The story of a father's tireless love for his autistic son. A terminally ill father's attempt to teach his autistic son the necessary life skills to survive on his own before he passes away. It is also a poignant tribute to the infinite love that parents have for their children and their unending desire to take care and look after them to their best abilities, no matter the struggle, no matter the effort.
Preotul din Ambricourt este un tânăr rezervat și dedicat a cărui incapacitate de a se descurca în situațiile sociale îl face să se simtă izolat de propriii enoriași.
Personajul principal, Colin MacLeod, a devenit un nemuritor după prima sa moarte în anul 125 d.Hr. în Marea Britanie romană, când satul său din Anglia a fost atacat și distrus de romanii cuceritori. Un alt nemuritor, Marcus Octavius, conducea forțele militare ale Imperiului Roman în speranța de a-și crea visul unei societăți utopice. Octavius a ucis-o pe soția lui Colin, Moya, dar nu a reușit să-l omoare pe Colin, al cărui corp inconștient a fost târât de un cal în Stonehenge, un „pământ sfânt” din poveste, unde nemuritorilor le este interzis să lupte. De-a lungul secolelor îl urmărește pe Marcus Octavius pentru a se răzbuna. În căutarea sa, el întâlnește o femeie care îi amintește de frumusețea lui ucisă. Dar bătălia finală cu Marcus este cea care va decide nu numai soarta lui, ci și soarta lumii.
Upon hearing about the story of Treasure Island, Nobita dreams of discovering and exploring his own treasure island, despite the fact all of the Earth has been mapped already.
Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.
The Bounty leaves Portsmouth in 1787. Its destination: to sail to Tahiti and load bread-fruit. Captain Bligh will do anything to get there as fast as possible, using any means to keep up a strict discipline. When they arrive at Tahiti, it is like a paradise for the crew, something completely different than the living hell aboard the ship. On the way back to England, officer Fletcher Christian becomes the leader of a mutiny.
The story of a farmer forced into conscription, who has been looking to get out of the army ever since. His great chance arrives when he stumbles upon a wounded general from an enemy state, and he kidnaps him, intending to claim credit for the capture, which includes five acres of land, and most importantly, honorable discharge from the army.
Din momentul în care Bart l-a smuls pe Danny de lângă mama lui, l-a tratat întotdeauna ca pe un câine, dresându-l, practic, pentru atac. Danny reprezintă astăzi arma lui absolută, gata să se arunce asupra oricui, fară a-i lasă nici cea mai mica șansă de scăpare. Rupt de lume, Danny nu are de ales, trebuind să accepte existența sa de animal, până când, îl întâlnește pe Sam, un orb care îi va schimba întregul mod de a percepe viața.
A policeman forsakes his dream of world travel to care for a mentally impaired brother, who is later kidnapped by gangsters.
A simple Chinese immigrant wages a perilous war against one of the most powerful criminal organizations on the planet.
Bai Qian, a goddess and monarch from the Heavenly Realms, is sent to the mortal world to undergo a trial to become a High Goddess. There, she meets Ye Hua, with whom she falls in love and marries. When an old enemy reappears in her life, everything she holds dear is threatened.
Un scriitor de science-fiction care a rămas recent văduv se gândește dacă să adopte un băiat de 6 ani, abandonat și respins din punct de vedere social, hiperimaginativ, care spune că este cu adevărat de pe Marte.
A wild and rollicking martial arts fantasy extravaganza that features prized swords and swordsmen, a crazy monk attached to a rolling boulder, serious clan and cult rivalries, and lots of magic and flying.
On the outside, Helen has it all – a loving family and a successful career – but when her suppressed mental illness resurfaces, the world crumbles around her. Crippled by depression, Helen finds solace through her friendship with Mathilda, a kindred spirit struggling with bipolar disorder.
When a gym trainer is murdered at an elite Delhi club, a wily investigator unravels the sordid secrets of its ultrarich members to find the killer.
An unhinged office worker who planned to go on a shooting spree at his workplace struggles with his newfound status as a hero after he ends up stopping a shooting spree instead.
Taximetrist devenit șofer, Jimmy Tong, află că există într-adevăr o singură regulă atunci când lucrezi pentru milionarul Clark Devlin: să nu atingi niciodată prețuitul smoching al lui Devlin. Dar când Devlin este scos temporar din funcțiune într-un accident exploziv, Jimmy îmbracă fracul și descoperă curând că acest costum extraordinar poate fi mai mult centură neagră decât cravată neagră. Împreună cu o parteneră la fel de neexperimentată ca și el, Jimmy devine involuntar un agent secret.
Pu Songling, a legendary demon hunter, is asked to investigate the mysterious disappearances of young girls from a small village. When he discovers evil forces are kidnapping the girls to feast on their souls, he sets out to save humanity from the inhuman invasion journeying through hidden worlds and colorful dimensions.
Henry Durand is a young federal agent who is given a difficult assignment: spy on his mother and her boyfriend who is suspected of leading a gang of art thieves.
The tale of one man who fought against the tyranny of a ruler and led his people in battle in the ultimate sacrifice for his country.