


  在长久以来的贫穷生活中,伊斯达(艾洛迪·布歇 Élodie Bouchez 饰)一直履行着她笑对人生的原则,正是这样的原则让她能够挨过苦不堪言的每一天却还对即将到来的新的一天满怀希望。在找工作的时候,伊斯达与名叫玛丽(娜塔莎·雷尼埃 Natacha Régnier 饰)的同龄女子相识了,心心相惜的两人一见如故。   乍看之下,玛丽和伊斯达一样有着开朗快乐的外表,可是在内心里,玛丽是绝望而悲观的,受够了苦日子的她做梦都想要能够脱离自己所在的穷苦阶层。没过多久,玛丽就勾搭上了一个富家公子,在明知道会被抛弃的情况下,玛丽仍不愿放弃眼前海市蜃楼般的荣光。无能为力的伊斯达只能冷眼旁观,眼看着一个天使慢慢的坠入地狱。


这部电影几乎以纪录片的形式记录了第二次世界大战中1943年5月16日晚上英国皇家空军执行的“惩戒行动”。 要炸掉水坝,可不是容易的事情,电影详细介绍了炸弹设计者的设计过程,以及英国军方采纳这个计划的过程(因为乍听起来实在像是天方夜谭),这个片子看起来决不乏味,甚至是相当令人激动地。该片获第28届奥斯卡最佳效果奖提名及第9届英国电影学院最佳电影,最佳英国电影和最佳编剧3项提名。


警察局长Santamaria正在调查模棱两可的建筑师Garrone先生的谋杀案。调查很快使他进入了托利党的上流社会。Santamaria怀疑Anna Carla,同时爱上了她。莱洛是安娜·卡拉的同性恋朋友马西莫的情人。为了查明真相,他正沿着另一个方向前进,他的结果让警察感到困惑。但另一起谋杀案发生了。。。


Hardened prosecutor Asta Cadell leaves home for a road trip down the coast of Australia. But Cadell's relaxing ride turns tense when her motorcycle malfunctions and she makes a pit stop in a remote town. Cadell meets teen Elizabeth Curtis, who confides that she has just been raped, and Cadell helps the young woman report the crime to the authorities. When police corruption stands in the way of justice, she takes matters into her own hands.

An unidentified man posts a live feed on social media showing that he has kidnapped two strangers and intends to kill one before the day is out. His intention is to hold a capital 'trial' online. As the authorities recognize what's happening, it becomes apparent that the online public is going to act as judge and jury.

A young girl named Mitsuki receives a ticket for a bus tour from her uncle. The tour appears to be normal (expect that everyone appears to be quite sombre), but Mitsuki learns its true purpose: the other passengers and the tour manager have a suicide pact to send the bus over a cliff so their families can collect the insurance money.

Three Italian-American brothers, living in the slums of 1940's New York City, try to help each other with one's wrestling career using one brother's promotional skills and another brother's con-artist tactics to thwart a sleazy manager.

The story of four inmates during their 48 hours furlough, of their reality and how it has brought them behind bars. The characters are described with realism, with their contradictions, their desperation, the temptation of an escape, but the cornerstone of the movie is the sincerity of the positive feelings of each and everyone of them: the love of a father for his son, the love for a woman, for friends, and most of all the pursuit of a lost (if ever had) personal dignity and pride. Four characters of different ages and extractions, three man and a woman: Luigi, Donato, Rossana and Angelo.



Boston, United States. Dracula, the immortal vampire, interrupts a satanic ritual and flees with Dolores, the woman whom the members of the evil cult are about to murder. Overwhelmed by his love for her, and unable to drink her blood, they have a son together, whom they name Janus. (Loosely based on Marvel's The Tomb of Dracula comic book series.)

A group of seemingly humanistic trucks takeover a truck stop and starts killing everything in sight. The remaining townsfolk must band together and come up with a way to murder the inanimate objects, a seemingly difficult task considering the abnormal circumstances.

Silent Gunpowder (Serbo-Croatian: Gluvi barut) is a Yugoslavian war film Based on a novel by Branko Ćopić and set during World War II, the film tells the story of a Serbian village in the mountains of Bosnia and its villagers who found themselves divided along two opposing ideological lines, represented by the Chetniks and the Partisans. These two opposing sides are personified in the Partisan commander Španac and a former Royal Army officer Radekić. Španac sees Radekić as the cause of villagers' resistance to the new, Communist, ideology and so the main plot axis is the conflict between them. At the 1990 Pula Film Festival, the film won the Big Golden Arena for Best Film, as well as the awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Branislav Lečić), Best Film Score (Goran Bregović). The film was also shown at the 1991 Moscow International Film Festival, where both Branislav Lečić and Mustafa Nadarević won the Silver St. George Award for their performances.