Louis, a nine-year-old boy from Paris, spends his summer vacation in a small town in Brittany. His mother Claire has lodged him with her girlfriend Marcelle and her husband Pelo while she's having her second baby. There Louis makes friends with Martine, the ten-year- old girl next door, and learns from her about life.

For generations, two rival French villages, Longueverne and Velrans, have been at war. But this is no ordinary conflict, for the on-going hostilities are between two armies of young schoolboys. When he is beaten by his father for having lost his buttons, the leader of the Longueverne army, Lebrac, has an idea which will give his side the advantage: next time, he and his brave soldiers will go in battle without their clothes...

Након што је осуђена за убиство полицајца, Никита, која је читав живот провела на улици мора изабрати између смртне казне или регрутације у тајној владиној организацији како би постала убица. Од свог садистичког ментора Боба добила је нови идентитет, стекла нове вештине и почела нови живот као "Џозефина", заводљива, профињена жена која је заправо бруталан и невероватна машина за убијање.

Маверик и Гас су пилоти авиона Ф-14 и служе на носачу авиона у Персијском заливу. Маверик важи за једног од најбољих и после инцидента са руским „миговима“, шаљу га у елитну ваздухопловну школу на додатну обуку. Већ првог дана запажа девојку којој почиње да се удвара, али убрзо схвата да му је она инструкторка...

Two cops portrayed by Michelin Men chase an armed Ronald McDonald through the streets of a fictionalized, stylized city.

A goofy stork mistakenly delivers a baby panda to the wrong door. A bear, a moose, a tiger and a rabbit set on an arduous but fun-filled adventure through the wilderness to return the panda to its rightful home.

The captain of a submarine sunk by the Japanese during WWII is finally given a chance to skipper another sub after a year of working a desk job. His singleminded determination for revenge against the destroyer that sunk his previous vessel puts his new crew in unneccessary danger.

It's a catastrophe! A flood has hit our planet and an unusual group of people are all that remains. Led by Ferdinand, a modern day Noah, this little group have managed to defy the furiously raging elements. People and animals alike are dragged through this incredible whirlpool of an adventure.

The life of Camille Claudel, a French sculptor who becomes the apprentice of Auguste Rodin and later his lover. Her passion for her art and Rodin drive her further away from reason and rationality.

A great French restaurant's owner, Monsieur Septime, is thrust into intrigue and crime, when one of his famous guests disappears.

In 1942, a French prisonner of war in Germany decide to escape to France using a cow hold by a lunge as a decoy. He cross all Germany in this way.

The plot explores the devastation of civilization and issues of brutality, hostility and isolation. Pierre Jolivet stars as the main character (identified only as "The Man" in the end credits) who is menaced by "The Brute" (played by Jean Reno) on his journey through a world filled by people rendered nearly mute by some unknown incident.

Dexter Cornell, an English Professor becomes embroiled in a series of murders involving people around him. Dexter has good reason to want to find the murderer but hasn't much time. He finds help and comfort from one of his student, Sydney Fuller.

An adventure set in the early part of the 20th century, focused on a popular novelist and her dealings with would-be suitors, the cops, monsters, and other distractions.

У трећем наставку Рамба, поручник Траутман враћа се на Тајланд, како би још једном тражио помоћ од Рамба. Након што присуствује мечу, где Рамбо побеђује у борби, Траутман посећује градилиште храма, где Рамбо помаже у изградњи и пита га да ли би се придружио у мисији у Авганистану. Мисија подразумева дотурање оружја авганистанским побуњеницима, муџахединима, који се боре у совјетско-авханистанском рату...

Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.

London is a drug laden adventure that centers on a party in a New York loft where a young man is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend.

One morning our little Viking village of Flake is raided by frightening looking spooky demons who kidnap all the children… except for Wickie, who was stuck in a tree trying to use a kite to learn to fly.

Once upon a time in 2012, three brothers lived happily. One day their mom fell into a coma. So Henri, Philippe, and Louis suddenly started wondering about the meaning of their lives and were swamped by a wave of existential doubts. An entirely new situation for this bourgeois trio in their forties, one which opened a door to the novel and indeed the forbidden... and to the big bad wolf!