Prvi svjetski rat. Židovski brijač spašava život visoko pozicioniranom časniku tomanijske vojske Schultzu zaradivši usput amneziju, zbog koje završi u bolnici. Dvadesetak godina kasnije Tomanijom vlada zloglasni diktator Adenoid Hynkel koji je zajedno sa suradnicima, među kojima se posebno ističu Garbitsch i Herring, uspostavio strahovladu. Hynkel je posebno okrutan prema Židovima nad čijim se getom stalno iživljava. Jednoga dana židovski brijač pobjegne iz bolnice i vrati se u svoju četvrt, nesvjestan promjena koje su se u međuvremenu dogodile. Schultzova zahvalnost, brijaču i njegovim poznanicima neko vrijeme omogućuje normalan život, no ne prođe dugo i uhićeni su i on i Schultz.

Mikolás and his brother Adam end up with a young German hostage of noble blood during a robbery. While their clan prepares for the wrath of the German king, Mikolás is sent to pressure his neighbor Lazar into a defense pact. Persuasion fails and he abducts Lazar's daughter Marketa on the eve of her initiation as a nun in an act of vengeance.

A man without attachments or responsibilities suddenly finds himself with an abandoned baby and leaves for London to try and find the mother. Eight years later after he and his daughter become inseparable Gloria's mother reappears.

A series of dark and troubling events forces Bill to reckon with the meaning of his life… or lack thereof.

Dante je trgovac koji radi u lokalnoj samoposluzi u New Jerseyju. Iako jednog dana nije trebalo raditi, šef ga moli da zamjeni kolegu koji je opravdano odsutan. Nezadovoljan što mora raditi, ipak, dolazi na posao, ali mu se cijeli dan po glavi vrzma misao da danas nije trebao biti na radnom mjestu. Iako Randal radi u susjednom video-klubu, gotovo čitav dan provodi kod Dantea. Kako bi im što prije prošlo vrijeme, razgovaraju o filmovima iz Ratova zvjezda. Danteova djevojka Veronica, također ga često obilazi i uvjerava kako bi trebao napustiti neambiciozan posao i upisati koledž. Kako se bliži kraj radnog vremena, Dante i Randal upadaju u sve luđe životne situacije, pune nezamislivih situacija u realnom životu, praćene nezaobilaznim crnim humorom Kevina Smitha.

Adaptacija romana Patricka Nessa, nastala prema ideji preminule Siobhan Dowd, aktivistice za ljudska prava i britanske spisateljice. Priča je smještena u suvremenu Englesku, gdje se 13-godišnji dječak Conor (Lewis MacDougall) suočava sa školskim nasilnicima i skorašnjom smrti majke (Felicity Jones) koja boluje od karcinoma. Za usamljeno dijete sve se mijenja kada ga noću počinje posjećivati čudovišno stvorenje (Liam Neeson). Ono mu priča niz bajki tražeći u zamjenu od dječaka detalje o njegovoj noćnoj mori.

A man receives a mysterious e-mail appearing to be from his wife, who was murdered years earlier. As he frantically tries to find out whether she's alive, he finds himself being implicated in her death.

Two con men try to settle their rivalry by betting on who can be the first to swindle a young American heiress out of $50,000.

It's 1957, and James Whale's heyday as the director of "Frankenstein," "Bride of Frankenstein" and "The Invisible Man" is long behind him. Retired and a semi-recluse, he lives his days accompanied only by images from his past. When his dour housekeeper, Hannah, hires a handsome young gardener, the flamboyant director and simple yard man develop an unlikely friendship, which will change them forever.

An eccentric family is re-united during the 1968 general strike in France, after the death of the grandmother.

During the U.S.-led occupation of Baghdad in 2003, Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller and his team of Army inspectors are dispatched to find weapons of mass destruction believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up that threatens to invert the purpose of their mission.

As a CIA officer, Evelyn Salt swore an oath to duty, honor and country. Her loyalty will be tested when a Russian defector accuses her of being a Russian sleeper spy. She goes on the run, using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture, protect her husband, and stay one step ahead of her colleagues at the CIA. Her efforts to prove her innocence only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question remains: "Who is Salt?"

In the present, artist Tom Warshaw recalls his traumatic coming of age. As a 13-year-old growing up in New York City in 1973, Tom hangs out with Pappass, a mentally disabled man. With Tom's mother battling depression after the death of her husband, the young boy is left to his own devices. When Tom develops a crush on schoolmate Melissa, Pappass feels abandoned and begins behaving erratically.

Uspješna znanstvenica i astronautkinja Sarah Loreau (Eva Green) ostvarila je ambiciju karijere da bude izabrana za jednogodišnju misiju na Međunarodnoj svemirskoj postaji. Kako započinje intenzivan fizički i mentalni trening, hvata se u koštac s realnošću onoga što ostvarenje tog sna znači za nju kao roditelja i za njezinu sedmogodišnju kćer Stellu. Kako se lansiranje misije približava, a ona biva suočena s daljnjim izazovima sa svojim međunarodnim timom koji predvodi etablirani NASA-in astronaut (Matt Dillon), Sarina predanosti svomu poslu i dužnostima majke stavljaju se na krajnji ispit.

James Reese has a good job as an ambassador's aid in France, but his real passion is a side gig—working in a minor role in the CIA. He would love to be a full-fledged agent and can't believe his luck when he lands an assignment with Charlie Wax. Trigger-happy Charlie soon has James crying for his desk job, but when he learns that the same guys they're trying to catch are after him, James realises that Charlie may be his only hope of survival.

Jedna od najvećih horor franšiza svih vremena, Slagalica strave, vraća se po osmi put pod nazivom Jigsaw. Osmi film u franšizi “Slagalica strave” pod nazivom “Jigsaw” donosi poznatu priču i još poznatijeg ubojicu. Tijela se počinju pojavljivati po gradu, i svako od njih je suočeno s jedinstveno ružnom smrću. Do se istraga odvija, dokazi upućuju na jednog čovjeka: Johna Kramera. Kako je to moguće? Čovjek poznat kao Jigsaw je mrtav više od desetljeća.

A mysterious tale set around a traditional British family on the eve of World War Two. Oblivious to the looming shadow of World War II, the wealthy Keyes maintain a confident façade in the British countryside until daughter Anne becomes an unexpected pawn. Her accidental discovery of secret recordings creates a rift in the family.

Antoine and Laurent, old friends, spend their vacation in Corsica with their respective daughters: seventeen-year-old Louna and eighteen-year-old Marie. One evening at the beach, Louna seduces Laurent. Louna is in love, but for Laurent it was nothing more than a momentary distraction. Without revealing her lover's name, Louna confides in her father, who tries by any means to discover who his daughter's lover is. How long will the secret be able to be kept hidden?

Alex is in love with Sandra since childhood but has never dared approach her.He asks Antoine, a lonely writer to help him seduce her, because in his time he was the only one to conquer the heart of the mother.

Naši omiljeni policajci sazvani su kako bi se obračunali s bandom koja pljačka banke i draguljarnice. Koristeći svoje razne talente, kao i izvanrednu sreću, prevaranti nemaju šanse protiv naših momaka i cura u plavom...