Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea with the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.

Although barely 30, Claire believes she is showing the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, a condition from which her mother has recently died. Her sister, Nathalie, is certain that her memory loss, caused by a lightning strike, is temporary. In the clinic where she is being treated, Claire is attracted to Philippe, a man who is still traumatized after a car accident in which his wife and child were both killed. In spite of their personal tragedies, Claire and Philippe fall in love. When Philippe recovers, Claire moves into his home. Then Claire's condition takes a turn for the worse.

Baseado no folclore Tcheco, o filme conta a história de um casal que não pode ter filhos. Então o marido escava no quintal uma raiz e a talha, de forma a tomar a forma de um bebê. Sua esposa decide cuidar dela como se fosse uma criança. A raiz ganha vida, para a alegria da mãe. Entretanto, a estranha criança acaba desenvolvendo grande apreço por carne e quanto mais ela cresce, maior se torna seu apetite.

Steffen Vogt, aged around 25, is helping out at a German archeological excavation in Israel when he finds a 2,000-year-old skeleton holding the instructions for a video camera dating from the year 2003. The bones also show traces of the present day. His theory of a time-traveler who made a video of Jesus is laughed at by everyone, however, including Sharon, an attractive Israeli woman he adores. Although no one appears to believe him, his find certainly seems to have generated interest: Steffen is attacked shortly afterwards in his hotel room by strange men; then he discovers that the German embassy and the secret service are after him; and when his friend Dan is murdered, he goes into hiding.

Now that Ivan is about to turn 21, he is now grown up and finally old enough to marry the beautiful Vasilisa. But when Vasilisa is kidnapped and trapped in modern Moscow, Ivan and his friends must travel to the present day to rescue her.

After the death of their grandfather, two sisters inherit their family castle, which is said to be haunted by the Red Queen, whom legend says claims seven lives every hundred years. When a mysterious woman in a red cloak starts targeting their circle of friends, the sisters begin to suspect there might be some truth to the legend.

Nick Tellis (Jason Patric), um ex-agente da divisão de narcóticos de Detroit, é convocado para investigar o duvidoso homicídio de um policial. O departamento coloca como parceiro de Tellis o Tenente Henry Oak (Ray Liotta), ex-parceiro do policial assassinado. Agora os dois estão nas ruas, investigando os locais de maior concentração de drogas da cidade.

This highly acclaimed feature film on Pope John Paul II was filmed on location in Italy and Poland. Focusing on the papacy of John Paul and the tremendous impact he had on the Church and the world, Karol: The Pope, The Man stars actor Piotr Adamczyk in a deeply moving portrayal of the beloved pontiff. It is the powerful true story of a charismatic spiritual leader who helped bring down Communism, renewed the life of the Church, greatly impacted youth worldwide with love for Christ, and a Pope who reached out to other religions and world leaders with a message of peace and love. Also stars Raoul Bova (Saint Francis), Michele Placido (Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth) and Adriana Asti as Mother Teresa. The beautiful film score is by legendary film composer Ennio Morricone.

O verão 1994 é a última temporada de Luke Shapiro em Nova York antes de ir para a faculdade. Sua família convive com o risco constante de despejo e seus pais brigam sem parar. Solitário e depressivo, Luke passa os dias vendendo maconha no Central Park e tentando perder a virgindade. Ele faz um pacto de ajuda mútua com o Dr. Squires, psiquiatra com problemas conjugais: trocar sessões de terapia por maconha. Mas quando a atenção de Luke se volta para a bela enteada do médico, Stephanie, o homem fica desamparado.

Los Angeles. Charlie Bishop (Forest Whitaker) é um ex-padre, que perdeu a fé quando um acidente de carro matou a mulher com quem havia recentemente se casado. A partir de então ele passa a andar com um revólver e duas balas, disposto a pagar para que alguém o dispare contra si.

In the years after the Revolution, China broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fighting each other. One warlord has imprisoned a girl and wants her to be his seventh wife, but he's too honorable to force her. The local revolutionaries wants to kill him and bring back the republic. But when a stranger returns from abroad with mastery of magic to recover the girl he loved, who is tricking whom and who will win at the end?

A história de Donavan Turner, uma mulher jovem e inteligente que dirige um café bem sucedida e tem o namorado perfeito, até que as coisas começam a desmoronar. Ela perde a loja e seu namorado, quando alguém novo entra em sua vida para ensinar uma lição importante.

Um pastor nômade se reúne com sua família para contar sobre o surgimento do mundo, da natureza a criação do homem e da mulher. Ele fala sobre o pecado cometido por Adão e Eva, a expulsão do paraíso, o primeiro crime cometido por Cain, a corrupção dos homens e também sobre a tarefa que Deus dá a Noé, um homem justo que constrói uma arca para esperar o dilúvio e renovar a humanidade.

A morte de um menino negro, vítima de tiroteio entre policial e traficante, é o estopim de crise política que atinge a prefeitura de Nova Iorque. No meio do turbilhão estão o jovem e idealista deputado Kevin Calhoun e John Pappas, o prefeito da cidade, político velho e experiente.

Mario and Olivia fall madly in love. One afternoon, considering that every relationship ends, they end up breaking up. During the big fight, Miamor, the street cat adopted by both, escapes and disappears, like the love that united them.

Sam Clayton's marriage to ex-stripper Freddie comes about when she's strong-armed into the match by Red, a club proprietor who once did her a favor. But Freddie falls in love with Jjaks, Sam's brother, and the pair tries to escape the situation together. It isn't long before both Sam and Red catch up with them, resulting in threats against the two of them -- although tension also starts to build between Sam and Red.

Relationship Therapist, Dr. Jill Peterman, had the highest-rated call-in radio show when her world was pulled out from under her following the on-air suicide of a female caller named Alexis. Shaken to her core, Dr. Jill walked away from her show vowing she would never go back. That is until Stuart, the station's General Manager, pleads with her to reboot the show in an effort to bring followers back to the station. Still haunted by what happened, Jill agrees to help her friend out and believes this will be the perfect remedy to put her year-long anxiety to rest. As Jill starts to settle back into her show, mysterious call-ins start happening forcing her to believe there could be a copy-cat out there. What Jill begins to uncover is a web of secrets and lies stemming from the mysterious voice she has come to know as Alexis.

A hip hop horror anthology of three tales of terror told by the Hound of Hell (Snoop Dogg) that revolve around the residents of an inner-city neighborhood whose actions determine where they will go in the afterlife.

John Tucker's son travels back in time 30 years to save his father from being killed by thugs he is currently pursuing back in 1990.