The sinking of the RMS Titanic remains one of the most enduring and mysterious tragedies of the 20th century. For decades, investigators and amateurs alike have floated theories for why it occurred and who was to blame for the extraordinary loss of life, but no one answer could fully explain what happened. Until now. To mark the 100th anniversary of the infamous disaster, Smithsonian Channel will premiere Titanic's Final Mystery. The two-hour special investigates a century of theories and uncovers astonishing new forensic evidence that proves the most likely theory for the case.
Frank Rautenbach leads a strong cast as Angus Buchan, a Zambian farmer of Scottish heritage, who leaves his farm in the midst of political unrest and racially charged land reclaims and travels south with his family to start a better life in KwaZulu Natal,South Africa.
Five men break into Frank Wagner's apartment. Frank is able to escape and seeks out the help of Johan Falk. Has someone leaked that Frank is working with the police? Frank and John don't know who knows what and whom to trust.
Sabine vyrůstá se svými dvěma sourozenci a rodiči v deštném pralese Západní Papuy, kde její otec, lingvista, zkoumá jazyk nově objeveného domorodého kmene Fayu. Sabine tak žije jako dítě džungle daleko od veškeré civilizace. V sedmnácti letech toto prostředí opustí a vrátí se do světa, který ale prakticky vůbec nezná. Touží se do vrátit zpět, aby našla odpověď na otázku, kam opravdu patří a kdo vlastně je? Evropanka nebo příslušnice kmene Fayu?
Dawn Davenportová je problémový teenager. Po jedné z mnoha hádek s rodiči utíká z domova a podaří se jí otěhotnět s prvním pobudou, na kterého narazí. Po narození dcery se pohybuje v prostředí prostitutek a striptérek a sama se živí loupežemi. Majitelé kadeřnického salónu, kam často chodí, jí nabídnou, že ji proslaví focením jejích zločinů. Sláva je to jediné, po čem zhýralá Dawn touží, a aby jí dosáhla, nebojí se páchat hrůzné činy. Kam však až může tato neukojitelná touha po pozornosti a obdivu dojít?
A prisoner leads his counterparts in a protest for better living conditions which turns violent and ugly.
Poor Charlie Brown. He can't fly a kite, and he always loses in baseball. Having his faults projected onto a screen by Lucy doesn't help him much either. Against the sage advice and taunting of the girls in his class, he volunteers for the class spelling bee...and wins!
Napínavý příběh odkrývá osudy dvou žen, pronásledovaných svazující osobní minulostí a temnými politickými dějinami. Obě sdílejí prožitky plné zoufalství, lží a strachu. Aliide přežila stalinský teror, spojený s deportací Estonců na Sibiř. Jedné noci se na dvoře jejího domu objeví sexuálně zneužívaná Zara, která unikla ze spárů ruské mafie. Dívčina přítomnost však probouzí ve staré ženě nevítané vzpomínky, protože i ona sama se musí vyrovnávat s pocity viny.
An alien intending to claim Earth for his people before their homeworld is destroyed by a comet decides not to eliminate humanity when he hears their music. Instead, he lives among them until another alien is sent to find and kill him.
The classic tale of Dante's journey through hell, loosely adapted from the Divine Comedy and inspired by the illustrations of Gustav Doré. This historically important film stands as the first feature from Italy and the oldest fully-surviving feature in the world, and boasts beautiful sets and special effects that stand above other cinema of the era.
During the First Lebanon War in 1982, a lone tank and a paratroopers platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town.
Aboard a hijacked Engineer vessel, Dr. Shaw repairs David as they make their way to the home-world of the Engineers, whom Shaw believes are humanity’s creators. 'The Crossing' is an official prologue short to 'Alien: Covenant', revealing what happened to crew members Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the synthetic David after the events of 'Prometheus'.
After a dragon destroys young Georgia's home, she journeys to its lair to enact violent revenge but instead finds an innocent child in the cave. When the dragon then returns, Georgia must reckon with the price of vengeance.
Dívka jménem Marek je otrokyní, která se potají učí kouzelnickému umění. Jednoho dne jí osud nabídne šanci, která se jen tak neodmítá. Marek utíká z otroctví a dává dohromady družinu hrdinů. Ta vyráží na pomoc kněžkám uneseným krvežíznivými Orky...
The haunted Captain of a Soviet submarine holds the fate of the world in his hands. Forced to leave his family behind, he is charged with leading a covert mission cloaked in mystery.
A summer vacation in the 70s. Lalo and Bruno are teenagers doing nothing on days full of nothing. But on a hot and humid afternoon, and without asking for permission, Lisa arrives smashing more than the letargy of the town. Thirty years later Lisa comes again to interfere in the lives of these two adults.
A couple becomes lost in a massive storm and seek refuge at a nearby farmhouse, only to be captured by deranged killers.
Měl to být poslední den jejich mise na Marsu, jenže poté, co se jeden ze členů týmu vydá na neschválenou expedici, to možná bude i poslední den jejich života..
Set in 2045, Vic, an ex-ultimate fighter, is the owner of the only airstrip, hotel and bar in the high Arctic frontier town of Borealis. He does his best to keep the peace amongst a vast array of clashing characters in this lawless international free zone that sits on top of the world’s last remaining oil.
The human race is thrown into chaos as an alien invasion takes control of the planet in an effort to find one boy out of 7 billion people who holds the power to destroy them.