A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

Historical evocation of Ludwig, king of Bavaria, from his crowning in 1864 until his death in 1886, as a romantic hero. Fan of Richard Wagner, betrayed by him, in love with his cousin Elisabeth of Austria, abandoned by her, tormented by his homosexuality, he will little by little slip towards madness.

In the fourth film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto is hired to kill a tattooed female assassin and battles Retsudo, head of the Yagyu clan, and his son Gunbei.

The film tells the story of a man who has just arrived to work in one of the villages as a security guard in an old club. There he meets the employees of the club, and they take turns telling him scary stories. People tend not to believe strange stories. He contradicts everything, expressing his arguments, proofs. But he's wrong. Because everything told has its roots of truth, reality and goes deep into the past times, which can not be returned.

In the third film of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, Ogami Itto volunteers to be tortured by Yakuza to save a prostitute and is hired by their leader to kill an evil chamberlain.

Barbie készen áll rá, hogy újra szörfdeszkára pattanjon Merliah, a vicces és divatos szörfbajnok szerepében, aki ráadásul egy varázslatos sellőhercegnő is! Az izgalmas tengeri kaland folytatásában Merliah benevez az ausztrál szörf világbajnokságra. Amikor Eris, a gonosz sellő megszökik az örvényből és meg akarja kaparintani Óceánia trónját, Merliah és barátai alámerülnek, hogy megállítsák ördögi terve megvalósításában.

AA is a portrait of the dream diaries of Russian avant garde feminist poet and photographer Anna Alchuk.

Former Danish servicemen Lars and Jimmy are thrown together while training in a neo-Nazi group. Moving from hostility through grudging admiration to friendship and finally passion, events take a darker turn when their illicit relationship is uncovered.

Worker's quarters on Vida Pregarc Street, Ljubljana: a house originally built to accommodate construction workers has storeys, three entrances, and as a result of the privatization process, nineteen owners. The fates of its residents vary...

A beautiful but vain woman who rejects the love of her older husband must face the loss of her youth and beauty.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

Mary Lennox Indiában született, de gazdag brit szülei sosem akarták őt. Mikor hirtelen meghalnak, a kislányt Angliába küldik, hogy bácsikájával, Archibald Cravennel éljen. Ott megismerkedik beteges unokaöccsével, akivel együtt felfedezik a hatalmas Misselthwaite Manor birtok mélyén megbúvó csodálatos titkos kertet.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

Nina Geld's passion and talent have made her a rising star in the comedy scene, but she's an emotional mess offstage. When a new professional opportunity coincides with a romantic one, she is forced to confront her own deeply troubled past.

Jan Dara returns to Bangkok to take revenge against Wisnan, the man who has made his life a living hell. The fire of vengeance consumes him to such an extent that he’s becoming the man he hated all his life. Jan continues his descent into the dark side. He wants to see those who wronged him suffer.

Régi ismerőseink ezúttal Shakespeare legjobb műveit szeretnék egyedi értelmezésben színpadra állítani egy iskolai fesztiválon, de tevékenységüket nem mindenki nézi jó szemmel. Flavel atya meglehetősen bigott elveket vall, és úgy érzi, a mester művei tele vannak elfojtott szexualitással, egyes mondatai pedig egyenesen paráznák. Másrészről a Ku-Klux-Klán is szokatlan érdeklődést mutat a mű iránt. Ők pedig azt nehezményezik, hogy egy indiánra osztották Rómeó szerepét. A fiúknak azonban nem csak velük kell megküzdeniük, hanem a gyönyörű lányok ellenállhatatlan csábításával is.

The story of two young friends, a lawyer, a rich man and a group of kidnappers end up in a series of strange circumstances all to discover; Who Killed Bambi?

Jack is encouraged to take the romantic Paris vacation he won, despite just being dumped by his girlfriend. His trip soon devolves into chaos and adventure, when his luggage is swapped for a French businesswoman's belongings who soon takes a liking to his belongings -- especially his shoes -- and sets out to find him.

This is not an interview, this is a confession. Revelations of the artist in the form of a monologue. Guf about Keti Topuria's betrayal, drugs and a new girl.

In 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were brutally murdered in her Los Angeles home by whom most believe to be O.J Simpson. But what role did Glen Rogers, also known as the Casanova Killer play in their death?