Recorded live at Colisée Pepsi in Quebec City, Quebec on 31 October - 1 November, 2009. Rock legends Metallica captured live in performance in Quebec City in autumn 2009. The two gigs in Quebec were part of the bands 'World Magnetic Tour' and saw them play a host of their most popular songs including 'Master of Puppets', 'The Four Horsemen' and 'Enter Sandman'.

Kyung-jin, a police officer who finds herself chasing down a suspected bag-snatcher on her day off. However, the man she catches turns out to be Myungwoo, a passer-by who was himself trying to apprehend the real criminal.

Enter the creepy and sick serial killer world of the Banner family. In the minuscule town of Bernardsville, New Jersey many girls have turned up missing. As detectives investigate, Walter Banner is renting out his second home mansion, to lure young college girls into his home to kill them one by one. Due to his fathers failing health, Walter calls on his brothers to come home for the weekend to help out pop, but instead, when they come home they decide to embark on a killing spree of their own. Everyone has a secret in the thriller/horror 'Pretty Fine Things'.

A former child actress attends college in search of independence and ends up becoming romantically involved with a female professor. Their relationship thrives until an opportunity to return to acting forces her to make life-altering decisions.

Conan tries to track down Kaito Kid, who supposedly steals a replica of one of Van Gogh's Sunflowers paintings during an auction.

Vraždiaca veľryba je jedno z najinteligentnejších živočíchov na svete. Podobne ako ľudia, má jedného druha a ak mu človek ublíži, kosatka si to zapamätá a je viac ako isté, že sa bude chcieť pomstiť. Kapitán Nolah má na svedomí veľrybiu samičku aj s očakávaným prírastkom. Mŕtvu kosatku vyplaví more na breh a Rachel i ďalší ľudia Nolana upozorňujú, že ho čaká odplata. A skutočne nahnevaná veľryba sa často ukazuje pri brehu, aby neskôr zničila ukotvenú loď a jasne dala najavo, že to nie je koniec. Aj Nolan si pri pohľade na jej vytŕčajúcu plutvu začína uvedomovať, že kosatka ho bude hľadať, číhať, loviť a prenasledovať nemilosrdne a neľútostne s jedinou myšlienkou odplaty krížom cez moria, nehľadiac na čas ani na rôzne prekážky. Má Nolan šancu zbaviť sa večného prenasledovania tým, že odstráni svojho prenasledovateľa? Podarí sa mu to?

Sent to the Berkshires to focus on his next album, disillusioned rap star Money Merc abruptly announces his retirement on Twitter. After Merc's announcement, his manager rushes to the countryside to lure him back into the music industry.

The boredom of small town life is eating Bill Williamson alive. Feeling constrained and claustrophobic in the meaningless drudgery of everyday life and helpless against overwhelming global dissolution, Bill begins a descent into madness. His shockingly violent plan will shake the very foundations of society by painting the streets red with blood.

Plukovník James Braddock žije dvanásť rokov v presvedčení, že jeho vietnamská manželka Lin Tan Cangová zahynula aj s ich synom Vanomv apríli roku 1975 počas nepokojov vo Vietname. Braddock síce spočiatku odmieta veriť, že by to mohlo byť inak - ale po rokoch získa jasné dôkazy o tom, že jeho manželka a syn ešte žijú! Rozhodne sa preto podstúpiť náročnú cestu do Vietnamu, aby oboch našiel a priviedol do Spojených štátov. Vietnamský generál Quoc však dostane z Braddockovej misie veľký strach a pokúša sa ju všetkými prostriedkami prekaziť...

Based on a true story. Karen is a woman with a taste for excitement, bored with the daily routine. Dominic is attractive, powerful, seductive; a sexy opportunist who tricks his way into her life and invites her to join him on a roller coaster ride of thrills, bizarre games and excitement. He is also a man with a dangerous side; a ruthless control freak who knows what he wants and will stop and nothing to get it. Together, they explore the furthest, darkest reaches of his wild fantasies - a journey of self-discovery that takes Karen to her limits - to the deepest shades of darkness and beyond.

The ReZort, a post apocalyptic safari, offers paying guests the opportunity to kill zombies in the wake of an outbreak.

High School senior Mark Richards has never minded his overprotective widowed mother, Tanya, and is a good son to her as he prepares to go off to Princeton in the fall. However, when he comes under the sexual spell of the rapacious, manipulative older woman Carissa Barrington, he finds himself in the middle of two strong, unreasonable women--one of whom is insane...

Upíri sú späť! Upíri Johna Carpentera vás privedú až na samý okraj hrôzy. buďte pripravení na to, že tentokrát prekročíte hranice. Drsný zabijak upírov Derek Bliss sa vydáva na lov krvilačných tvorov do srdca Mexika, kde dostal novú úlohu od záhadného klienta. Spolu so skupinou zabijakov, v ktorej je aj atraktívna Zooey, ktorá by mohla, ale nemusela byť jednou z nemŕtvych, sa Derek púšťa do boja s rastúcim počtom nebezpečných upírov prahnúcich po krvi a ich úskočným a mocným vodcom, ktorý má však pre nich svoj vlastný plán.

Billy Bigelow has been dead for 15 years. Now outside the pearly gates, he long ago waived his right to go back to Earth for a day. He has heard that there is a problem with his family: namely with his wife Julie Bigelow, née Jordan, and his child he hasn't met. He would now like to head back to Earth to assist in rectifying the problem; but before he may go, he has to get permission from the gatekeeper by telling him his story. Adapted from the Rodgers and Hammerstein hit Broadway musical.

As the residents of sorority house Pi Kappa Sigma prepare for the festive season, a stranger begins a series of obscene phone calls with dubious intentions...

The new installment of the Sharknado franchise takes place 5 years after Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! There have been no Sharknados in the intervening years, but now they’re appearing again in unexpected ways.

Rayne, a half-human half-vampire warrior, is in the America's 1880's Wild West to stop the vampired Billy the Kid and his posse of vampire cowboys.

Tentoraz sa Rayne, dievčina, dostane do nacistického Nemecka počas druhej svetovej vojny a stretne sa s Ekartom Brandom. Tento nacistický veliteľ by chcel Adolfovi Hitlerovi naočkovať kvapku Raynovej krvi, čím by sa stal dhampirom a dosiahol nesmrteľnosť.

Ked bol Edward Carnby male dieta, tak na nom doktor Lionel Hudgens robil, podobne ako na dalsich 19 detoch z maleho sirotinca, svoje pokusy, pri ktorych chcel spojit cloveka z pradavnym netvorom, ktory mal na svedomi vyhubenie vtedajsej civilizacie - Abkaniu. Carnbymu sa vsak podarilo utiect, takze pokus nebol dokonceny. Pracoval vo vladnej jednotke 713, ktora mala na starosti vyskum paranormalnych javov. Jednotka vsak bola zrusena a Carnby dostal vyhadzov. Teraz sa vsak na svete zacinaju objavovat pradavne artefakty, ktore vyrobila abkanska civilizacia a ktore dokazu pritahovat pozornost netvorov. Carnby tusi nebezpecenstvo a zacina, za pomoci odbornicky na artefakty Aline Cedrac, konat. Proti nim sa vsak postavia ako netvory, ktore dokaze Hudgens ciastocne ovladat, tak aj jednotka 713, ktora teraz pracuje pod vedenim samolubeho kapitana Richardsa. Bitka o prezitie nasej civilizacie zacina.

Set on an island off the coast, a techno rave party attracts a diverse group of college coeds and a Coast Guard officer. Soon, they discover that their X-laced escapades are to be interrupted by zombies and monsters that attack them on the ground, from the air, and in the sea, ruled by an evil entity in the House of the Dead... Prequel to the House of the Dead video games.