Pumpkin i Honey Bunny dvoje su lopova koji, jedući u gostionici, odluče kako je najbolja stvar koju mogu napraviti ta da je opljačkaju. Vincent Vega i Jules Winnfield plaćeni su ubojice koji rade za Marcellusa Wallacea, zadatku da svome šefu vrate ukradenu posebnu i vrlo tajanstvenu aktovku. Kasnije, Vincent, po Wallaceovu nalogu, mora izvesti njegovu suprugu Miu na večeru u grad, dok je on na poslovnom putu. Butch Coolidge veteran je boksačkih borbi, kojemu je plaćeno da lažira i pusti meč, ali on slučajno ubija svog protivnika. Sada želi pobjeći iz grada, ali ne prije no što uzme sretni zlatni sat svoga oca.

This Oscar-winning animated short film tells the story of one man's love life as seen through the eyes of his best friend and dog, Winston, and revealed bite by bite through the meals they share.

Lord Voldemort se vratio, ali rijetki žele vjerovati u to. zapravo, Ministarstvo magije radi sve kako čarobnjački svijet ne bi saznao istinu – što uključuje imenovanje nove učiteljice Obrane od mračnih sila u Hogwartsu.

Brian i Mia Toretto izvukli su Doma iz zatvora i prešli brojne granice kako bi izbjegli vlastima. U Rio De Janeriu su napokon stjerani u kut, ali moraju dovršiti posao koji će im osigurati slobodu. Dok okupljaju elitni tim za utrke, prijeti im sukob s korumpiranim poslovnim čovjekom koji ih želi mrtve. Na tragu im je i federalni agent Luke Hobbs, koji nikad ne promašuje svoju metu. On okuplja poseban tim kojeg šalje na Doma i Briana. Dok njegovi ljudi jure kroz Brazil, Hobbs shvaća kako je nemoguće razlučiti dobre od loših ljudi u ovoj priči. Mora se osloniti na instinkt kao bi se dočepao svog plijena – prije nego li to netko učini prije njega.

Scrat comes across a time machine and is transported to various times all in pursuit of his beloved acorn.

A lawyer conducts business from the back of his Lincoln town car while representing a high-profile client in Beverly Hills.

Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.

Mikael Blomkvist, publisher of Millennium magazine, has made his living exposing the crooked and corrupt practices of establishment Swedish figures. So when a young journalist approaches him with a meticulously researched thesis about sex trafficking in Sweden and those in high office who abuse underage girls, Blomkvist immediately throws himself into the investigation.

True-crime writer Ellison Oswald is in a slump; he hasn't had a best seller in more than 10 years and is becoming increasingly desperate for a hit. So, when he discovers the existence of a snuff film showing the deaths of a family, he vows to solve the mystery. He moves his own family into the victims' home and gets to work. However, when old film footage and other clues hint at the presence of a supernatural force, Ellison learns that living in the house may be fatal.

Pljačka u Riu osigurala je 100 milijona $ za ekipu Doma i Briana, pa su se naši junaci rasuli svijetom, ali nemogućnost povratka kući i stalni bijeg učinili su njihove živote nepotpunima. U međuvremenu Hobbs kroz 12 zemalja prati ubojite vozače plaćenike. Ispostavlja se da njihovom vođi pomaže Letty, ljubav za koju je Dom mislio da je mrtva. Zaustaviti ih se može jedino na ulici pa Hobbs poziva Doma da okupi svoj elitni tim u Londonu. Plata? Potpuni oprost za sve kako bi se mogli vratiti kućama i ponovno biti uz svoje obitelji.

Elina is a flower fairy who discovers that her home of Magic Meadow has been overcome by a horrible malady that is killing the flowers and making the fairies unable to fly. With the help of Bibble, a puffball and a giant butterfly named Hue she attempts to find Azura, a Guardian Fairy. She's challenged along the way by the evil Laverna who wants to usurp the Enchantress, the ruler of Fairytopia.

Pet godina nakon što je napustio Los Angeles, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) i ekipa, koju čine njegova djevojka Letty (Michelle Rodriguez), Leo Tego (Tego Calderón), Rico Santos (Don Omar), Cara Mirtha (Mirtha Michelle) i Han (Sung Kang), kradu tankere s benzinom u Dominikanskoj Republici. Nakon što im je provaljeno u jednu od garaža, Dominic odlučiti raspustiti družinu i ostaviti djevojku, kako bi je zaštitio od opasnosti koja prijeti. Tri mjeseca kasnije, u Panama Cityju, Dominic prima poruku od sestre, koja mu priopći da je Letty ubijena. Dominic sjeda u automobil i kreće na sprovod u Los Angeles.

Lilo, Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley have finally caught all of Jumba's genetic experiments and found the one true place where each of them belongs. Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley are offered positions in the Galactic Alliance, turning them down so they can stay on Earth with Lilo, but Lilo realizes her alien friends have places where they belong – and it's finally time to say "aloha".

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

Three American college students studying abroad are lured to a Slovakian hostel, and discover the grim reality behind it.

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

Perseus tries to live a quieter life as a village fisherman while – dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion – the gods are losing control of the long-imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos.

Mrak filma vraća se s najsmješnijim nastavkom dosad! Mrak film 4 okupirat će vaše male ekrane parodijom hitova poput "Rata svjetova", "The Grudge," "The Village," "Saw" and "Saw II," "Million Dollar Baby" i mnogih drugih. Legendarni redatelj komedija David Zucker ("Airplane!," "Goli pištolj", "Mark film 3," i "Ruthless People") i producent Bob Weiss udružili su se ujedinjujući elemente posljednjih hitova, glazbe, nedavnih događaja, pop kulture i i poznatih zvijezda. Anna Faris i Regina Hall vraćaju se kao ljupka i tupava Cindy Campbell i njezina samoživa i pohotna prijateljica Brenda – udružene ovoga puta s Craigom Bierkom ("Cinderella Man") kao slatkim, ali bedastim Tomom Ryanom. Zajedno se bore da spase svijet od nemilosrdne najezde svemiraca.