Na postapokalyptickej Zemi sa robot zostrojený na ochranu života milovaného psa svojho umierajúceho stvoriteľa učí o živote, láske, priateľstve a o tom, čo znamená byť človekom.

Na začiatku 18. storočia vládne Veľkej Británii kráľovná Anna, posledná z rodu Stuartovcov, ktorá sa do histórie zapísala skôr neslávne. Je plachá a prehliadaná, trpí bolestivou dnou a nie je ani veľmi vzdelaná, čo z nej činí perfektnú obeť manipulátorov. Jej jedinou oporou v živote je lady Sarah. Sarah sa vďaka tomu dostala do najvyšších kruhov anglickej aristokracie a za neistú kráľovnú prakticky vládne sama. Spoza kráľovninho trónu robí všetky dôležité rozhodnutia ohľadne chodu štátu. Zároveň si svoju pozíciu ostro stráži a nikoho, kto by sa pokúsil kráľovnú ovplyvniť, k nej nepustí. Podcenila len svoju sesternicu Abigail, ktorá na dvor prišla prosiť o prácu služobnej potom, čo jej rodina zbankrotovala. Sarah ju z ľútosti prijala. Netuší však, že by ctižiadostivá Abigail mohla ohroziť jej rolu kráľovninej favoritky. Zatiaľ čo Abigail vďaka svojej obľube u panovníčky rýchlo stúpa spoločenským rebríčkom, od Sarah sa začína priazeň odvracať.

When his young son is killed in a hit and run accident, Charles Thenier resolves to hunt down and murder the killer. By chance, Thenier makes the acquaintance of an actress, Helène Lanson, who was in the car at the time of the accident. He then meets Helène’s brother-in-law, Paul Decourt, a truly horrible individual.

A middle-aged man meets a young woman who is waiting on a canal bridge for her lover's return.

An aspiring writer goes to the airport to pick up a high school friend returning from a trip to Africa but is disheartened to see her with another man.

Dvaja astronauti vyrážajú na mediálne turné, aby varovali ľudstvo pred smrtiacou kométou, ktorá sa rúti priamo na planétu Zem. Zdá sa však, že to nikoho nezaujíma.

Grindelwaldove vyhrážky sa naplnia a podarí sa mu z väzenia uniknúť. Začne zhromažďovať svojich nasledovníkov, ktorí nič netušia o jeho skutočnom pláne - získať čistokrvných čarodejníkov, aby ovládli všetkých nomágov. V snahe zabrániť Grindelwaldovym plánom, Albus Dumbledore povolá svojho bývalého študenta M.L.O.K.-a Scamandera. Ten prisľúbi svoju pomoc, hoci netuší aké nebezpečenstvá na neho čakajú.

A bureaucrat interviews five souls to decide which of them will be given a life on Earth. But he soon faces an existential challenge of his own.

Poznáme ich z animovaných príbehov, na ktorých vyrástli celé generácie. Čo ak sa však vyberú do sveta - a to rovno do toho nášho, reálneho? Keď sa Jerry presťahuje do luxusného hotela, kde práve prebieha svadba storočia, jej zúfalá organizátorka si najme Toma, aby jej pomohol sa myšiaka zbaviť. Naháňačka kocúra a myši však skoro zničí nielen jej kariéru a chystanú svadbu, ale aj celý hotel.

Irene, a workaholic, is forced to re-evaluate her priorities after the suicide of her two best friends.

A student babysitter has her evening disturbed when the phone rings. So begins a series of increasingly terrifying and threatening calls that lead to a shocking revelation.

A man, determined to win the neighborhood's annual Christmas decorating contest, makes a pact with an elf to help him win. However, the elf casts a spell bringing the twelve days of Christmas to life, bringing chaos to the small, unsuspecting town.

Mark wants to lose his virginity, but his girlfriend wants to wait. Unfortunately for both of them, a 400-year-old vampire Countess needs to turn a virgin into a vampire before Halloween in order to preserve her own youthful appearance, and when she finds Mark, she turns his life upside-down.

Juliette, a lone survivor of an apocalyptic era, fights to survive against hunger, thirst, a broken leg and strange disturbing creatures that only come out at nighttime.

Dado and Estrella want to to start a family and forget their old work as sex workers. But when they meet Baby, their relationship turns shaky as Estrella finds out about Dado and Baby's affair.

With their women having been enslaved by a pack of lesbian vampires, the remaining menfolk of a rural town send two hapless young lads out onto the moors as a sacrifice.

After being whisked away to Los Angeles by a handsome Hollywood star, Katie is left alone in his apartment, where strange and scary things begin to happen.

Virgil, an eccentric freak billionaire, spends his days being a "biological inventor." The "blood dolls," his newest creation, aid him in getting revenge on those who betrayed him.

In the early part of the 21st Century, an unknown virus began spreading among the populous. Within weeks it had engulfed the entire planet, from the smallest communities to the greatest cities. Upon the death of its host, the virus would reanimate the corpse until it was no longer able to support itself. Soon the planet was infested with a new threat - the undead. So begins our journey into the dystopian world of the zombie diaries.

The Insane Clown Posse heads back to the Wild West in this prequel to BIG MONEY HUSTLAS. Nothing happens in the dusty town of Mud Bug without the approval of gambling magnate Big Baby Chips (Violent J), and the locals turn and run when his henchmen come out to play. But when swaggering sheriff Sugar Wolf (Shaggy 2 Dope) teaches the locals to fight back, Big Baby Chips and his gang head for the hills in a hail of gunfire.