Mateusz is an intelligent, romantic young man tragically trapped inside his own body, suffering from severe cerebral palsy that makes speech and controlled movement nearly impossible. Born into a loving family, Mateusz’s protected world is shattered when circumstances place him in an institution where he is misunderstood and mistreated. Featuring an astonishing, virtuoso lead performance, Life Feels Good beautifully recounts the true story of one man’s extraordinary efforts to endure in the face of impossible odds.

Роберт Мекал, бивши припадник специјалних јединица је лажирао сопствену смрт како би остатак живота провео у миру у Бостону. Међутим, након што се самовољно врати из пензије како би спасио младу девојку Тери, биће суочен лицем у лице с опасним и насилним руским мафијашима. Како време одмиче и како се он бори против оних који немилосрдно и брутално нападају немоћне и слабије од себе, у Мекалу се поново рађа жеља за правдом. Ако неко има проблем и ако је тај проблем тешко савладив и ако нема коме другом да се обрати, Мекал ће доћи у помоћ... јер он је Праведник.

After trying to cover up a car accident that left a man dead, a crooked homicide detective is stalked by a mysterious man claiming to have witnessed the event.

Bill Marks is a burned-out veteran of the Air Marshals service. He views the assignment not as a life-saving duty, but as a desk job in the sky. However, today's flight will be no routine trip. Shortly into the transatlantic journey from New York to London, he receives a series of mysterious text messages ordering him to have the government transfer $150 million into a secret account, or a passenger will die every 20 minutes.

Том Харди и Џејмс Гандолфини глуме бармена и менаџера једног бруклинског бара. С времена на време, бар је место где мафијаши крију свој новац и постоји једна ствар која никако није пожељна: не смеју да вас опљачкају.

A soldier introduces himself to the Peterson family, claiming to be a friend of their son who died in action. After the young man is welcomed into their home, a series of accidental deaths seem to be connected to his presence.

Кристина Лукас свакога јутра се буди у непознатој соби покрај непознатог мушкарца. Не зна где се налази нити ко је она. Убрзо сазнаје да је непознат човек њезин супруг Бен и да након саобраћајне несреће коју је доживела сваки дан изгуби наново памћење чим заспи. Покушавајући реконструирати прошлост, Кристина копа по стварима и наилази на камеру на којој је сама себи снимила поруку…

Brooklyn mobster and prolific hit man Jimmy Conlon has seen better days. Longtime best friend of a mob boss, Jimmy is haunted by the sins of his past—as well as a dogged police detective who’s been one step behind Jimmy for 30 years. But when Jimmy’s estranged son becomes a target, Jimmy must make a choice between the crime family he chose and the real family he abandoned long ago. Now, with nowhere safe to turn, Jimmy has just one night to figure out exactly where his loyalties lie and to see if he can finally make things right.

Some of Sin City's most hard-boiled citizens cross paths with a few of its more reviled inhabitants.

Ex-government operative Bryan Mills finds his life is shattered when he's falsely accused of a murder that hits close to home. As he's pursued by a savvy police inspector, Mills employs his particular set of skills to track the real killer and exact his unique brand of justice.

Бивши агент ЦИА-е (Броснан) позван је да одради последњу мисију, но овог пута у питању ће бити задатак сасвим личне природе. Супарник ће да му буде бивши ученик, а у целу причу уплешће се високи званичници његове агенције као и судије руских председничких избора…

5 friends have a plan to rob a transporter that can change their lives.

After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the U.S., where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends.

When a struggling publisher discovers his only successful author is blocked, he knows he has to unblock her or he's finished. With her newfound success, she's become too happy and she can't write when she's happy. The only trouble is, the worse he makes her feel, the more he realizes he's in love with her.

Four friends become stranded in Eastern Europe and have to become hit men, prostitutes, corrupt cops, smugglers and more to make it home.

Based on a miraculous true story that drew the attention of the entire nation, is the dramatic, thrilling, and spiritual journey of Ashley Smith and Brian Nichols. After being taken hostage by Brian in her own apartment, Ashley turns to Rick Warren’s inspirational book, The Purpose Driven Life, for guidance. In reading from the book, Ashley not only finds purpose in her own life, but helps Brian find a more peaceful resolution to a harrowing situation.

Rachel, a rookie cop, is about to begin her first night shift in a neglected police station in a Scottish, backwater town. The kind of place where the tide has gone out and stranded a motley bunch of the aimless, the forgotten, the bitter-and-twisted who all think that, really, they deserve to be somewhere else. They all think they're there by accident and that, with a little luck, life is going to get better. Wrong, on both counts. Six is about to arrive - and All Hell Will Break Loose!

When his fiancee is kidnapped by human traffickers, Roman and his ex-military brothers set out to track her down and save her before it is too late. Along the way, Roman teams up with Avery, a cop investigating human trafficking and fighting the corrupt bureaucracy that has harmful intentions.

When the Russian mob kidnaps the daughter of a reformed criminal, he rounds up his old crew and seeks his own brand of justice.

Born in America and raised in an Indian ashram, Pitka returns to his native land to seek his fortune as a spiritualist and self-help expert. His skills are put to the test when he must get a brokenhearted hockey player's marriage back on track in time for the man to help his team win the Stanley Cup.