Nothing Like Before delves into the creation of the Clube da Esquina Album (Brazil, 1972). Considered by many music critics one of the best albums of all time, it presented to the world musicians like Milton Nascimento, Lô Borges, Toninho Horta, Beto Guedes and Wagner Tiso.

A photojournalist's obsessive quest for the truth about the first expedition to Mt. Everest leads him to search for an esteemed climber who went missing.

When Sosuke, a young boy who lives on a clifftop overlooking the sea, rescues a stranded goldfish named Ponyo, he discovers more than he bargained for. Ponyo is a curious, energetic young creature who yearns to be human, but even as she causes chaos around the house, her father, a powerful sorcerer, schemes to return Ponyo to the sea.

Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under a power-hungry principal. The disparate group includes rebel John, princess Claire, outcast Allison, brainy Brian and Andrew, the jock. Each has a chance to tell his or her story, making the others see them a little differently -- and when the day ends, they question whether school will ever be the same.

Aging wrestler Randy "The Ram" Robinson is long past his prime but still ready and rarin' to go on the pro-wrestling circuit. After a particularly brutal beating, however, Randy hangs up his tights, pursues a serious relationship with a long-in-the-tooth stripper, and tries to reconnect with his estranged daughter. But he can't resist the lure of the ring and readies himself for a comeback.

Young writer Richard Collier is met on the opening night of his first play by an old lady who begs him to "Come back to me". Mystified, he tries to find out about her, and learns that she is a famous stage actress from the early 1900s. Becoming more and more obsessed with her, by self-hypnosis he manages to travel back in time—where he meets her.

Radnja filma odvija se za vrijeme velikog preokreta u Rusiji u razdoblju 1905.-1921. u kojem se događaju revolucije 1905. i 1917. i kasniji građanski rat. Priču priprovijeda Jevgraf Živago koji nailazi na djevojku za koju posumnja da je kćer njegovog brata Jurija i ljubavnice mu Lare. Na početku priče umire majka tada desetogodišnjeg Jurija. On kasnije studira medicinu i bavi se poezijom. U jednom trenutku on i njegova zaručnica Tonja prisustvuju gala zabavi gdje se pojavljuje djevojka mladića Komarovskog - Lara. Na početku Prvog svjetskog rata Juri je liječnik u ruskoj vojsci. Ponovno se susreću staze Jurija i Lare. Ona je angažirana kao medicinska sestra i udana je za Pašu Antipova, a Živago je oženjen za Tonju, kćer njegova posvojitelja. Između Jurija i Lare javlja se obostrana privlačnost, ali odolijevaju iskušenju... (

Dva srednjoškolca Evan i Seth nastoje završiti s djevojkama prije nego maturiraju. Prilika za to im se pruža kad ih najpopularnije cure u školi pozovu na tulum povodom završetka škole. No, pod jednim uvjetom, one zahtijevaju da njih dvojica nabave cugu što je problem, jer su obojica maloljetni. U pomoć im priskače prijatelj Fogell, još veći šmokljan od njih dvojice koji nabavlja lažnu osobnu. No dok kupuje cugu, u trgovinu upada lopov, dolazi policija i počinju problemi koje opasno ugrožavaju Evanov i Sethov plan da izgube nevinost.

Tom, mladić, usprkos ciničnom modernom svijetu koji ga okružuje, vjeruje u kozmički predodređenu, sudbonosnu, fatalnu ljubav. Summer, djevojka, ne vjeruje. Nimalo. Ali to neće spriječiti Toma da ju krene osvajati, iznova i iznova, poput modernog Don Quixota. No, odjednom, Tom više nije zaljubljen samo u krasnu, duhovitu i inteligentnu ženu, već i u ideju koju Summer predstavlja – ideju ljubavi koja oduzima dah i zaustavlja svijet.

Velika i pomalo lijena panda Po radi u očevoj prodavaonici tjestenine. Velikom obožavatelju kung fua Pou uskoro će se ostvariti snovi kada sudbina umiješa svoje prste, a on se pridruži svojim herojima - Žestokoj petorci koju čine Tigrica, Ždral, Bogomoljka, Guja i Majmun, a koje predvodi guru Shifu

The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.

A live broadcast of a late-night talk show in 1977 goes horribly wrong, unleashing evil into the nation's living rooms.

When a dance troupe is lured to an empty school, a bowl of drug-laced sangria causes their jubilant rehearsal to descend into a dark and explosive nightmare as they try to survive the night—and find who's responsible—before it's too late.

Sandra Bullock glumi Debbie Ocean, otuđenu sestru Clooneyevog lika Dannyja Oceana iz kultnog filma Oceanovih 11, koja će pokušati provesti gotovo nemoguću pljačku u New Yorku, na zvjezdanom godišnjem balu Met Gala. Njezin prvi zadatak je okupiti savršenu ekipu profesionalnih lopova: Lou, Rose, Daphne Kluger, Nine Ball, Tammy, Amita i Constance. Plan već ima, samo ga treba provesti.

In the Old West, a 17-year-old Scottish boy teams up with a mysterious gunman to find the woman with whom he is infatuated.

Georgia Nicolson is fourteen, lives with nosey parents who don't understand her, an annoying three year old sister and has to wear a beret to school. She would, however, rather be blonde, have a smaller nose and a boyfriend. Revolving around her hilarious journal entries, prepare to be engulfed in the world of the soaring joys and bottomless angst of being a teenager.

Obitelj Bellows ostavila je neizbrisiv trag na gradić Mill Valley, jer upravo u njihovoj velebnom domu mlada Sarah Bellows svu je bol i tugu svog nesretnog života prebacila u zbirku zastarašujući kratkih priča. Te će priče za grupu tinejdžera postati stvarnost kada odluče istražiti tajne koje skriva napušteni dom Bellowsovih.

Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief Itaparica and his two daughters, Paraguaçu and Moema. They call him Caramuru and together they engage in a happy love triangle. But the chance to return to Portugal arises, and it is clear this amoral arrangement cannot last.

When a widow gets swindled out of insurance money, her search for answers leads to two cunning lawyers in Panama who hide cash for the superrich.