The Nazis, exasperated at the number of escapes from their prison camps by a relatively small number of Allied prisoners, relocate them to a high-security 'escape-proof' camp to sit out the remainder of the war. Undaunted, the prisoners plan one of the most ambitious escape attempts of World War II. Based on a true story.

An arrogant reporter exploits a story about a man trapped in a cave to revitalize his career.

Widowed shopkeeper Cesira and her 13-year-old daughter Rosetta flee from the allied bombs in Rome during the second World War; they travel to the remote village where Cesira was born. During their journey and in the village and onward, the mother does everything she can to protect Rosetta. Meanwhile, a sensitive young intellectual, Michele, falls in love with Cesira.

Karin hopes to recover from her recent stay at a mental hospital by spending the summer at her family's cottage on a tiny island. Her husband, Martin, cares for her but is frustrated by her physical withdrawal. Her younger brother, Minus, is confused by Karin's vulnerability and his own budding sexuality. Their father, David, cannot overcome his haughty remoteness. Beset by visions, Karin descends further into madness.

Agnès Varda eloquently captures Paris in the sixties with this real-time portrait of a singer set adrift in the city as she awaits test results of a biopsy. A chronicle of the minutes of one woman’s life, Cléo from 5 to 7 is a spirited mix of vivid vérité and melodrama, featuring a score by Michel Legrand and cameos by Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.

Private Investigator Philip Marlowe is hired by wealthy General Sternwood regarding a matter involving his youngest daughter Carmen. Before the complex case is over, Marlowe sees murder, blackmail, deception, and what might be love.

V sanjskem trilerju ljubosumni glasbenik umori ženo. Pa res? Nič ni, kakor je videti – v gnusni sestavljanki spreminjajočih se osebnosti, čudnih strasti in strašljive napetosti kultnega režiserja Davida Lyncha. Fred je avantgardni džezovski saksofonist, ki razkošno in moderno prazno hišo deli z ženo Renee. Fred sumi, da mu je nezvesta, a ima večje skrbi od tega, ko se pred njegovimi vrati pojavi niz videokaset s posnetki, ki dokazujejo, kako nekdo opazuje njegov dom od znotraj in od zunaj. Potem ko najdejo umorjeno Renee, se Fred znajde za rešetkami – a nekega dne ga ni več v celici. Kaže, da se je telesno spremenil v Peta Draytona, mladega avtomehanika, ki se je nespametno zapletel z ženo mafijskega šefa Dicka Laurenta; bohotno blondinko po imenu Alice, ki je videti natanko tako kot Renee.

Claudia and Anna join Anna's lover, Sandro, on a boat trip to a remote volcanic island. When Anna goes missing, a search is launched. In the meantime, Sandro and Claudia become involved in a romance despite Anna's disappearance, though the relationship suffers from guilt and tension.

Film zvesto sledi pripovedi o življenju Jezusa Kristusa, kakor ga je začrtal Matejev evangelij v Novi zavezi. Jezusovo življenjsko pot spremlja od rojstva do križanja, smrti in vstajenja, posebej pa poudari spor med Jezusovo in judovsko skupnostjo. Jezus se rodi v času rimske okupacije Galileje. V odraslosti začne javno delovati, okrog sebe zbere skupino učencev, ozdravlja bolnike in dela čudeže ter gradi cerkev, ki ima posluh za težave navadnih ljudi. Toda z razglašanjem, da je božji sin, Mesija, katerega prihod so napovedali starozavezni preroki, si nakoplje sovraštvo premožne judovske duhovščine. Ta da Jezusa aretirati in ga preda rimskim oblastem, ki ga obsodijo na križanje. Jezus na križu izdihne, a po treh dneh vstane od mrtvih in s čudežem dokaže, da je božji sin.

The Marx Brothers take on high society and the opera world to bring two lovers together. A sly business manager and two wacky friends of two opera singers help them achieve success while humiliating their stuffy and snobbish enemies.

A middle-aged couple suspects foul play when their neighbor's wife suddenly drops dead.

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

Avtor čustvenih mojstrovin Vrni se, Govori z njo in Vse o moji materi predstavlja zgodbo slepega scenarista, ki je pred leti v prometni nesreči izgubil vid in ljubezen svojega življenja. Od tedaj živi in dela pod psevdonimom, saj je njegova prvotna identiteta umrla z ljubljeno osebo. Toda neke noči spregovori o svoji preteklosti in razkrije tragično zgodbo o nesojeni ljubezni, polni tragičnih preobratov, ljubosumja in prevar.

Medtem ko si prizadeva hitro kaj zaslužiti, dobi mladi Norbert od svojega prijatelja Matriala ponarejeni bankovec za 500 frankov. Denar porabi v trgovini s fotografskim materialom, lastnik pa se odloči bankovec spet posredovati nekomu drugemu. Nič hudega sluteči lastnik je pošteni dostavljavec Yvon Targe, ki ne sluti, da je bankovec ponarejen. Ko skuša kupiti hrano, ga aretirajo. Pozneje skuša ovaditi in tožiti fotografa, vendar so pomočnika v trgovini Luciena že podkupili, da molči glede tiste transakcije. Zaradi škandala je Yvon slednjič ob službo. Da bi lahko vzdrževal družino, se kot voznik avtomobila udeleži nekega ropa. Podvig pa se na žalost izjalovi in Yvon mora za tri leta v ječo. Med služenjem kazni njegov otrok umre za davico, žena pa ga zapusti. Poblazneli Yvon se preda tatvinam in nasilnemu kriminalu, nazadnje pa zagreši še hladnokrvni umor.

Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses.

Television made him famous, but his biggest hits happened off screen. Television producer by day, CIA assassin by night, Chuck Barris was recruited by the CIA at the height of his TV career and trained to become a covert operative. Or so Barris said.

Strike is a young city drug pusher under the tutelage of drug lord Rodney Little. When a night manager at a fast-food restaurant is found with four bullets in his body, Strike’s older brother turns himself in as the killer. Detective Rocco Klein doesn’t buy the story, however, setting out to find the truth, and it seems that all the fingers point toward Strike & Rodney.

Married small-time crooks Lou-Jean and Clovis Poplin lose their baby to the state of Texas and resolve to do whatever it takes to get him back. Lou-Jean gets Clovis out of jail, and the two steal their son from his foster home, in addition to taking a highway patrolman hostage. As a massive dragnet starts to pursue them across Texas, the couple become unlikely folk heroes and even start to bond with the captive policeman.

A lawyer is asked to come to the police station to clear up a few loose ends in his witness report of a foul murder. "This will only take ten minutes", they say, but it turns out to be one loose end after another, and the ten minutes he is away from his speech become longer and longer.

Aviation disaster-prone Joe Patroni must contend with nuclear missiles, the French Air Force and the threat of the plane splitting in two over the Alps.