A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.

A compilation of interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for his series of sold-out shows in London.

Пре 30 година амерички доктор долази у афричко село чији су становници десетковани болешћу коју узрокује смртоносни вирус. Премда обећавају помоћ, село је ускоро, бомбом велике снаге, збрисано с лица земље. Данашње доба. Млади радник у царинској зони одлучи да украде мајмуна који је стигао из Африке, не знајући да је животиња заражена. Не успевши да га прода, он га пушта на слободу, али је већ инфициран. Зараза почиње да се шири и ускоро из Бостона и Калифорније стижу извештаји о болести. Случај долази да испита војни стучњак за вирусе, др. Сем Денијелс, који са својом екипом открива да овај вирус, назван мутаба, убија у року од 24 сата разарајући унутрашње органе. Ускоро дознајемо како је и војска умешана у постојање вируса, те да је постојао серум. Но након што је вирус мутирао, једини начин за стварање противтела јесте проналазак изворишта заразе, у овом случају афричког мајмунчића...

On October 9th, 1963, at 10:39 pm, 260 million cubic meters of rock fell down from Mount Toc to the artificial lake formed by the Vajont dam, the higher dam in the world. The landslide formed a 250-meters wave and 50 million cubic meters of water completely destroied all the below towns, killing more than 2000 people. Planned by engineer Semenza, Vajont dam (263 meters) had to carry the electricity in all the houses of the country. Tina Merlin, a journalist from 'L'Unitá', tried for years to denounce the danger to build a dam near the Mount Toc and expecially to denounce all the omissions by the corrupted politicians and workers in charge of the dam construction. They preferred to trust in old geologist Dal Piaz instead to hear engineer Semenza young son's alarming analysis. No one seemed to understand the high danger until that October fatal night.

Rachel is a girl, adopted by an upper middle class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in Sao Paulo to become a sexy call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha" which means little surfer girl.

Ariane Felder is pregnant! This is surprising with her being a young hardened judge with strict morals. But what is more surprising is that, according to paternity testing, the child's father is none other than Bob, a criminal from the prosecution charged with an atrocious attack! Ariane doesn't remember any of what has happened, so she has no idea what to expect...

A year after Amber helped Richard secure the crown. The two are set to tie the knot in a royal Christmas wedding — but their plans are jeopardized when Amber finds herself second-guessing whether or not she's cut out to be queen, and Richard is faced with a political crisis that threatens to tarnish not only the holiday season but the future of the kingdom.

In this modern telling of the classic tale, aspiring singer Katie Gibbs falls for the new boy at her performing arts high school. But Katie's wicked stepmother and stepsister are scheming to crush her dream before she can sing her way into his heart.

Forty-year-old misanthrope, Guy Trilby (Jason Bateman), enters the National Golden Quill Spelling Bee through a loophole in the rules.

Џек (Робин Вилијамс) је несташни 10-огодишњак који се понаша као и сви дечаци његовог узраста, с том разликом што се налази у телу одраслог човека. Спрема се за највећу авантуру у свом 10-огодишњем животу – полазак у пети разред. Џек Пауел изгледа као просечан средовечни 40-годишњи мушкарац, који се игра са оловним војницима и носи пижаме с Моћним ренџерима. Али Џек има само 10 година. Пати од генетског поремећаја због кога стари четири пута брже од нормалне особе. У страху да ће га спољашњи свет исмевати, родитељи су га држали затвореног у кући коју су напунили свим могућим играчкама које би један дечак могао да пожели. Али играчке не могу да замене праве пријатеље за којима Џек жуди. Сада се спрема за највећу авантуру у свом необичном животу – полазак у пети разред.

Set in a world where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young Will Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.

Robot Johnny 5 moves to the city to help his friend Ben Jahrvi with his toy manufacturing enterprise, only to be manipulated by criminals who want to use him for their own nefarious purposes.

Aurore has separated, just lost her job, and learns that she is going to be a grandmother.

Disillusioned with romance, Beth, an ambitious New Yorker, travels to Rome for her sister's wedding, where she plucks magic coins from a special fountain of love. The coins attract unwanted attention from an assortment of odd yet ardent suitors: a sausage merchant, a street magician, an artist, and a male model. But when the best man from the wedding, persistent reporter Nick, throws his hat in the ring, Beth wonders if his love is the real thing.

Maggie Peyton, the new owner of Number 53 - the free-wheelin' Volkswagen bug with a mind of its own - puts the car through its paces on the road to becoming a NASCAR competitor.

A former Marine races against time to save a group of hostages -- including his young daughter and a congressman — when armed militants take over his stepfather's store.

Rick Riker is a nerdy teen imbued with superpowers by a radioactive dragonfly. And because every hero needs a nemesis, enter Lou Landers, aka the villainously goofy Hourglass.

The thief accidentally notices the secret of a girl and tries to exploit this position ....

Hodder is nine years old. He lives on his own with his father, who works nights as a bill poster. One night a fairy appears to Hodder and asks him to save the world.