Mickey and his friends take a close look at important street safety situations and tips.

Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.

A guy locked in a room with no way out. He does not remember anything about himself, his fate is uncertain, but, the most important thing is the reason why this is happening.

After a confrontation, a group of women are taken by a presence.

本片是迪士尼第36部经典动画《花木兰》衍生剧情,当花木兰(温明娜 配音)和李翔准备完婚之际,他们却突然接到一份密旨:为了抵抗强大的匈奴,护送三位公主下嫁和番,维持边疆和平。于是他们立即启程动身,插科打诨的木须龙和蟋蟀当然也一起跟来。但是在途中木兰发现公主们其实不愿外嫁异族,更糟糕的是居然还爱上了别人,这别人正是上次立功而久久被别的女孩拒绝的三个护卫。一向崇尚女子自由意志的木兰,因此决定冒杀头大罪的危险帮助公主逃跑,已经都快到番邦边境,所护驾的公主们却失踪,这样的发展实在超出李翔的意料之外,更出乎意料的是,木须竟然为了自己的权益而挑拨木兰和李翔的关系。在路上,李翔出现意外,为了救木兰而坠下深谷,木兰将会怎么完成自己的任务和拯救自己的心上人呢……

If hugs are tangible why am I hugging the void

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

正值奥多维亚圣诞节时期,王室宝宝就要出生了!安布尔和理查德接待了来自遥远国家的王室成员,目的是延续古老的休战协定,但当长达 600 年的重要条约消失时,和平危在旦夕,一个古老的诅咒威胁着他们的家族!

In 1981, a Czechoslovakian woman sends a letter requesting that a Cambodian family leave their wartorn country and live with her in Fargo, North Dakota.

A young boy escapes his troubled home, finding solace I in boxing at an army hostel, where he channels his pain into strength to protect his family.

In 2008 cybersex can only be surpassed by one thing: Cloned women, especially created for their clients. This puts Pamela Travis, a famous and much sought-after cybersex star in great danger - Dr. Vivyan, scientist and genius in the field of biotechnology wants her DNA to clone her for his many customers. Sergeant Bobby Chase is assigned to protect her, but can't prevent her from being kidnapped. In order to free Pamela, Chase has to risk his life in a deadly virtual reality game called "Hellraiser"

After a dying wish made a promise to fulfill, 'a past promise' becomes broken. Then comes the revenge from the hurt it have caused both of them.

Did the Nazis ever see Charlie Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator'? Yugoslavia, 1942 - The young Serbian projectionist Nikola Radosevic decides to teach the German oppressors a lesson they won't forget. The beginning of a true and astonishing World War II resistance story.

Hijinks ensue when an amateur filmmaker, financially reliant on video piracy, must reshoot all the movies from a film festival before time runs out.

Shot in Havana and processed at Phil Hoffman's Film Farm, Marcel Beltrán Fernández's Casa de la noche explores those same histories from the point of view of an insider, as a lived experience that is evocatively mirrored through ripped and torn celluloid.

Alexandria Wright meets Elijah Martinez and the demonic journey begins. Elijah Martinez finds himself ensnared in a romantic involvement with Alexandria Wright, an unfaithful Covert Narcissist. She convinces him they are soulmates and they take a vow before God for His blessing with the penalty of betrayal being death. After years pass, Alexandria forgets the vows and begins cheating behind Elijah's back. Just a week before Christmas, she abruptly betrays him. To his astonishment, she swiftly transitions to a new relationship, bringing with her the unsettling secret of transmitting an incurable sexually transmitted disease to her new partner. Then came Karma. Her victims arrive to spit on her dirty grave as her demise finally arrives.