showing her what is really important in life. Helen is forced to rediscover love, life and religion in her pursuit for happiness.

After a high-speed car chase, Madea winds up behind bars because her quick temper gets the best of her. Meanwhile, Assistant District Attorney Josh Hardaway lands a case that's too personal to handle: that of a young prostitute and former drug addict named Candace. When Candace winds up in jail, Madea takes the young woman under her protective wing.

Eight married college friends plus one other non-friend (all of whom have achieved middle to upper class economic status) go to Colorado for their annual week-long reunion, but the mood shifts when one couple's infidelity comes to light. As secrets are revealed, each couple begins to question their own relationship.

Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.

When Madea catches teenage Jennifer and her two younger brothers looting her home, she decides to take matters into her own hands and delivers the young delinquents to the only relative they have: their aunt April. A heavy-drinking nightclub singer who lives off of her married boyfriend, April wants nothing to do with the kids.

Holly, blessed with an amazing singing voice, is all set to audition for the newly vacated spot in a legendary local Christmas group which was founded by her late mother years ago. Shocked and upset when the slot goes to the barely talented best friend of the group's leader, Marci, Holly sets out to create her own musical group, The Mistle-Tones. After challenging their rivals to a sing-off on Christmas Eve, Holly finds herself on a journey to the real meaning of Christmas with some new friends and a new love thrown in for good measure.

Deanna je oddaná gazdinka, ktorá žije s manželom Danom dvadsaťtri rokov. Spoločne odvážajú svoju dcéru Maddie na univerzitu v Atlante. Než sa vydajú na spiatočnú cestu, dozvie sa Deanna od svojho muža, že ju opúšťa kvôli inej žene. Otec jej vždy vyčítal, že kvôli manželovi nedokončila vysokú školu. A tak miesto trúchlenia nad rozvodom sa Deanna rozhodne, že dokončí štúdium po boku svojej dcéry. Tá tým samozrejme nie je veľmi nadšená. Dee Rock, ako si začne hovoriť, sa bezhlavo vrhne do víru študentského života.

Život neurotického investičného bankára Georgea Needlemana sa obráti o stoosemdesiat stupňov v momente, keď sa ukáže, že navonok renomovaná newyorská spoločnosť, v ktorej pracoval, je v skutočnosti práčkou špinavých peňazí známeho mafiánskeho bossa. Stane sa totiž dôležitým svedkom v pripravovanom súdnom procese proti onomu krstnému otcovi, a tak ho kompetentné orgány aj s celou jeho rodinou strčia do programu na ochranu svedkova a nájdu im prekvapivé útočisko na mieste, kde by ich rozhodne nik nehľadal – v dome svojráznych južanských manželov Madey a Joea Simmonsovcov kdesi v Georgii!

Mierne uletené dvojičky Leila a Charlie Hunterové sa nevedia dočkať letnej praxe v magickom Ríme, u slávneho multitalentovaného magnáta Dereka Hammonda, ktorý zastrešuje široké spektrum rôznorodých odvetví – od leteckých prepravných spoločností až po špičkovú módu! Charlie a Leila sú ochotné urobiť skutočne čokoľvek, aby svojho šéfa zaujali, a okrem toho, obklopené nádhernými pamiatkami v neuveriteľne vzrušujúcom meste a množstvom nových priateľov si užívajú prázdniny, na ktoré nikdy v živote nezabudnú!

Eddie, Jimmy, Isaac, Ricky, Dinka a Terri pracujú v jednom chicagskom holičstve. Majiteľ Calvin sa ho snaží udržiavať, pretože ho po čase chce odovzdať svojmu synovi. Zrazu sa však okolo holičstva začne obšmietať istý Quentin Leroux...

Madea winds up in the middle of mayhem when she spends a hilarious, haunted Halloween fending off killers, paranormal poltergeists, ghosts, ghouls, and zombies while keeping a watchful eye on a group of misbehaving teens.

Fed up with her deadbeat grown kids and marginal urban existence, Juanita takes a Greyhound bus to Paper Moon, Montana - where she reinvents herself and finds her mojo.

Diov syn Herkules sa na hore Olymp začína nudiť. Rozhodne sa preto navštíviť svet ľudí a vyberie sa do New Yorku 20. storočia. Vďaka svojmu telu, sile a vystupovaniu sa stáva terčom pozornosti a prežíva rôzne dobrodružstvá. Rozhnevá tým niektorých bohov a tí ho zbavia jeho sily a nesmrteľnosti. Herkules sa ale dokáže zaobísť aj bez týchto schopností...