Young priest Father Sebastián is assigned to a parish in San Jeronimo el Alto, where he is not welcomed by the community, particularly the resident priest Father Damián. The newcomer gradually earns the trust of the people through humor, but firmly captures their hearts by saving the town fiesta by fighting a bull when the hired torero failed to show. Father Sebastián counsels the townspeople, lecturing them on their duties in a modern society. He used the collection plate to redistribute the town's wealth more evenly.

მოვლენები 1930-იან წლებში პარიზის გარეუბანში მდებარე ბავშვთა თავშესაფარში მყოფი პატარა ობოლი ბიჭის პოლის გარშემო ვითარდება, რომელსაც მიწათმფლობელთან მომუშავე სოფელში მცოვრები უბრალო ოჯახი იშვილებს.

A creative and driven teenager is desperate to escape his hometown and the haunting memories of his turbulent childhood.

Best friends Toni and Paul decide to relinquish all of their belongings for 100 days, whereby they receive one of their items back on each day. During this challenge the two realize, that the only thing they cannot be without is their friendship. A story about contemporary materialism and the quest for the truly important things in life.

2154 წელი, არსებობს ორი ტიპის ადამიანები: ძალიან მდიდრები, რომლებიც ცხოვრობენ კოსმოსურ სადგურ ელიზიუმზე, სადაც ყველას ყველაფერი აქვს და დანარჩენები, რომლებიც დანგრეულ, დაბინძურებულ დედამიწაზე ცხოვრობენ.

წარმოიდგინეთ, რომ მოკრძალებული ბუღალტერი ხართ, გყავთ ექვსი წლის ქალიშვილი და ახლახან გადმოხვედით მატარებლიდან უცხო ქალაქში. სწორედ ამ მომენტში დაგემართებათ კოშმარი, რომელიც ყველაზე ცუდ სიზმარშიც კი არ იოცნებებთ. თქვენს შვილს იტაცებენ იდუმალი უცნობები, რომლებიც გპირდებიან გოგონას მოკვლას, თუ მათ პირობას არ შეასრულებთ, პირობა მარტივია: გამტაცებლების მიერ შემოთავაზებული იარაღით უნდა ესროლოთ მთავრობის წევრს. თქვენ მუდმივად გითვალთვალებენ. რევოლვერში ოთხმოცდაათი წუთი და ექვსი ტყვია გაქვს. დრო წავიდა!

With the space program attempting to travel to Mars, 21st century scientists were tasked with warming up the planet so that humans could survive on its surface. They came up with an efficient and cost effective plan of sending cockroaches and mold to the surface so that the mold would absorb the sunlight and the insect corpses would serve as a food source for the mold. It is now the year 2577 and the first manned ship to Mars has landed on the planet and the six crew members are ready for their mission. But what they find are giant mutated humanoid cockroaches with incredible physical strength. The crew members are easily wiped out, but not before sending a transmission back to Earth. Now, humanity will send elite warriors to exterminate the mutated bugs and claim back Mars.

90 წუთის განმავლობაში სამ ისტორიას ერთდროულად ვისმენთ: რესპუბლიკელი სენატორი სკეპტიკურად განწყობილ ტელე-რეპორტიორს ერთსაათიან ინტერვიუს აძლევს ავღანეთში გამარჯვების მოსაპოვებლად საჭირო სტრატეგიის შესახებ; ამავე დროს, ავღანეთის მთებს შეფარებული ორი სპეციალური რაზმი ხსნას ელოდება, რადგან მათ თალიბები უახლოვდებიან; კალიფორნიის კოლეჯში კი პოლიტიკურ მეცნიერებათა პროფესორი არწმუნებს სტუდენტს, არ მიატოვოს სწავლა.

Antoine is the Head of HR of a big company. Managing people is his thing, so when his overwhelmed wife suddenly decides to go on holiday and leave him with the responsibility of the house and their four kids, he knows it will be a piece of cake for him. But Antoine has drastically underestimated the mess that four mischievous kids can cause...

Recent MIT grad Matt Franklin should be well on his way to a successful career at a Fortune 500 company, but instead he rebels against maturity by taking a job at a video store. Matt rethinks his position when his unrequited high-school crush, Tori, walks in and invites him to an end-of-summer party. With the help of his twin sister and his best friend, Matt hatches a plan to change the course of his life.

Earl Montgomery, a bombastic police academy reject, and Hank Rafferty, a disgraced, mild-mannered cop, can't seem to escape each other. They met on opposite sides of the law during a routine traffic stop that escalated out of control; now as lowly security guards they're thrown together to bust a smuggling operation.

Small-town boy Shawn MacArthur has come to New York City with nothing. Barely earning a living selling counterfeit goods on the streets, his luck changes when scam artist Harvey Boarden sees that he has a natural talent for streetfighting. When Harvey offers Shawn help at making the real cash, the two form an uneasy partnership.

Soon-to-be bride on her way to a wedding rehearsal is having second thoughts and decides to take a detour. Car breaks down and a hitchiker offers help. Could it be fate?

An entry-level employee at a powerful corporation finds himself occupying a corner office, but at a dangerous price—he must spy on his boss's old mentor to secure for him a multi-billion dollar advantage.

When minor-league hockey player Derek Thompson -- who has a penchant for knocking out his opponents' teeth every time he plays -- disillusions a fan, he is sentenced to a stint for one week as a bona fide, tutu-clad, real-life tooth fairy. Soon, Derek is inspired to rekindle his youthful dreams.

Mike Regan is a successful, self-made man who has it all: a gorgeous wife, a beautiful teenage daughter and a sleek, state-of-the-art “smart home”. But he soon finds himself in a deadly, high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse when his I.T. consultant, Ed, starts using his skills to stalk Mike’s daughter and endanger his family, his business, and his life. In a world where there is no privacy, and personal secrets can go viral by the click of a mouse, Mike needs to rely on his old connections to defeat a new kind of nemesis.

A police officer and a psychologist investigate the deaths of five people who were killed while trying to summon ghosts.

Former race car driver Brent Magna is pitted against the clock. Desperately trying to save the life of his kidnapped wife, Brent commandeers a custom Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake, taking it and its unwitting owner on a high-speed race against time, at the command of the mysterious villain holding his wife hostage.

A group of sorority pledges are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young women discover that the killer is part of an underground campus conspiracy.

Bizarre nightmares plague Regan MacNeil four years after her possession and exorcism. Has the demon returned? And if so, can the combined faith and knowledge of a Vatican investigator and a research specialist free her from its grasp?