School for fairies Alfea celebrates the inauguration of the new school year when the party is interrupted by Icy, Darcy and Stormy, the perfidious Trix. The Winx without Bloom, are forced to remedy the confusion created by the witches who, having ruined the party, steal a powerful and mysterious object. Meanwhile, Bloom is on Domino, which is experiencing the best moments of his new life as a princess. He finally found his parents and Sky asks her to marry him. But not all gold that glitters, the three Witches are Ancestors in fact come back to haunt Stella, Aisha, Tecna, Musa, Flora and Bloom. Moreover, Erendor, Sky's father, forbids his son to marry the princess of Domino. A dark secret lies in the realm of Eraklyon and now that Sky, the legitimate ruler of the kingdom, as known.

Comedian Florence Foresti supersizes her act in an arena show packed with sketches, celebrity impressions, epic dance routines and special guests.

Sielvartaujanti satanistų pora pagrobia nėščią moterį, kad senovinės burtų knygos pagalba perkeltų savo mirusio anūko sielą į jos negimusį kūdikį, bet jų kvietimą išgirdo daugiau sielų, nei jie norėtų.

In the summer of 1991 an elderly woman Ghislaine Marchal is found murdered in the basement of her home with the message "Omar M'a Tuer" (Omar has kill me) written beside in her own blood. Despite a lack of forensic or DNA evidence, her Moroccan gardener Omar Raddad is found guilty and sentenced to 18 years in a French prison. Shocked by the case, and convinced of his innocence, journalist Pierre-Emmanuel Vaugrenard moves to Nice to investigate, and uncover the truth...

College student Jake Lo is pursued by smugglers, mobsters and crooked federal agents after he witnesses a murder by a Mafia kingpin.

Cheated on, mistreated and stepped on, the women are holding their breath, waiting for the elusive "good man" to break a string of less-than-stellar lovers. Friends and confidants Vannah, Bernie, Glo and Robin talk it all out, determined to find a better way to breathe.

Poor Benjamin gets stuck in a time-loop while on detention with his high-school crush.

Pedro, Arturo and Eligio are three college professors who lost their job because of economic crisis. Accidentally they find a solution for all of their problems; a multi-vitamin that allows them to party all night long without any side effects. The three professors will be launched into the world of nightclubs and the shady business, in order to market the merchandise. Of course, it seems that they are not as prepared for it as they thought.

Per vieną Kanų festivalį nusikaltėlių gauja pagrobia briliantus. Vilioklė Laura bendrus apgauna ir pabėga. Pasiekusi Paryžių, ji pasivadina našle Lili. Po septynerių metų Laura-Lili atvyksta į Paryžių. Ją pastebi profesionalus fotografas Nikolas, kuris ima atkakliai sekti ir fotografuoti paslaptingą gražuolę. Lauros bendrai, išvydę jos nuotrauką, ima veikti. Gražuolės gyvybei gresia pavojus. Kaip pasielgs lemtinga moteris?

Šis japoniškasis spagečių vesternas, arba isternas, nukelia į Dievo apleistas Japonijos žemes, kur per amžius nerimsta nuožmūs dviejų klanų mūšiai, retinantys raudonųjų ir baltųjų gretas. Jie kovoja dėl nežinia kur paslėpto aukso lobio, bet niekaip neranda. Viskas pasikeičia, kai į miestelį atjoja keistas vienišas kaubojus ir pasisiūlo už pažadėtą didesnį atlygį savo pagalbą abiem kariaujančioms pusėms. Nepažįstamasis neskuba priimti sprendimo ir apsigyvena pas moterį Ruriko, kuri yra užsislaptinusi kovotoja. Vėliau ji išgelbėja nepažįstamąjį ir pasiūlo jam paslėptą auksą už tai, kad jis užbaigtų nesiliaujantį karą.

Dumped on her grandparents for the summer by her indifferent mother, acerbic and self-destructive teenager Greta disrupts the elderly couple's staid life on the Jersey Shore. Eventually, a romance helps Greta face down her demons.

Vieno iš kalėjimo kaliniai, laikomi patys pavojingiausiais pasaulyje. Su jais negalima susitarti, jų negalima perauklėti. Kartą, negailestingus niekšus nusprendžia pamokyti. Juos iškviečia į tolimą salą ir nurodo tikslą – išgyventi. Praėjus nedaug laiko, žmogžudžių grupė supranta, kad tikslas nepasiekiamas, kadangi jie toje negyvenamoje saloje – ne kas kitas kaip taikiniai. Atsidarė medžioklės sezonas ir dabar žmonės, kurie anksčiau galėjo nei už ką vienas kitam perkąsti gerkles turi susivienyti, kad jiems patiems nieko neperkąstu...

Jamie is a boorish, insensitive American twentysomething traveling in Chile, who somehow manages to create chaos at every turn. He and his friends are planning on taking a road trip north to experience a legendary shamanistic hallucinogen called the San Pedro cactus. In a fit of drunkenness at a wild party, Jamie invites an eccentric woman—a radical spirit named Crystal Fairy—to come along.

A gang of cold-blooded outlaws narrowly escapes a blood-soaked bank robbery in a grimy frontier town. With a notorious bounty hunter hot on their trail, these nefarious criminals desperately need a place to hide out before night falls. Fate brings them to the home of the Tildons, a seemingly innocent family with two feisty daughters. As the men settle in, an impetuous game of cat and mouse plays out during the cold, black night. Come morning, nothing will ever be the same.

A group of friends venture into the remote Texas woods for a party weekend and find themselves stalked by Bigfoot.

Taking off immediately where the last one ended, in this episode Mike travels across dimensions and time fleeing from the Tall Man, at the same time he tries to find the origins of his enemy, and what really happened the night that his brother died. Meanwhile, Reggie battles the spheres and the undead in a quest to find Mike before the Tall Man can complete his transformation.

A young woman named Dorothy Gale dreams of becoming a singer but is unable to pursue her dreams. After being swept up by a tornado with her pet prawn Toto, Dorothy embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard of Oz, the person who both Dorothy and the citizens of Oz believe can help make her dream come true.

Mayhem and death follow when an earthquake traps a group of tourists in a Chilean town.

Hakim, 35, a friendly neighborhood cop, must infiltrate the Portuguese community for the purpose of an investigation. But can one become Portuguese in three days? Especially when we know that Hakim is a walking disaster at undercover operations. His clumsiness and bad luck turn his many infiltrations into cataclysms. The case is clearly too big for him. Quickly trapped between his feelings and his mission, Hakim, who lives alone with his mother, will discover a community, but also a family.