Дон Вито Корлеоне, најстарији је члан и харизматични вођа мафијашке породице италијанског порекла. Породица Корлеоне контролише део илегалног тржишта Њујорка и држи га под надзором. Све ће се променити доласком извесног Солоца, гангстера кога подржава друга мафијашка породица. Солоцо долази са намером да растура дрогу по читавом Њујорку, што ће разбеснити старог Корлеонеа, који не подноси дрогу и све што она доноси. Корлеоне је задовољан приходима од рекета и коцке, те није заинтересован за нове пословне подухвате који укључују наркотике. Ускоро ће неко покушати да убије старог Корлеонеа, затим да отме једног од његових саветника, а све са циљем да присили Корлеоноевог сина Мајкла да уђе у посао с дрогом.

Током прославе Дана захвалности суседи и пријатељи, Доверови и Бирчови схватају да су им ћерке нестале. Најгора ноћна мора сваког родитеља управо је постала њихова стварност. Једини траг који имају је оронула камп приколица која је била паркирана у њиховој улици. Детектив Локи хапси возача, али због недостатка доказа, осумњичени је пуштен из притвора. Тада Келер Довер, отац једне од девојчица, одлучује да узме правду у своје руке. Очајан, спреман је да уради све што је потребно да би пронашао девојчице, али на том путу, он се суочава са кључним питањем: Где је граница између потраге за правдом и освете?

Итан Хант и његов тим ММФ-а крећу у своју најопаснију мисију до сада: да пронађу застрашујуће ново оружје које прети целом човечанству пре него што падне у погрешне руке. Са контролом будућности и судбине света у игри и приближавањем мрачних сила из Итанове прошлости, почиње смртоносна трка широм света. Суочен са мистериозним, свемоћним непријатељем, Итан мора да размисли да ништа не може бити важније од његове мисије — чак ни животи оних до којих му је највише стало.

Биографска прича о славном кантри музичару Џонију Кешу.

Када два дечака из банде сиромашних, Џонија и Понибоја, нападне злобна банда - банда богатих - и Џони убије једног од нападача, тензија почиње да расте између две ривалске банде, покрећући немиран низ догађаја.

Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans.

A group of dated appliances, finding themselves stranded in a summer home that their family had just sold, decide to seek out their eight year old 'master'.

The tension is palpable, the excitement is mounting and the heady scent of competition is in the air as hundreds of eager contestants from across America prepare to take part in what is undoubtedly one of the greatest events of their lives -- the Mayflower Dog Show. The canine contestants and their owners are as wondrously diverse as the great country that has bred them.

Centring on the activities of a gang of assorted criminals and, in particular, their leader – a vicious young hoodlum known as "Pinkie" – the film's main thematic concern is the criminal underbelly evident in inter-war Brighton.

As a result of nuclear testing, gigantic, ferocious mutant ants appear in the American desert southwest, and a father-daughter team of entomologists join forces with the state police officer who first discovers their existence, an FBI agent and, eventually, the US Army to eradicate the menace, before it spreads across the continent — and the world.

A great French restaurant's owner, Monsieur Septime, is thrust into intrigue and crime, when one of his famous guests disappears.

In the second episode of the trilogy Fantômas kidnaps distinguished scientist professor Marchand with the aim to develop a super weapon that will enable him to menace the world. Fantômas is also planning to abduct a second scientist, professor Lefebvre.

Chon Wang, a clumsy imperial guard trails Princess Pei Pei when she is kidnapped from the Forbidden City and transported to America. Wang follows her captors to Nevada, where he teams up with an unlikely partner, outcast outlaw Roy O'Bannon, and tries to spring the princess from her imprisonment.

After the Civil War, a former Union colonel searches for the two traitors whose perfidy led to the loss of a close friend.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes.

Nominated for two primetime Emmy Awards in 1984, this made-for-TV movie follows the true story of American boxer Jack Dempsey, who became a media sensation in the 1920s as the world heavyweight champion. Based upon the book by Jack Dempsey and Barbara Piatelli Dempsey.

In the 1950s, three young sorority women re-assess their values in light of the burgeoning civil rights movement.

Battle-hardened O’Hara leads a lively mercenary team of soldiers on a daring mission: rescue hostages from their captors in remote Africa. But as the mission goes awry and the team is stranded, O’Hara’s squad must face a bloody, brutal encounter with a gang of rebels.

The story concerns the efforts of the emperor to obtain the Dragon Sabre and it's companion magic sword so the "martial world" will be forced to respect him. He enlists a bad guy who plots a massacre of the Mongolians to blamed on the "Ming cult" so that the Mongolian hero played by Ti Lung will attack and steal the sabre from the cult and then give it to the bad guy who has in the meantime stolen a powerful magic sutra from Budhhist nuns, kidnapped a Mongolian Princess and is trying to become a Yin/Yang fighter which looks like ... wait, none of this makes much sense, but that's the film. Derek Yee plays the hero of the Ming cult who is trying to find out who is framing the cult for the massacre.