Fajar Merah (21 years old) is the son of Wiji Thukul – a poets and human rights activist who was ‘made to disappeared’ in 1998 by The Soeharto Regime. Together with ‘Merah Bercerita’, a band established at 2010, and supported by his family, he tries to bring back his father’s poems to life, covers them with music notations and creates a music album. In a dynamic background of 2014 Presidential Election, 16 years after the 1998 tragedy, Fajar and family develops a new hope on one candidate; Joko Widodo, to solve some Human Rights Violation cases, to find Wiji Thukul and other victims.

Othilie spends her vacations with her uncle Antoine, an old lonesome bear. In charge of a regional park, Antoine lives a long way from Paris, in company of the shepherd Tambourin, whose frightening face hides the innocence of a new-born child. Since the arrival of Othilie, odd things happen. A slaughtered sheep is found and weird howls are sounding through the night. The wolves are not far away.

A happy go lucky postman stumbles upon an empty house.

Бизнес-леди Маргит Агню живет строго по плану. Она планирует все в жизни – от свадьбы и свадебного путешествия своей младшей сестры с хорошим, но уж очень нерешительным парнем – до того, что подадут на завтрак. И все было бы хорошо, но появился в их жизни взбалмошный Чарли Лодж, который намеревается снять фильм с будущими молодоженами, пишет портрет Маргит, и вообще, в скором времени расстраивает все ее планы. Ни к кому в жизни Маргит не испытывала такой ненависти, как к этому бродяге Чарли…

A psychotic man stalks three innocent people whom he believes are responsible for his brother's death.

A resentful entity continues to come back to the Saha World in search of his lost love while battling against the secret guardians of the world. He fails his plan of trying to stay in this world but finds the true solution to his vengeance.

Annisa, a cheerful 15 year old girl, is open and has a tomboyish style. Entering his early years at Tunas Bangsa High School, he met Ivan and eventually became friends with Jelita, a 15-year-old girl who wore a headscarf, beautiful but shy and quiet.

'Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species' tells the story of non-native species and the massive impact they've had on local ecosystems, our economy and human health. Battling these invasives is a complex and expensive task, but simply "letting nature take its course" is far more costly. The documentary highlights many species including Spotted Lanternfly, Emerald Ash Borer and Japanese Knotweed.

Sous un ciel changeant. Jean-Claude Rousseau uses his signature black frames to create Durasian elisions between painterly, Corot-conjuring tableaux.

Oscar nominated short film from 1998 about the boy Victor who is in the hospital and loves firetrucks and firemen over anything else. Someday he gets to meet real firemen.

Шериф маленького тихого городка в Новой Англии Фил Дженкинс — бывший полицейский из Нью-Йорка. Устав от суеты большого города, Фил радвозможности насладиться спокойной провинциальной жизнью. Однако эта идиллия длится недолго. Череда загадочных и страшных убийств повергает в ужас всю округу. Анализ крови с места преступления указывает на то, что преступник — получеловек, полуволк. Берясь за расследование, шериф и не догадывается, какой ужас предстоит пережить ему и всем местным жителям…

The film follows an emotionally harrowing journey endured by young gay photographer Alex, after he is diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Abandoned by his brother and his on-again, off-again lover, Alex is forced to face his mortality and the loss of his sexual identity through sheer resilience. A devastating, but ultimately hopeful story of survival and resolve.

A melodrama about a girl who has to marry the landlord in order to save her parents’ home.

‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ in a new robe. KAISER translates Hans Christian Andersen fairytale into a company in the 21st century. A dystopian yet colorful narrative about power, hierarchies and invisible caterpillars.

I'm sure everyone has this experience. You had a happy dream but you don't remember it at all. Or you had a nightmare and it felt so real as if it was a reality. Or the reality was just so harsh that you just kept on sleeping. This story has been created for those people. (Source: KBS World TV)

Four girls, playing in a rock band, decide to shoot a self-produced video in a abandoned carpentry, where murders and tortures took place. Once they reach the location, they will realize they are not alone...

A beautiful planet where the weather is always fine, money grows on trees and the traffic lights are always green. Yet there is something wrong.