A young farmer in rural Yorkshire numbs his daily frustrations with binge drinking and casual sex, until the arrival of a Romanian migrant worker.

Romantični mladi mornar Edmond Dantes (James Cavieze) je pošten čovjek čiji se miran život naglo uzdrma nakon što ga njegov najbolji prijatelj (Guy Pearce) prevari i ukrade srce njegove zaručnice. Namjerno i nezakonito poslan u zatvor, Dantes doživi pravu noćnu moru punih trinaest godina - sve dok ne pobjegne i uzme identitet zagonetnog i bogatog Grofa Monte Crista. Lukavom okrutnošću Dantes skuje domišljat plan kako da sustavno uništi sve one koji su ga izdali.

After tracing the origin of a disturbing supernatural affliction to a wealthy family's ancestral gravesite, a team of paranormal experts relocates the remains—and soon discovers what happens to those who dare to mess with the wrong grave.

The young Bavarian princess Elisabeth, who all call Sissi, goes with her mother and older sister Néné to Austria where Néné will be wed to an emperor named Franz Joseph, Yet unexpectedly Franz runs into Sissi while out fishing and they fall in love.

In this documentary, Alex trusts his twin, Marcus, to tell him about his past after he loses his memory. But Marcus is hiding a dark family secret.

Mladi srebrni zmaj i njegov novi prijatelj kreću u potragu za posljednjim utočištem srebrnih zmajeva. Pred njima je niz nevjerojatnih pustolovina i neobičnih susreta od kojih će jedan biti presudan - susret s bezdušnim čudovištem iz prošlosti čiji je jedini cilj uništenje posljednjeg zmaja.

After enjoying a holiday romance, high school students Danny and Sandy are unexpectedly reunited when she transfers to Rydell High, where she must contend with cynical Rizzo and the Pink Ladies.

Odmetnik Nat Love, gladan osvete, okupi bandu kako bi sredio Rufusa Bucka, nemilosrdnog šefa podzemlja koji je netom pobjegao iz zatvora.

A woman tries to survive the invasion of Berlin by the Soviet troops during the last days of World War II.

Noć vještica 2 je direktni nastavak prvog filma o Michaelu Myersu. Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) je jedina koja je uspjela preživjeti napad Myersa i sada se oporavlja u bolnici. No nakon što Myers pobjegne iz ludnice Lauri će se ponovo naći u opasnosti.

Ross Sylibus is assigned to a police unit on a Martian colony, to find that women are being murdered by a psychotic named D'anclaude. He is assigned a very unorthodox partner named Naomi Armitage, who seems to have links to the victims. To stir things up more, every victim is found to be an illegally made third-generation android.

In 1971, a warden at Attica Penitentiary is caught up in a hostage crisis when inmates take over the prison to demand better living conditions.

Novine pišu o ubojstvima koja je prije 20 godina počinio Michael Myers (Chris Durand). U jednom od članaka piše da je Myersova sestra Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) poginula u prometnoj nesreći. Ona je zapravo lažirala vlastitu smrt i promijenila ime kako bi se sakrila od Michaela. Sad je ravnateljica internata u južnoj Kaliforniji. U tom je internatu i njezin sin John (Josh Hartnett). Za Noć vještica većina je profesora i učenika otišla na izlet u Yosemite. John planira provesti večer sa svojom djevojkom Molly (Michelle Williams), te Charliejem (Adam Hann Byrd) i Sarom (Jody Lyn O'Keefe). Laurie ima spoj s pedagogom Willom (Adam Arkin). Otkrit će mu neke tajne iz svog prošlog života. A maskirani će Michael uspjeti neopaženo proći pokraj čuvara Ronnyja (LL Cool J) i tako opet počinju strahote.

Steve Clark is a newcomer in the town of Cradle Bay, and he quickly realizes that there's something odd about his high school classmates. The clique known as the "Blue Ribbons" are the eerie embodiment of academic excellence and clean living. But, like the rest of the town, they're a little too perfect. When Steve's rebellious friend Gavin mysteriously joins their ranks, Steve searches for the truth with fellow misfit Rachel.

Umjetnica se seli u dolinu Hudson i počinje sumnjati da njen brak ima zlokobnu tajnu, onu koja se nadmeće s povijesti njenog novog doma

The doctor and soccer player in the leisure time Jo Hauser decides to move to Berlin and be an intern in a famous clinic, expecting to increase his knowledge and expertize, and help his handicap brother Willi Hauser. He joins a secret fraternity of doctors, under the leadership of Prof. Muller-LaRousse, who is researching the use of bionic muscles in human beings without any ethics or respect to the laws. The team is also volunteer to the experiences, and is under investigation of Paula Henning. When Jo gets close to a Filipino nurse, and becomes addicted in the drugs used in experience, he realizes the truth hidden in the methods used by the secret society in the development of science.

Komedija o spašavanju malih psića dalmatinaca od okrutne Cruelle De Vil; još jedan filmski hit o bijelim ljubimcima s crnim točkicama, nastavak slavne komedije 101 dalmatinac. Cruella De Vil (Glenn Close), nekoć velika progoniteljica i mrziteljica životinja, izlazi iz zatvora rehabilitirana i filantropski raspoložena. Započinje suradnju s malom privatnom udrugom za spas životinja koju vodi idealistični Kevin Sheperd (Ioan Gruffudd). Ipak, njezina savjetnica za uvjetnu slobodu Chloe (Alice Evans) sumnjičava je prema ovoj transformaciji, te instinktivno pokušava zaštiti svoje netom rođene psiće dalmatince. I bila je u pravu. Jer čarolija Cruelline dobrote prestaje s otkucajima sata Big Bena i ona ponovno pokušava načiniti kaput snova - od štenaca dalmatinaca...

Set in the 1980s, an estranged family hires a cult deprogrammer to take back their teenage son from a murderous cult, but find themselves under siege when the cultists surround their cabin, demanding the boy back.

Bogati tinejdžer i njegovi prijatelji iz elitne privatne škole istražuju niz neobičnih natprirodnih događaja te otkriju mračnu zavjeru.

A sexy young coed enjoys a lavish lifestyle thanks to a sugar daddy dating app, accessing their money by having them killed. She soon meets her match, however, in her new rich, handsome boyfriend - who happens to also be a serial killer.