Drugi dio ove fantastične sage govori o Frodu Baginsu i Samu koji uz pomoć čudnovatog bića Goluma idu da unište prsten. Istovremeno Aragorn, Legolas i njihovi saveznici idu da space Pipina i Merija. Čarobnjak Gandalf se vraća da pomogne u borbi protiv Saurona i Sarumana (čarobnjaka koji je prešao na zlu stranu).

Inhabitants of a small village in Hungary deal with the effects of the fall of Communism. The town's source of revenue, a factory, has closed, and the locals, who include a doctor and three couples, await a cash payment offered in the wake of the shuttering. Irimias, a villager thought to be dead, returns and, unbeknownst to the locals, is a police informant. In a scheme, he persuades the villagers to form a commune with him.

Kada poljski činovnik unajmi stan u Parizu, uskoro počne poprimati paranoidno ponašanje bivše stanarke koja je izvršila samoubojstvo. On počinje sumnjati da ga vlasnik zgrade i susjedi polako i na suptilan način navlače i pokušavaju promijeniti ne bi li i on isto izvršio samoubojstvo...

Inspektor Mattei uvjeren je da je ubojica Vogel napokon priveden pravdi. No, iskoristivši nepažnju policije, Vogel pobjegne iz vlaka i sakrije se u Coreyjev prtljažnik. Corey je upravo odslužio zatvorsku kaznu te planira pljačku dragulja. Pridobiva Vogela za svoj naum. Međutim, Coreyju je za petama mafijaš Rico...

In Italy, the gambler and professor of poetry Daniele Dominici arrives in the seaside town of Rimini and is hired to teach for four months in the local high school replacing another teacher. His relationship with his partner Monica is in crisis and he spends most of the time with his new acquaintances and gamblers Giorgio, Marcello and Gerardo. In classroom, he meets the gorgeous nineteen years old student Vanina Abati, who is Gerardo's girlfriend.

Clarence marries hooker Alabama, steals cocaine from her pimp, and tries to sell it in Hollywood, while the owners of the coke try to reclaim it.

Un Chien Andalou is an European avant-garde surrealist film, a collaboration between director Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali.

U državi Bandrika grupa engleskih državljana ogorčena je zbog općeg zastoja vlakova kad se lavina srušila na željezničku prugu. Prisiljeni prenoćiti u planinskom pansionu, Englezi se međusobno zbliže, osobito mlada Iris Henderson (M. Lockwood) i simpatična stara guvernanta, gospođa Froy (M. Whitty). Sljedeći dan, kada se pruga raščisti, Englezi nastave put prema Londonu. Nakon što se Iris probudi, primijeti da je gospođa Froy nestala iz kupea. Svi je putnici uvjeravaju da te žene nije ni bilo u vlaku. Uvjerena da ima pravo, Iris ne odustaje da pronađe gospođu Froy, u čemu će joj pomoći Gilbert (M. Redgrave), mladi muzikolog koji je jedini koji donekle vjeruje u njezine tvrdnje.

On their way to an afternoon on the lake, husband and wife Andrzej and Krystyna nearly run over a young hitchhiker. Inviting the young man onto the boat with them, Andrzej begins to subtly torment him; the hitchhiker responds by making overtures toward Krystyna. When the hitchhiker is accidentally knocked overboard, the husband's panic results in unexpected consequences.

Based on the incredibly true story of a Spanish man with Multiple Sclerosis who tried to finish an Iron-Man: 3,8km swimming, 180km cycling and 42 running. And he was told that he could not make 100 meters.

Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren), njegova supruga i menadžerica Ludmilla (Brigitte Nielsen) dolaze iz Rusije u SAD preuzeti krunu svjetskog prvaka od Rockyja Balboe (Sylvester Stallone). No Rocky se ne želi boriti. Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) se odluči boriti s Dragom i on ga u ringu prebije na smrt. Kako bi osvetio prijatelja, Rocky se pristane boriti s Dragom u Moskvi. I dok se Ivan priprema s pomoću visoke tehnologije, Rocky odlazi u Sibir gdje pokušava vratiti formu cijepajući drva i trčeći. Film je osvojio njemačku nagradu Golden Screen, a glumac Dolph Lundgren nagradu Marshall Trophy 1985. godine.

In a Paris hotel room, Jack Whitman lies on a bed. His phone rings; it's a woman on her way to see him, a surprise. She arrives and the complications of their relationship emerge in bits and pieces. Will they make love? Is their relationship over? (A prequel to The Darjeeling Limited, 2007.)

Akcioni spektakl sa Liamom Neesonom u glavnoj ulozi. Dr. Martin Harris budi se u Berlinu nakon automobilske nesreće i otkriva kako ga supruga ne prepoznaje a drugi čovjek je preuzeo njegov identitet. Dok mu vlasti ne vjeruju, progone ga misteriozni ubice i nalazi se u bijegu napušten i sam. Pomaže mu nenadana saveznica, a on sve dublje zadire u misteriju koja će ga natjerati da preispita svoj zdravi razum, identitet i koliko je zapravo daleko spreman ići kako bi otkrio istinu.

American Matt Quigley answers Australian land baron Elliott Marston's ad for a sharpshooter to kill the dingoes on his property. But when Quigley finds out that Marston's real target is the aborigines, Quigley hits the road. Now, even American expatriate Crazy Cora can't keep Quigley safe in his cat-and-mouse game with the homicidal Marston.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Deset godina poslije originalnog masakra, Michael Myers dolazi u Haddonfield ubiti svoju sedmogodišnju rođakinju. Može li ga doktor Loomis zaustaviti?

Kim and Pie are in love, but after graduation they have to travel into two different directions for their internship; Kim is going to work in a farm in the northern province of Nan, while Pie is going South to work in a fishery center. Their love is being tested by the distance between them.

Juliette (Brigitte Bardot) je siroče, pomalo neobuzdana ljepotica koja je ravnodušna prema bogatstvu i tuđem mišljenju. U nju je zaljubljen bogataš (Curd Jurgens), uvjeren u moć novca, no ona voli muževnog i privlačnog mladića (Christian Marquand). Međutim, on ne pokazuje interes i ona se uda za njegova u nju iskreno zaljubljenog, ozbiljnog i povučenijeg brata Michela (Jean-Louis Trintignant).

After a violent encounter, Roy finds Rocky and sees something in her eyes that prompts a fateful decision. He takes her with him as he flees to Galveston, an action as ill-advised as it is inescapable.

Na temelju stvarnih događaja, to govori priču koja se zbila na Bahamima. Par ovisnika o poslu odlučio je malo se odmoriti i provesti nekoliko dana u ronjenju. Čamac koji ih vozi, zbog nepažnje posade, napušta ih usred mora, na pučini i daleko od obale, u vodama zaraženim morskim psima ... Prema američkim kritičarima, najšokantniji horor film prikazan u filmski festival Sundance od "Projekta vještica iz Blaira", 1999.