The Gunfight at the OK Corral only happened once, but has been tirelessly recreated in films, television shows and western towns ever since. No one has a monopoly on truth, and in Tombstone Rashomon, the truth is shared by six conflicting, yet historical perspectives. In doing so, the film’s narrative becomes prismatic and the result is perhaps the most comprehensive telling of the most important gunfight in American history. This is the Tombstone story told in the style of the Japanese classic Rashomon where we see history from several perspectives including that of Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Kate, Ike Clanton, Colonel Hafford and Johnny Behan.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

In the mid-1980s, peace initiatives between the Colombian government and the guerrilla group, FARC, led the latter to disband after two decades of fighting and establish a legal-political party, the Union Patriótica (Patriotic Union). As the UP met with some successs in local elections, it became a target of right-wing death squads and paramilitaries. So far, 3,000 UP members have been murdered or have disappeared, making it a case of political genocide unparalleled in the world. The documentary "The Red Dance" views, through the memories of survivors and relatives of victims, this period of terror and assassination. While FARC has reverted to war, a petition is pending before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) regarding human rights violations by the State of Colombia.

A detective investigates a of case of a beautiful woman murdered along with lover.

Two friends try to survive in rural Finland after the bombs fell and left them in a nuclear winter, turning most people into zombies

A woman is trying to find out what happened to her missing younger sister, when she discovers a sinister online bulletin board on mass suicide that leads her to a small isolated village where desperate teenagers gather to find death.

A young Japanese woman named Eri is intelligent and promising, but remains mired in depression and alienation. She wanders life like a ghost, articulating her suffering perspectives in repetitive thoughts and journals. Everything changes when she decides to write a romance fantasy for the way she wished things would go, including an alter ego named Rie meeting a man named Fuyuki in love at first sight. Her debut novel "Soft Cream Love" is a huge hit, and Eri is catapulted to wealth and circles of admirers. Shy, she blows her chance to meet a cute guy and instead makes a pass at her clumsy unattractive agent named Hoshino, who walks away with his cynical attitudes born of romantic disappointment. When she pursues him into the street, she by chance meets a nice guy just as she hoped, but he never shows up at their first date because, unknown to her, he's hit by a car.

In the nineteenth film in the series, in May 1919, Indy is working as a translator at the historic Paris Peace Conference. He meets up with T.E. Lawrence once more, but finds his ideals have changed a lot since the start of the war. Indy then decides to finally head home to Princeton - even though it means having to face his father. He gets reacquainted with his childhood friend Paul Robeson, who becomes the target of racism when they visit New York City.

Módní návrhářka Tess je posedlá používáním aplikací pro spolujízdu. Když během jedné cesty potká tajemnou spolucestující, považuje toto setkání za osudné. Pomalu ale vychází najevo, že její nová přítelkyně má temné tajemství a plán, jak zajistit, aby ji Tess už nikdy neopustila...

Rodeo star John Scott and his gambler friend Kansas Charlie are wrongly accused of armed robbery. They leave town as fast as they can to go looking for their own suspects in Poker City.

This 1926 Fleischer Song Car-Tune encouraged movie going audiences to follow the bouncing ball, or racist caricature, and join in on a minstrel classic. In this way, the short joined sentimentality, a sense of the collective, and community to an already nostalgic minstrel performance.

Havana, Cuba, 54th year of US embargo. After helping hundreds of Cubans to travel to the US, Lourdes has finally the chance of getting a visa to see her dying mother in Miami. She waited a lifetime for this moment.

A series of three vignettes illustrate life in small-town America: the story of a man, his ex-girlfriend, and his attempt to foil a terrorist plot; an uncle trying to connect with his niece, who is emotionally distance following the death of her parents; and a wealthy man who realizes he has no black friends, and looks to rectify the situation.

Forbidden Worlds establishes itself as the premier purveyor of Horror and Mayhem with a trilogy of gothic tales of demonic possession. (1). The Devil's Spell: Bodies drop in a night of terror as an evil witch comes back to kill the descendants of the witch hunters who burned her...300 years earlier! (2). Witches' Dolls: A literal demon disguised as a sweet little old lady is hell-bent on capturing the souls of unsuspecting boarders and imprisoning them in her hideous book of paper dolls. (3). Resurrection of The Damned: A man haunted by the ghost of his dead father and enticed by black magic enters a world that goes beyond the wildest imagination. (1). "The Devil's Spell" segment begins: (at 0:44) and is an excerpt from the film: "Witchouse (1999)" (2). "Witches Dolls" segment begins: (at 30:42) and is an excerpt from the film: "Stitches (2001)" (3). "Resurrection of The Damned" segment begins: (at 58:07) and is an excerpt from the film: "Netherworld (1992)"