Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d’If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich beyond his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the three men who betrayed him.

Pod vodstvom nemilosrdnog instruktora, nadareni mladi bubnjar počinje težiti savršenstvu pod svaku cijenu.

Oppenheimer je biografski film o američkom fizičaru J. Robertu Oppenheimeru, koji je prozvan „ocem atomske bombe“. Oppenheimer je bio glavni čovjek Operacije Manhattan, akcije američkih vlasti da stvore nuklearnu bombu i time dobiju prevlast u Drugom svjetskom ratu, a film pokazuje taj proces od entuzijazma do veselja zbog uspjeha i zabrinutosti zbog rezultata.

Priča prati Paula Atreidesa iz kuće Atreides, sjajnog i nadarenog mladića rođenog za velike stvari, koji mora otputovati na najopasniji planet u svemiru kako bi osigurao budućnost svoje obitelj i svog naroda. Nađe se usred sukoba oko ekskluzivne opskrbe najcjenjenijim resursom koji postoji, najvrijednijem elementu galaksije koji se nalazi samo na Arrakisu i koji može otključati najveći potencijal čovječanstva, u kojem će preživjet samo oni koji mogu pobijediti svoj strah.

U Jugoslaviji krajem osamdesetih godina. Perhan (D. Dujmović), mladi Rom telekinetičkih sposobnosti, živi sa svojom obitelji. Nakon niza nevolja, od ljubavnih do brige za bolesnu sestru, Perhana zavedu kriminalci i poslovi lake zarade, što će uništiti i njega i one koje voli...

Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss concerning two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths enjoy true camaraderie—until a secret is revealed. Based on events from writer-director Malle’s own childhood, the film is a subtle, precisely observed tale of courage, cowardice, and tragic awakening.

„Bilo jednom… u Hollywoodu“ priča je o glumcu i njegovom dvojniku koji kreću na put kako bi pronašli svoje mjesto pod suncem u filmskoj industriji daleke 1969. godine. Radnja filma se odvija u Los Angelesu 1969. na vrhuncu hippie Hollywooda. Glavni likovi u filmu Rick Dalton, bivša zvijezda jedne western TV serije i njegov dugogodišnji dvojnik Cliff Booth u vrijeme zadnjih trzaja zlatnog Hollywooda bore se za svoj uspjeh u svjetskoj prijestolnici filmske industrije koju više ne prepoznaju. Ali Rick ima poznatu susjedu - Sharon Tate…

Many loosely connected characters cross paths in this film, based on the stories of Raymond Carver. Waitress Doreen Piggot accidentally runs into a boy with her car. Soon after walking away, the child lapses into a coma. While at the hospital, the boy's grandfather tells his son, Howard, about his past affairs. Meanwhile, a baker starts harassing the family when they fail to pick up the boy's birthday cake.

When Isabelle and Theo invite Matthew to stay with them, what begins as a casual friendship ripens into a sensual voyage of discovery and desire in which nothing is off limits and everything is possible.

A graduate student and obsessive runner in New York is drawn into a mysterious plot involving his brother, a member of the secretive Division.

Paris, Kingdom of France, August 18, 1572. To avoid the outbreak of a religious war, the Catholic princess Marguerite de Valois, sister of the feeble King Charles IX, marries the Huguenot King Henry III of Navarre.

Dani i Christian su mladi američki par čiji je odnos na rubu razlaza. No, nakon što ih obiteljska tragedija zadrži zajedno, Dani se pridružuje Christianu i njegovim prijateljima na putovanju u izolirano švedsko selo, na neobičan festival ljetnog solsticija i slavlju koje se događa samo jednom svakih 90 godina. Ono što počinje kao bezbrižan ljetni odmor u zemlji vječne sunčeve svjetlosti, doživljava zlokoban zaokret kada stanovnici otoka pozivaju svoje goste da sudjeluju u svečanostima koje čine taj pastirski raj sve strašnijim i uznemirujućim. Naizgled idilična lokacija i divan početak ljeta pretvorit će se u horor koji će im prirediti pripadnici poganskog kulta koji u selu obitavaju.

In 1798, a feral boy is discovered outside the town of Aveyron, France. Diagnosed as mentally impaired, he is relegated to an asylum. A young doctor named Jean Itard becomes convinced that the boy has normal mental capacity, but that his development was hindered by lack of contact with society. He brings the boy home and begins an arduous attempt at education over several years.

Detektiv Hercule Poirot je u mirovini i živi povučeno u Veneciji. Usprkos vlastitom protivljenju, pozvan je na seansu na koju nerado odlazi. Kada gost bude ubijen u ukletoj palači u kojoj se održava seansa, Poirot je primoran vratiti se iz mirovine i ponovo upotrijebiti svoje svjetski poznate detektivske vještine. Poirot pritom otkriva skriveni svijet tajni i budi duhove zaboravljene prošlosti.

The film narrates a utopian abandonment, consensual and festive of the market economy and high productivity. The population decides on a number of resolutions beginning with "We stop everything" and the second "After a total downtime will be revived-reluctantly-that the services and products including lack will prove intolerable. Probably: water to drink, electricity for reading at night, the TSF to say "This is not the end of the world, this is an 01, and now a page of Celestial Mechanics". The implementation of these resolutions is the first day of a new era, Year 01. The Year 01 is emblematic of the challenge of the 1970s and covers such diverse topics as ecology, negation of authority, free love, communal living, rejection of private property and labor.

Marie is nineteen and bored in her little suburban life with no future. In a café, she meets the charismatic and beautiful Gerard. Blinded by adoration, Mary decides to leave her parents and her clerk job to live with the man she considers as the love of her life. But Gerard is a pimp, who soon forces her into prostitution. From within homes to out on the streets, the young woman gradually discovers a world of decay and violence.

Aymé Pigrenet, a recently widowed farmer, is eager to find a new wife to help him run his farm. Desperate, he seeks the aid of a local matchmaker who suggest that he go to Romania to find a new wife. There he meets Elena.

A Paris police detective plays rough with a prostitute and her pimp/lover, whom he wants as an informant.

Priča o izvanzemaljskom putniku Klaatuu koji dolazi na Zemlju zajedno s robotom tjelohraniteljem, Gortom, da upozori na planetarno uništenje ako ljudi ne prestanu uništavati okoliš.

A writer must face the sudden death of his father, but after the burial, the latter reappears to him. He will have to learn to live with this facetious companion, but difficult to explain the situation to his family, because he is the only one who can see him. This disturbing presence will create an earthquake in the family.