French secret service agent Josselin Beaumont is dispatched to take down African warlord N'Jala. But when his assignment is canceled, he's shocked to learn that his government is surrendering him to local authorities. He is given a mock trial and sentenced to 20 years of hard labor. But Beaumont escapes from prison and vows not only to avenge himself against his betrayers but also to finish his original assignment.

A cop investigates whether the man convicted of murdering his daughter is really guilty.

In 1971, a young woman moves from the French countryside to Paris and begins a passionate love affair with a feminist leader.

Rok 1945 Stalinova moc ovláda Poľsko. Slávny maliar Wladyslaw Strzeminski odmietne robiť umelecké kompromisy a tak sa stane prenasledovaným, vylúčia ho z univerzity, jeho obrazy sú strhané zo stien galérií. Za pomoci niektorých svojich študentov sa rozhodne bojovať proti komunistickej strane a stáva sa symbolom umeleckého odporu proti tyranii.

Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them growing up far away from him and so he decides to move there as well.

Celý bláznivý projekt sa zrodil v hlave jemenského šejka, zbožného a bohatého muža, ktorého k nemu priviedla jeho láska k lovu lososov a neotrasiteľné presvedčenie, že je možné vierou dosiahnuť nemožného. Tento projekt upúta pozornosť niekoľkých zaslúžilých britských politikov. Napadne ich, že by sa tak dala odviesť pozornosť médií od nepríjemností, ku ktorým na Strednom východe došlo. Vládne súkolia sa dávajú do pohybu.

Elizabeth, sklamaná mladá žena, sa vydáva na púť po Spojených štátoch, aby spoznala samu seba a vyliečila si zlomené srdce. Na potulkách prežíva nečakané situácie - filozofuje s majiteľom nočnej kaviarne, odhaľuje zúfalé plány hazardnej hráčky, ktorej sa lepí smola na päty, a spoznáva zničený vzťah medzi policajtom a jeho spurnou manželkou. Všetky tieto zážitky menia Elizabethin prístup k životu, vzťahom a nakoniec aj k sebe samej. Oslobodzuje sa od pút minulosti a objavuje novú cestu, na ktorej konci čaká naozajstná láska.

A young Vienna-based taxi driver of Turkish origin witnesses an extremely brutal murder. The perpetrator, a serial killer, makes eye contact with her; a deadly game of cat-and-mouse ensues.

Stella Davis is a widow who saves her ranch by working with convicts to rehabilitate a herd of wild horses that wandered on to her property. Stella must fight prejudice, greed, bureaucracy and vanity (including her own) to finally understand that there is no better remedy to misfortune than helping another living creature.

Two seemingly happily married French couples are forced to contend with a number of issues.

In Montreal, the unemployed fashion designer Sophie Malaterre is shown a website,, where it is possible to switch houses with a stranger for vacation. Sophie seeks an apartment in Paris nearby the Eiffel Tower that belongs to Bénédicte Serteaux and they change apartments. Sophie arrives in Paris on Saturday morning. The next morning, policemen break in the apartment and arrest Sophie while she is having a bath. Detective Damien Forgeat interrogates Sophie believing that she is Bénédicte and she learns that a beheaded body was found in her room and all evidence of her life has been deleted.

Texas City, Texas. Detektivové z oddělení vražd se potýkají se sérií nevyjasněných úmrtí, ke kterým v posledních letech došlo v bažinaté oblasti zvané Vražedná pole. Pragmatický detektiv Mike Souder (Sam Worthington) a jeho newyorský kolega Brian Heigh (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) jsou jednoho dne povoláni k případu pohřešované dívky ze sousedního okresu. Nemají žádné stopy, dokonce ani tělo nebylo objeveno. Když ale zmizí Anne (Chloe Moretz), mladá dívka, kterou si Brian vzal pod ochranná křídla, oběma detektivům je jasné, že Anne musí hledat někde v polích. Ani jeden z nich ale neví, jestli se z Vražedných polí někdy vrátí…

The Parkers, reclusive people who cling to ancient customs, find their secret lives threatened when a torrential downpour and the death of the family matriarch forces daughters Iris and Rose to assume special responsibilities.

Uprostred zimy, niekoľkých významných občanov regiónu Chamonix, nájdu zavraždených v ich domoch. Policajný kapitán Thomas Delhaye sa rozhodne využiť pomoc Juliette Hémonovej, ktorá bola pred 10 rokmi uväznená v súvislosti s veľmi podobným prípadom. Chce mu však Juliette skutočne pomôcť, alebo je to pre ňu len príležitosť, ako sa dostať z väzenia?

Lena is happily married. From the strange man in the S-Bahn but such a pull goes out that she gets involved in a spontaneous infidelity. The stranger, Martin, also thought that the marriage with his wife was completely safe. Nevertheless, what should actually be written off as an adventure between Lena and Martin is becoming the projection screen for newly created needs and longings. Lena and Martin can not let go of each other.

A twist of fate leaves a hapless accountant romantically torn between two sisters.

"Kidon" begins in the morning of the 18th of February 2010 in Tel-Aviv when the whole world wakes up discovering, on the front page of all the newspapers, pictures of the Mossad agents caught while killing Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai a month earlier. It was the first time that simple security cameras of a hotel caught secret agents red-handed, what's more Israeli agents. But without doubt, the most surprised of all were the Mossad leaders who were the only ones to know for sure that the 3 men and the woman, whose faces were in all the newsrooms of the world, had nothing to do with them. From then on, a race against time is undertaken hoping to understand why everything is aiming at them.

Fastlife: always go further, faster, to shine in the eyes of others: this is the motto of Franklin. Franklin is a megalomaniac obsessed by the desire to shine at any price. He will have to choose between becoming a man or continue to live the Fastlife...

Eight short films explore the subject of male infidelity. Serial cheaters, Fred and Greg, spend a night on the town doing what they do best, and with absolutely no regrets. The duo play various characters in assorted extracurricular situations, ranging from sexist to the darker sides of carnal desires.

Fearless gunslinger, Lucky Luke, is ordered by the President to bring peace to Daisy Town.