Osuđen zbog silovanja, McMurphy (J. Nicholson) je prebačen u psihijatrijsku bolnicu, gdje grupna terapija bolničarke Ratched (L. Fletcher) i velike doze lijekova, prvenstveno umirujućih sredstava, oduzimaju pacijentima individualnost i svaku želju da išta promijene. McMurphy se s time ne miri i pokušava povesti pobunu protiv strogih često i besmislenih normi, no time dolazi u sukob s Ratched i sustavom koji ona predstavlja...

Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to receive an honorary degree from his alma mater. Along the way, they encounter a series of hitchhikers, each of whom causes the elderly doctor to muse upon the pleasures and failures of his own life. These include the vivacious young Sara, a dead ringer for the doctor's own first love.

Zabavno, uznemirujuće i iznenađujuće korača u predgrađansku Ameriku kroz živote Lester i Carolyn, para više srednje klase čiji se brak - a čiji se životi - polako odvijaju. Carolyn mrzi svog muža, kćer ga prezire, a šef će ga otpustiti. Tako Lester odluči promijeniti neke stvari u svom životu; kako postaje slobodniji, postaje sretniji, što ženu i kćer ljuti.

Pedeset i sedam godina nakon stravičnog sukoba s krvoločnim izvanzemaljcem, brod Ellen Ripley pronađen je, a ona probuđena iz sna i suočena s novom noćnom morom. Djelatnici zloglasne "Weyland-Yutani" korporacije nalažu joj da mora krenuti u ekspediciju zajedno sa skupinom komandosa, kako bi provjerila zbog čega je izgubljen kontakt s planetom na kojem je pronađeno čudovište. Iako Ripley pokušava upozoriti nadležne, novi sukob sa smrtonosnim bićem čini se neizbježnim.

The epic tale of a class struggle in twentieth century Italy, as seen through the eyes of two childhood friends on opposing sides.

A pious 20-year-old juvenile delinquent is sent to work at a sawmill in a small town; on arrival, he dresses up as a priest and accidentally takes over the local parish. The arrival of this young, charismatic preacher is an opportunity for the local community to begin the healing process after a tragedy that happened a year prior.

Tajanstveni Charles Oakley (J. Cotten), kojeg prate dvojica muškaraca, odluči se skloniti na sigurno, te iz Philadelphije otputuje u maleni kalifornijski gradić Santa Rosa, u kojem živi njegova sestra Emma Newton (P. Collinge) sa svojom obitelji. Newtoni su tipična američka obitelj: Emmin suprug Joseph (H. Travers) bankovni je činovnik, Emma je kućanica, a njihovo troje djece muče problemi tipični za njihovu dob, malene Rogera (C. Bates) i Ann (E. M. Wonacott) dječji, a adolescentica Charlie (T. Wright) sve je nezadovoljnija običnim obiteljskim životom. Dolazak ujaka Chalireja razveselit će isprva sve njih, pogotovo Charlie, koja je po njemu i dobila ime. Ipak, upravo će Charlie nakon nekog vremena početi sumnjati u karakter svoga omiljenog ujaka. Naime, ujak Charlie očito skriva neku mračnu tajnu pa izbjegava fotografiranje, a iz novina trga stranice koje obitelj ne bi smjela vidjeti.

Chen Zhen, a Chinese engineering student in Kyoto, who braves the insults and abuse of his Japanse fellow students for his local love Mitsuko Yamada, daughter of the director, returns in 1937 to his native Shangai, under Japanse protectorate -in fact military occupation- after reading about the death of his kung-fu master Hou Ting-An in a fight against the Japanese champion Ryuichi Akutagawa.

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

Cashier Maurice Legrand is married to Adele, a terror. By chance, he meets Lucienne, "Lulu", and make her his mistress. He thinks he finally met love, but Lulu is nothing but a streetwalker, in love with Dede, her pimp. She only accepts Legrand to satisfy Dede's needs of money.

Nakon što je njegov prijatelj iz djetinjstva ubijen u Detroitu, buntovni detektiv Axel Foley prelazi cijelu zemlju kako bi pronašao ubojicu na Beverly Hillsu.

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

Returning by train to the French port of Le Havre, Jacques Lantier, a tormented railwayman, meets by chance the impulsive stationmaster Roubard and Séverine, his wife.

Sadistic killer-for-hire Philip Raven becomes enraged when his latest job is paid off in marked bills. Vowing to track down his double-crossing boss, nightclub executive Gates, Raven sits beside Gates' lovely new employee, Ellen, on a train out of town. Although Ellen is engaged to marry the police lieutenant who's hunting down Raven, she decides to try and set the misguided hit man straight as he hides from the cops and plots his revenge.

Mladi bračni par, Ray (M. Showalter) i Polly Cutler (J. Peters), dolazi na bračno putovanje na Niagarine slapove. Bungalov koji su rezervirali nije prazan - u njemu je neobičan bračni par koji ih zamoli da im ga prepuste i smjeste se u susjedni. Naime, ovi supružnici su mlada, izazovna djevojka Rose (M. Monroe) i George (J. Cotton), mnogo stariji muškarac koji je vidno frustriran, depresivan, možda čak i psihički rastrojen. Prilikom razgledavanja slapova Polly slučajno zatiče Rose kako ljubuje s privlačnim mladićem, no to taji, shvaćajući da je njihov slučaj mnogo kompleksniji nego što joj se činilo. I bit će u pravu, jer Rose i mladić kuju opasan plan kako da se riješe njezinoga supruga.

Soon after a veteran's return from war his cheating wife is found dead. He evades police in an attempt to find the real murderer.

2022. godine SAD je postao 'preporođena država'. Zločini i nezaposlenost su najniži ikada, a kako bi te brojke i ostale takve vlada je osmislila 12-satni godišnji period nazvan "Pročišćenje". Pročišćenje služi kao svojevrsna katarza, to je vrijeme kad svi ljudi mogu iskaliti svoje negativne emocije jer su skoro svi zločini (uključujući i ubojstvo) dopušteni i legalni, a policija i hitna pomoć su 'na čekanju'.

Many years ago, a young aristocrat wanted to marry a famous singer, but his father destroyed the marriage before twediing, believing that singer is not suitable wife for future diplomat. After several years their adult children now met in the theater of Buenos Aires.

City police surround a building, attempting to capture a suspected murderer. The suspect knows there is no escape but refuses to give in.